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How many do you have in your closet?

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Which of my closets would you like to see?

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

  kinheels said:

i got a small cupboard that has the bottom dedicated to my collection of 57 pairs. i hope to expand this collection some time this year.

I don't have that many yet, but hopefully over the next couple of years I will get there.

You can never have enough boots and heels.

  thighhighboots said:

I want to see all......

I don't think we'll have the bandwidth!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

  Dr. Shoe said:

I don't think we'll have the bandwidth!

NTL will crash!

I have heard of your collection. the waft of leather can be smelt from the M25!

The angels have the phonebox.


If I took a picture of my closet with all my shoes and heel in it you would say "wow...what a mess!"...I need to organize them!

Does anyone ever Email anymore? Send me one! I like to chat!


I would shoew you a picute of my messy closet but I don't know how to attach a picture.....believe it or not, I never posted a picture on here!...hehe

Does anyone ever Email anymore? Send me one! I like to chat!

  Adeana said:

If I took a picture of my closet with all my shoes and heel in it you would say "wow...what a mess!"...I need to organize them!

Show me your shoes and boots, I want to see them.


Just a few pair at the bottom of my closet. I'm an avid wearer, but not a very avid collector - I tend to keep only what I wear regularly.


Why hide shoes in closet... :wink:


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And then there are some pairs floating around the house, and some ugliest are in closets :roll:

  fogborkenvv said:

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I like the boots off to the far right. Look like 4 1/2 to 5" chunky heels?

Hrm, I can't find a drooling emoticon to use! :roll:

I currently have 8 pairs of boots, all of which are knee highs, and most of which have a platform, with heels from 3 3/4" to 5.5". I don't have them in my closet because 1: it isn't big enough [platform boots take up alot of room!] and 2: they are kept in their boxes stored away out of sight as my family doesnt like the fact their son has a serious interest in high heeled boots.

So a picture of 8 boxes wouldn't really be appropriate!

PS: edited for spelling mistakes and my grammar sucks!

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...


Unfortunately my shoe cupboard is still in the planning stages. I recently moved house and have yet to finish unpacking. Hence my three pairs of spiky New Rocks are lined up against the wall in my bedroom as they get the most wear. My next bunch of favourites are in a suitcase, and the rest are in bags. However, there is a large cupboard on the landing which is currently full of crap I couldn't be bothered to sort out. :roll: Once I have access to the loft for storage that cupboard is going to be devoted to shoes, both mine and my cousin's when she moves in. I think we should have about fifty pairs between us, most of which have heels. Chris

  Jinx said:

Why hide shoes in closet... :wink:


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And then there are some pairs floating around the house, and some ugliest are in closets :roll:


Now I want more shoes and boots.


My family knows about my fetish for high heels and thigh high boots and has always been excepting of it. Every woman that I have been with has been excepting of my fetish and usually gets into it with me. Never be afriad of what you are and what you love.


Never be afriad of what you are and what you love.

Indeed! Although me keeping my boots out of sight is a way of avoiding conflict and arguments really. It might sound like an excuse but it really isnt.

Mind you if I had a pair of purple knee length boots like what I see on Jinx's display there, I don't think I would hide them at all!! Those are really amazing! Do you have any more pics of those ones Jinx or can give out any information on them?

I used to have some pics of my boots but after the last hardware failure, I havent taken any since that point.

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...

  thighhighboots said:

Do you wear heels everyday and to work?

No I don't. I would love to, but my position at work prevents me to do so.

  balacau said:

Mind you if I had a pair of purple knee length boots like what I see on Jinx's display there, I don't think I would hide them at all!! Those are really amazing! Do you have any more pics of those ones Jinx or can give out any information on them?

Do you mean these boots?

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If my memory serves me well, brand is Attitude and I bought those from DinSko some years ago.


Those are indeed the boots! Very nice :roll: and thanks for posting the picture!

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, was out of town for awhile and couldn't write in. Those purple boots are fantastic. What do you usually wear with them?


I'm still in awe of those purple Attitude platform boots and found myself looking for a similar pair on eBay, even though I was supposed to be looking for a new keyboard instead!!

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...

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