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Is this outfit too much for the forthcoming heelmeet? Mrs F thinks so and would prefer me more soberly attired.

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The camisole is from Next, the jacket is from H&M BB - size 22, it's really much too big on me and gives that feminine look of wearing clothes too big, and the shorts are from River Island. I like the jacket, because it hides the fact that I like my grub and beer too much.


My experience: When I wear heels like your boots under jeans or black slacks, no one bats an eye. When I wear a kilt or masculine-looking skirt, I get grins and some questions, but acceptance, like "that's cool." The couple times I've been out in skirt and heels people pretty much kept their distance, trying not to appear like they noticed. Anything patently feminine (frills) just more of the same.


Kneehighs, Thanks for your reply. You've given me some ideas. In a way I was hoping someone would say "That's awful" with reasons - it's probably back to the drawing board. What fun!


Nooooooo! Not brown boots with black tights! never! Dark brown or tan tights would work better and then a cream camisole and brown jacket. To wear the rest of that outfit you'd need black boots.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


Brown does go well with jeans, even black ones look ok but not tights!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


Dr Shoe you're quite right. Brown boots and black tights is a no no. I couldn't find any brown ones. My problem is most of the boots I like are brown and the clothes I like are black.


For some odd reason, I agree with Mrs. F. Especially if everyone else wasn't aware of the "adrogynous attire".

  vector said:

For some odd reason, I agree with Mrs. F. Especially if everyone else wasn't aware of the "adrogynous attire".

I don't think it's an odd reason, it's probably very sensible!


Kneehighs:-) Sounds like a good outfit for you to me. Try it and see how things go with it. Let us all know what happens. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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