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New boots


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I had seen a pair of boots I liked at the Kaufmann's nearby, but they didn't have the right size. So, I went farther out and found a different one, and was pleased to find out they had it. The sales lady sort of had this expression that seemed to say "you aren't really going to try those on, are you?", but nobody else seemed to notice much. They are quite comfortable, actually. Seems surprising since they have 3 1/2" heels. Well, then I got a bit braver and stopped by the Barnes & Noble bookstore - wearing them! I think the only ones who noticed were the two teenage girls I was following on the way out. One of them did a double take, but that was about it. I'll try to get a picture of them tonight, but they are the "Seppia" style by Bcbgirls. Too bad they aren't Bcbguys :D . I think that's really the first time I've actually heeled in public other than trying them on in the store, but so far so good. -Dave

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It sounds like you had a great “first time healing” in your new boots. It’s all a matter of being confident and from the reaction of the saleslady, it sounds like you presented an image of “of course on going to try these on”. You shouldn’t have been surprised that the boots were comfortable, after all, why wear them if they’re not?

Barnes and Noble as a great place to wear heels. People who read books seem to be a little bit more open minded and since that’s Barnes and Noble clientele, it does make it a good place to go healing.

Could you tell us a little bit more about your boots? What style heel do they have? How tall are?

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Thank you all for the compliments. I'll see about getting some more pics, and include some of my other pairs. I guess the more we get used to wearing them the more people will get used to them. Guess I've just always liked the way women's shoes look compared to the rather boring selection we have, but my girlfriend was cool with that and didn't bat an eye when I mentioned that. Her only gripe is that she's just over 5' tall and I'm more like 6' without heels, so it becomes more pronounced with them on. -Dave

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radiodave –

What a great looking pair of boots. A lucky find indeed. They look fantastic the way you mode them. The short a shaft on the boots means they’re really meant to be worn under slacks/jeans. I hope the saleslady appreciated how good they do look on you. With a 3 ½” inch heel you ought to be able to walk in those beauties all day

How fortunate you are to have a friend that is cool with your heels.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I concur, those look great, a very nice style, and look good with what you wore to model them. Good for your gf that she isn't blinkered like a lot are to men wearing their own choice of shoes or clothes.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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RadioDave:-) If your G/F would be willing to wear higher heels when you wear them, the difference in height may be almost the same as when you both are not wearing heels. This maybe could belay her fears that you would really be towering over her in your heels when she would be in flats. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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