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The invisible worm

That flies in the night,

In the howling storm,

Has found out thy bed

Of crimson joy,

And his dark secret love

Does thy life destroy.

William Blake

...for certain of us who have had a lifelong insatiability for high heels the opportunities coming to us in the custom and practice of "freestyling" can be absolutely liberating and profound in their depth of pleasure and satisfaction...

...it happens that I began my first tentative steps with a reasonable blade heeled ankle boot and moved in stages to a higher more tapered-heel boot under my jeans...now I find myself eager to push to yet another level in stiletto-heels on boots with my jeans and beyond that to stiletto-heel pumps-(take-no-prisoners-pumps) with my male attire...

...as if that weren't enough, I find myself focussing more and more on ways to add the adrenaline-rush of high heels to more and more of my life-experiences...wearing higher heels at home in the evenings after a day in them on my business pickups/deliveries...thinking about wearing a pair to bed to train my arches to accept higher and higher heels...considering an extra pair or two for what is known as "Wet-And-Messy"- a sub-culture that has its own set of pleasures...and a few other more "internalized-private" what-ifs...


..I am sharing these thoughts with you tonight to let you know that these urgings--if that is the word- to wear a spikeheel of some sort do not come without risks such as I am attempting to convey...for those of us who have needed these spikeheels as a part of our lives it seems that any successes , encouragments, supports, acceptances only set the stage for more and more as if nothing is enough...

....it seems clear to me that I should carefully consider each step I might choose and leave myself a way to step back if anything disturbs my sense of right vs wrong or adds the risk of hurting someone around me whom I love or hold great respect for..these intuitions were placed in our value systems for a reason and even though this is an exciting and at times very satisfying journey I intend to spend a lot of time looking in the mirror of my Faith and Values for the signals that should warn me if a certain choice is one that, perhaps, I should not make...

comments appreciated



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Moderation is the key. This passion, like so many others, has the capacity to consume us if we let it. We all struggle to find that "perfect balance" in life -- perhaps in futility because we have no proof that it even exists. In my own case I know that if I purged all my heels I would certainly cut my heeling to zero, but only temporarily. I cannot purge it from my mind and since "absence makes the heart grow fonder" the desire will intensify. Eventually my willpower will snap and Zappos is only a mouse-click away. Yes, we tread a narrow path here. Our passion adds spice to our lives but we must guard against it becoming our lives.

Have a happy time!

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Moderation is the key. This passion, like so many others, has the capacity to consume us if we let it. We all struggle to find that "perfect balance" in life -- perhaps in futility because we have no proof that it even exists.

In my own case I know that if I purged all my heels I would certainly cut my heeling to zero, but only temporarily. I cannot purge it from my mind and since "absence makes the heart grow fonder" the desire will intensify. Eventually my willpower will snap and Zappos is only a mouse-click away.

Yes, we tread a narrow path here. Our passion adds spice to our lives but we must guard against it becoming our lives.

I totally agree. It's all too easy to let anything a person might enjoy morph into an unhealthy obsession that shapes and controls our lives to unpleasant degrees. And yes, purging one's collection only takes away the tangible part of the passion, the mental part however, remains fully intact. Moderation is important, but it can be a difficult thing to achieve. I like to think I've reached that particular level of nirvana, but I'm not sure. I'm like Indiana Jones, I'm making it up as I go along.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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. . .I'm like Indiana Jones, I'm making it up as I go along.

Aren't we all? It would be nice if this "life" thing came with a user's guide. . .

But then how many of us would read it?

Have a happy time!

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I sometimes feel my balance is tipped towards not freestyling rather than letting freestyling take over my life - I would like a happy medium to reach. I do wish I had more opportunities to wear heels etc but work (I will heel to work once I have settled in a bit more) and living at home (with mum who doesn't aknowledge it but has seen my shoes) take up most of time weekdays - plus the weather here is pretty lousy at the moment. I have the weekends with my girlfriend but sometimes I don't bother or have the time because going somewhere and being with my girlfriend are more important. I have also got to get up to my comfort level freestyling in my home town and that will take a lot of time! I guess the good thing about all this, is that I'm not putting the heels before anything else. Hopefully, by this time next year I will be living in the London area and it will be significantly easier for me to freestyle, as a) London is huge! and :rocker: the chances of me bumping into someone I know is slimmer than in Oxford, and if I do hopefully I will be more comfortable with myself and not care about it. Of course freestyling is not my sole (ha!) reason in moving to London - career and living with my girlfriend are the main reasons.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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I'd agree with the comments about moderation. I have an idea, albeit not very specific, of how feminine my footwear is going to get in public. This is not to say that I don't enjoy wearing very feminine shoes, far from it, but there are some things I want to keep as an occasional treat. This is the same logic as the quote about not meeting your heroes or living out your fantasies. Chris

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