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My first real outing


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Well, I finally did it! Street heeling in broad daylight with my new beautiful sexy Maela's from Italian Heels. The weather, being a bit chilly, was still suitable for boots so I decided to take this last opportunity for the season and plunge in.

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Before I go into details first this: I was encouraged by the stories where the majority of heelers claim that most people just don't notice anything. However, boots sent out a strong message that is difficult not to pick up. Add to that a pair of sexy heels, the exact height doesn't really make a difference, and you've got the image that we all here like so much. And I found out that Joe or Jane Public is not indifferent to it either...

Anyway, a few weeks ago I went to the nearest city on Sunday late afternoon and parked near the train station. From there I went on a 30-40 min. round trip through the city centre. When I left the parking lot an elderly couple were waiting in their car, just 'people watching' to kill the time and I could just feel their eyes on my boots as I walked by. So the first 100m. were the most difficult, I was still thinking of going back as there were more people around than I had wished. The only problem was that I really LOVED the comfort and look of my new boots. So I pushed on and from there it only got easier and more enjoyable. Every clacking step pounded in my head like a drum and I tried to act as natural as possible. I couldn't wait for a shop window where I would be able to see how it looked sideways.

The sound of the heels is what gave me away the most. Especially women seem to be receptive for it I noticed. And walking in narrow streets makes a beautiful but alarming noise, especially when people are standing around talking to eachother and you have to pass them. Anyway, I didn't pay any attention to the looks I got, that would only have made me look guilty and that's not how I felt. On the contrary, I walked with pride and felt very good about it.

I knew there was a promenade about halfway, which is about 75m. long and 5m. wide with a nice hard stone tiled floor. When I got there it was empty, perfect... So I went in and was treated with the sexiest echoing heel clacking that I ever heard (because I was the maker of it...) I now had the opportunity to see how it looked sideways in the windows. Damn, those 3" medium width heels still look high! Those boots are unmistakably feminine... or not? And there I was, miles away from the safety of my car, making a hell of a noise by wearing women's boots for everyone to see. But long pointed heeled western boots with straight jeans simply look stunning and that is the fashion statement I wanted to make. Period!

About halfway the promenade a man passed by the exit and stopped to see who was making this noise. He watched me for a few secs. and than slowly moved on. With chills on my spine I exited the promenade and turned the same way as he was going. He was on the opposite side now and stopped for some supposed window shopping but as I walked by I could see him checking my boots out.

Round the next corner a fat snack bar owner was sitting straight in front of his shop's window just watching people go by. Well, I hope I gave him something to think about because I looked him straight in the eye and he followed me all the way!

A few minutes later I encountered an elderly couple who were window shopping. The woman was alarmed by the clacking of my heels and immediately looked my way. While her husband was looking in the shop windows and talking to her I could see in the window on my side that she had lost her attention for him and had turned around looking wondered at me going by. I loved it...

On the last stretch I got a little bonus as I had to cross a bridge. Ever tried that? Sounds wonderful, heels on a metal construction. On the very last piece back to my car a bus was waiting with the driver looking around a bit. I could have detoured him but by now I was so confident with my boots that I decided to give him a front seat for the show. I didn't look to see his reaction, I was just thrilled to have made it back without a single misstep or any negative reactions. But going almost unnoticed as a guy in heels is a myth. I can only hope my look was daringly different but not extremely feminine and that it gained respect rather than looking provocative.

After my return home I had some restoration on the soles and heels to do. I had the points of the boots fitted with aluminium plates but these were 25% gone already. I will now replace these with stainless steel plates and fit the heel tips with a thin sheet of rubber which should make them more durable and quieter. As much as I liked the sound for myself, it just attracts too much attention from too far away. I don't mind the occasional person detecting my heeled boots when looking down but someone who normally wouldn't notice it should not be alarmed solely by the heel clacking.

It's almost too bad it's spring now and boots really start to look out of place.

Hope you enjoyed it...

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Great first outing, Bootylicious! Sounds like you had a great time, and as you discovered, it doesn't take long for your confidence to skyrocket once you start.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Great story! :D

Attitude + Attire = Assimilation

These are snippets of a great Attitude,

"The only problem was that I really LOVED the comfort and look of my new boots. So I pushed on and from there it only got easier and more enjoyable"

"Anyway, I didn't pay any attention to the looks I got, that would only have made me look guilty and that's not how I felt. On the contrary, I walked with pride and felt very good about it. "

"But long pointed heeled western boots with straight jeans simply look stunning and that is the fashion statement I wanted to make. Period!"

"I could have detoured him but by now I was so confident with my boots that I decided to give him a front seat for the show. I didn't look to see his reaction, I was just thrilled to have made it back without a single misstep or any negative reactions."

In my opinion, from what I can tell, your attire was fine. Straight jeans with heels always looks good, and based on your pic, you are thin enough to pull the look off with style. Perhaps some of these people thought you looked good!

You might find Women to be especially receptive to the sound of heels, because the click/clack sound of a heel represents potential competition from other women. They might initially think its another women that they are competing with in terms of beauty, fashion, and style.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I'm glad your outing went well! I've had similar experiences of relative anonymity. Good stuff, especially when I'm simply walking a block for a pint! (.5L, here) And welcome to the club.

