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Another night out in heels


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I've just gotten back from The Late Rooms in Manchester where I went to see Jon's (Krapsparov) band Resist. I wore my favourite New Rock Malicia boots with the four inch steel heel and the purple flames, with my usual black jeans and T-shirt. The band were great, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again. :rocker: Despite being nervous getting out of the car in the boots, once I got going I was fine. The only comments were from Jon and his mate Lance, both of whom were wearing skirts. This is exactly the kind of thing that'll build my confidence up to going out in them more often, and every time I do it's another reason to do it again. The only drawback is that it'll make it easier to justify buying them! Chris

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They were really good! The singer is very nice too, although I wasn't sure about her fluffy yeti boots. I'm still not able to commit one way or the other to the London Heelmeet yet, I hope to be able to make it but won't know for sure until nearer the time. Chris

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Ok, I'll wear skirt, heeled boots, and will even re-pierce my left ear, but only if he'll let me play my bongos and run the sound board (quite good at both).

It'd be worth it.



Great! I bet the show had an amazing energy...

Krapsparov said he is going to try to make the heel meet in London too.

Hmm, maybe we can put Krapsparov in touch with Rui Leonardes...just brainstorming.

Perfect! Someone needs to book him and his whole band for a gig in London. Yeah, it's a working trip, but it would both pay for his trip and give us all an excuse for a gathering.

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Hi guys.

Yup it was a really good night.

Chris wore his New Rock Malica's (that suited him big time) and Lance had a wedge heel boot on.

I was glad to meet Chris, who is a truly nice guy and it turned out that we have very similar jobs in IT.

Lance for those who don't know, owns Midas clothing http://www.midasclothing.com

He does a line in skirts for men.

I have to agree with Chris about our singers fluffy boots though!! I prefer it when we both wear our Malica's

I'll post some pics as soon as I get them.

I'm looking forward to the London meet-up. I don't know about playing though, I don't know that many London promoters - but I'll try.



Never try to baptise a cat

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"I was glad to meet Chris, who is a truly nice guy and it turned out that we have very similar jobs in IT." What is it about IT and thinking outside the box with respect to attire? Certainly I have a higher proportion of high-intelligence types in general, and IT types in particular, amongst my skirt- and heel-wearing contacts. I certainly count as IT, and I *hope* I count as high-intelligence!

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I wouldn't say I was the brain of Britain, but I have been on a number of forums over the years and the question has been asked a few times. It would seem a large percent of free thinking guys with regards to dress, have IT related jobs!! Tis strange. Perhaps we should start a thread and ask people what their jobs are and poll the results. Cheers Jon

Never try to baptise a cat

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Thanks Jon, it was good to meet you and Lance too. Let me know when you guys are next playing, or if you just fancy a pint. :biggrin: The link between IT and free-thinking is an odd one. Maybe I should start asking the guys at work if any of them like wearing skirts and heels in their free time. :rocker: Chris

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December 18th is a Monday. I should be able to make that one, just need to find the Retro Bar.


Its on Oxford rd (or round the back of it)

I don't know if you know Jonny Roadhouse music shop?

It's first left and then first right!!

I'll be in touch before then anyway.



Never try to baptise a cat

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another night out in heels under my belt. Went to a rehearsal Jon / Krapsparov was playing, then to a pub afterwards in my Malicia boots with the orange flames. Like the purple flamy ones I wore when I started this thread, they have pointy toes and a four inch steel heel. I got two reactions, one from the male singer who said "I like those!" and one from the female singer: "Sorry I keep staring at your feet. How come you, a guy, can walk in those heels and I couldn't? I'm quite jealous." She was wearing a nice pair of black leather pointy boots with kitten heels. She then said that she'd tried on a pair of heels about the same height as mine but could barely stand in them. I just said it took practise, and suggested that she buy a pair and wear them around the house until she was confident in them. She said "Cool. Is that what you do? Might have to try it." I don't know if anyone in the pub noticed, but the boots are not exactly subtle and nobody said anything. I'm beginning to wonder why I still get nervous before I go out. Chris

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I've just gotten back from The Late Rooms in Manchester where I went to see Jon's (Krapsparov) band Resist. I wore my favourite New Rock Malicia boots with the four inch steel heel and the purple flames, with my usual black jeans and T-shirt.

The band were great, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again. :rocker: Despite being nervous getting out of the car in the boots, once I got going I was fine. The only comments were from Jon and his mate Lance, both of whom were wearing skirts. This is exactly the kind of thing that'll build my confidence up to going out in them more often, and every time I do it's another reason to do it again.

The only drawback is that it'll make it easier to justify buying them!


I would like to see Jon on stage like Prince on high heels! At the moment we are playing a common chess game. I hope that we both are doing our moves only on incredible high stiletto boots ...

micha (*grinning*)

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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I would like to see Jon on stage like Prince on high heels! At the moment we are playing a common chess game. I hope that we both are doing our moves only on incredible high stiletto boots ...

micha (*grinning*)

It may just be a common chess game but it did not take you that long to go a pice up!! :rocker:)

Chris looked cool last night. I think a couple of people in the pub noticed, but like we have said on here before. "Nobody gives a rats ass"


Never try to baptise a cat

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Night out in heels again, this time to the Revolution bar in Manchester to see a band called D.I.L.E. (very good BTW, didn't know I liked ska!) I was wearing a long sleeved black t-shirt with grey tribal design, black jeans, long black Matrix-style leather coat and the purple flamy Malicias. No comments, no problems. Sore feet, but nothing to worry about. It's getting to the point where I'm going to stop posting to say "I went out in heels and the Earth didn't crack" because it's not going to. The world really doesn't seem to care, and I'm perfectly happy with that. I spent a fair amount of time standing at the bar, which has a rail at ankle height and lights under the front edge. After a while I was absently standing with one boot on the rail where it was virtually spotlit and nobody tried to chase me up a tree and set fire to it. The only thing I need to do now is work on building up the length of time I can stand / walk in them. Chris

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(sorry for the delay in response) I'm in Manchester, and should probably get out to more live gigs as a punter rather than musician. Still plucking up courage for wearing stuff out - I prefer to go skirted as well / instead. Expect to see more next year, mood (and partner's mood) permitting.