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Good job my friend. It is such a nice feeling to get past the hurdle in your own mind about wearing heels on the street. I know when I finally did, the feeling was of great relief and now do not worry about the noise, although I do not go so far as to have metal heel tops.

Black jeans and boots are a timeless combination. Nice picture.


Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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Bootylicious:-) What a fantastic time you had for your very first outing in heels. This certainly was a confidence builder for you. You performed flawlessly and sure learned a lot in a short time. Good on you. Now since you have broken the ice, do your streetheeling as often as is possible and build your confidence as much as you can and you will quickly notice your enjoyment rising tremendously. By all means---keep us all posted on your heeling adventures out in public. They could make for some very interesting reading for us all and some great reporting on your part. Congrats again! Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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It's always again a pleasure to read reports from other guys! Your story is remembering me to my "first outing" on high heels some years ago at an early summer evening in Wiesbaden (nearby Frankfurt/Germany). The fear and the adrenaline rush, when I was standing on 5'' platform boots at a big crossing. More and more people accumulated at the infinite lasting red light. They all could see me with my bright white heels. Finally green! And me walking across the zebra stripes under the full illumination of the waiting cars. Ouch! The very first outing on high heels is simply an unique never returning experience, which I never wanted to miss. Almost similar like the first sex! But that's life :D micha

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I pulled it off again! My 1st successful outing tasted for more as you can imagine. I have had a fantasy for some time now about wearing my Maela's on my weekly swimming night. This is quite tricky as there are usually lot's of people around but I usually like to make things difficult for myself so... During the day I had gone through all possible scenarios which made me more and more nervous. I was however determined to go through with it because I really don't want to wear my boots indoors only. It's just to nice a feeling to be out and about with my beauties. I was wearing a Levis 751 bootcut jeans and paired with a jeans shirt this long pants looked very good. Just the perfect look for my boots, not to obvious but still visible as being heeled boots, as they should be. By the time I left I had a splitting headache because of the pressure I had brought upon myself. When I started my car the fuel warning light lit up. Perfect, that gave me the opportunity to go for a little 'test run' first at my local gas station. That went very well, there were several other customers and I don't know if anyone noticed anything but I didn't care. I could only imagine someone being jealous of my boots which is the right attitude to have I guess. During the drive to the pool my headache evaporated and I was confident I would go ahead with my plan. I did however bring my dull shoes with me, just in case. Normally when I arrive, there are people leaving the pool and usually some teenagers are chatting outside the entrance. It was now very quiet so I walked in and felt very relaxed, just enjoying my heeled walk and the sound of my boots. Inside it was also relatively quiet and after checking in the lady behind the counter didn't give me a 2nd look although everything is tiled inside, which caused some nice heel clicking on my part. I've had the points of my boots fitted with the stainless steel plates in the meantime and this causes a very nice, modest metal clicking after the tumb of the heels. Very cool indeed! In the dressing room area a few people were around but at that point I just didn't care anymore. I had made it and was still alive... Hoorah! After my swim, when I was getting dressed and really enjoying putting my boots on 'in the wild', I heard a lot more people around. It was closing time so I knew I was going to be tested now and it would not be as easy as coming in, when it was quiet. After a moment of hesitation I walked out of my cabin and confronted my fear. In the lobby, where the mirrors and hair dryers are, about half a dozen people were standing about, including some fashionably young teenage girls and an attractive young woman who is also a regular visitor and swims in my lane. We never spoke but picture this: athletic swimmers body, short raven black hair, dark painted eyes and water proof red lipstick! The perfect wearer for my kind of boots... I walked by her and strangely I can only hope she noticed my boots. I'll have to see if she gives me a weird look next week. In- and outside the entrance more people were hanging around so you could say I really had to go in the deep end of the pool. Well, the teenagers outside didn't give any comment, maybe they couldn't believe their eyes or really didn't notice anything, I don't know. What I do know now is that the attitude you have while being heeled is very important. As soon as you start to doubt yourself you're in trouble. I didn't have any doubts about my look or my walk so I performed flawlessly with full confidence. What a sweet feeling that is. In fact, it went so well that I'm planning a visit to a busy gas station along the highway which is usually crowded with truckers and other guys. Should be interesting to have a try-out there. I'm even considering going public all the way, except for work then of course. That would not be appropriate but in my own free time? I'm really starting to feel more and more relaxed now wearing my boots. I have to be careful not to get over-confident but it's my life and I have tried to blend in long enough now... Hope I have more to tell you soon... (if you're interested)

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Watch out, Bootylicious, it's addictive. Have the time of your life because you can. :roll:

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Please! Tell us more. I love your stories...interesting how over time you become less acutely aware of how other people notice...at the heel meet, I was holding up my stiletto for Micha to take a picture of when an English lady walked right by and noticed. According to Xaphod, "you should have seen the look on that lady's face." Frankly, I didn't even notice!

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Bootylicious -

What a good outing. You have hit the nail right on the head when you said,

What I do know now is that the attitude you have while being heeled is very important. As soon as you start to doubt yourself you're in trouble. I didn't have any doubts about my look or my walk so I performed flawlessly with full confidence. What a sweet feeling that is.

Having confidence in yourself shows and people pick up on it. If you are happy with who you see in a full length mirror, that’s all that counts.

Do keep us posted on your further outings.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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