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(sorry for the delay in response)

I'm in Manchester, and should probably get out to more live gigs as a punter rather than musician. Still plucking up courage for wearing stuff out - I prefer to go skirted as well / instead. Expect to see more next year, mood (and partner's mood) permitting.

Have you ever played your own gigs in a skirt, Ozzard. I recon it would go down well having a folky feel to it.

I played the Revolution bard last night with Chris and I had my long denim one on.

The event went out live on Revolution radio, The DJ made frequent comments like "cum-on down to the Revolution bar, we even have a guy in a skirt" at this point I was getting cheers from people I didn't even know.



Never try to baptise a cat

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"Have you ever played your own gigs in a skirt, Ozzard." Not yet, for two reasons: 1) Many of our gigs are weddings. People haven't come to see me, they've come to see the happy couple. The band is background. At this point, I don't want Great-Aunt Ethel and Great-Aunt Agnes reminding everyone for years about "that really very odd man, dear, why on earth did you invite him?" Weddings are large enough minefields for family relations without that particular issue. 2) The ones that aren't are almost all around the Manchester folk scene. Most of the folks in it have known me since I was a nipper and know my parents - and my Mum's not completely settled with the idea of me in a skirt. I respect her feelings enough to spare her the inevitable torrent of comments that would come her way. Worse luck! Oh yes, and 3) Until quite recently I've not had anything I'd consider suitable for a gig. I have now, so that reason has disappeared. It'll happen; just not sure when.

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"Think you'll ever make it to Ohio US Ozzard?" My brother's best man lives in Columbus - anything's possible. I'm cautious about crossing that many timezones, simply because it'd probably be on holiday, my wife's bipolar, and large timezone changes *can* trigger her. (More on her web site, which you can reach from my profile via my own site)

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Seastyle: Thanks for your comments, but I'm not really doing anything special. Jon and I were discussing it the other night and reckon that you can wear pretty much anything as long as you wear it with confidence. Admittedly the initial confidence is hard to come by, but it gets easier every time. It's not easy to explain, but I've been out three times now with Jon and he was wearing a skirt and heels twice, and flat boots once because of lugging his gear up the wonky steps to the rehearsal room. Thing is, he wears them so naturally that it doesn't seem out of place. Skirts in public aren't my thing, but I'm getting to the same level of confidence with my heels. Not quite there yet, but it's in the post. I've been kicking around here for about three years, reading all the posts from guys going out in heels and saying that there's nothing to it once you get over the initial fear, wishing I could do the same. All it took was some supportive friends and a bit of guts, and every time I go out in heels I have a great night. Chris

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Thanks for your support Dawn, much appreciated! I've just got back from another night out in heels. This time it was to the Salisbury Ale House in Manchester (a rock / biker pub) with one of my friends who is cool with me wearing heels, and my cousin who is so cool with it that we borrow each other's. I was wearing pretty much the same as when I went to see DILE, but this time I was meeting them in Manchester, so I had to get there all by myself. The boots were the same as the ones in my avatar, but with purple flames, and the heels were fully exposed. This was my first time out in heels without a friend for moral support. I walked from my house, bumping into one of my neighbours en route and stopping to chat (he either didn't notice my heels or didn't care), to the railway station and caught the train to Manchester Piccadilly. This is a very large, brightly lit station, and I had to walk from one end of it to the other to catch the connecting train to Oxford Road. You know what? No one cared. The platform for Oxford Rd had no seats, so I went and leaned against the trolley rack-thing to take the weight off the balls of my feet. It was only once I'd gotten comfy that I realised that I was directly underneath the screens that showed the train times, and the entire platform was looking in my direction. You know what? No one cared. In the Salisbury I saw a guy in a skirt, but unfortunately only from behind as he made his way back from the toilet. The toilet was foul by the way, at one point I wanted to get out quick before my heels started to rust! I did look out for him on my way out later on, intending to say hi, but didn't see him. We then had a ten minute walk through Manchester town centre, on Friday night, when loads of people were out on the beer. You know what? No one cared. Guys, this is really easy! Even allowing for the fact that I look a bit gothy, I've been wandering around in pointy boots with four inch fully-exposed metal heels that are only a cough and a spit from a stiletto. Nobody gives a damn. Chris

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Chris, Sounds like it's getting easier for you every day to be out in heels. As you say, nobody really gives a damn. Unless they are in a group most people would not say anything. Two days ago I spent the afternoon running errands in my 4" heel boots to the drug store, hardware store and supermarket without any incident or comment. I did have jeans on but the heel is fully exposed. I noticed one look from a fellow stocking shelves but that was it. Guys, as Chris said, it is easy! Get on out there. Jim

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