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Shaving legs


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Well, after toying with the idea for a while I took the plunge and shaved my legs. I love the way they feel now, wearing boots and stockings is incredibly sensual! Not to mention that my heels look better with a nice smooth leg emerging. The problem is that I've developed a red rash on my thighs. I think the problem is that the skin isn't used to being shaved, and that I went too close by shaving against the hair. I'm going to put up with the stubble for a few days until it dies down. Can anyone suggest how to avoid this in future? I've heard that shaving with the hair using a single-blade razor helps. Is it just something I'll get used to? I was also wondering about depilatory cream, but have heard conflicting reports as to its effectiveness, and it is messy and smelly. I'm ruling out waxing or an epilator for the time being, they both sound far too painful for my liking! So, any ideas? Chris (edited for typo)

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I've had the same problem. Seems like the hairs get caught on my pants as they start to grow back and it irritates them. I've had good luck with Jergens shave reducing lotion; it reduces the irritation, slows down the rate they grow back, and they don't grow back as thick. I did this for a while and finally tried the waxing. It's not as bad as you think. I didn't like the Nair either. It had to stay on a longer than they recommend to make much of impact (doesn't help that I have pretty thick hairs). It was also very messy and smelly. -Dave

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I read up a bunch on shaving and try a whole lot of different things. I still get some red bumps and irritation, but the longer I shave the less that is seems to be happening. Currently I shave ever day. Here are the tips. Use a sharp razor! Only use them two or three days and then use a new razor. First they get dull. Second they start to build up bacteria. I usually just use a women's disposable. I don't leave it in the shower where it will stay wet and get gunkie. Exfoliate; you need to rub your legs with something to remove the dead skin. I bought a nylon scrubber from Bed Bath and beyond. There are Loofah Body Scrubbers that are natural that are good. Use a clean towel, change it often to avoid bacteria. Moisturize! A lot! Dry skin gets irritated. Use a mild unscented lotion. I use soap, but many recommend using shaving lotion. DON"T get cold in the shower and end up shaving goose bumps. Really! I've see a lot on shaving direction; I really like to shave against the grain for a smoother feel. It is also more irritating to do so. Shave ONLY once per area. Otherwise you will also irritate your skin more. That's my 5 cents.. Well maybe 10. I LOVE smooth legs. Even when I'm not wearing nylons I like the feel much better that hairy legs. I'm hooked and won't go back. Have FUN! Len

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I LOVE smooth legs. Even when I'm not wearing nylons I like the feel much better that hairy legs. I'm hooked and won't go back. ................I only shave from mid-calf down since I usually wear stilettos and nylons with slacks. I lather with a good anti bacterial soap to remove the natural oil. Next I use shaving cream and my wifes disposeable womens razors. I shave about every 3rd day or so and never have problems. A while back I had a professional manicure and pedicure, Complete with pumice stones, chemical hair remover, lotions and clear nail polish. My lower extremeties never looked or felt so good. The sensuality of wearing heels and nylons like this is beyond words. ......larry.

Love those heels!

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I've been a cyclist for more than 35 years and have been shaving my legs for pretty much the whole time. No question it makes you feel better. As far as shaving techniques, use shaving cream, not gel and the big secret is not using too much blade pressure. Just the weight of the blade should be enough. Also, I find it easier to shave with a small bit of stubble rather than trying to shave every day. I shave 1 a week or so in the summer. Oh yeah, NEVER use a razor more than once. The blade oxidizes once it’s been used once. And unless you have super fine hairs, will dull very fast. Remember that you are covering a significantly larger area as compared to your face and the blade dulls faster as a result.

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Has anybody tried Norelco rotary razors. They work very well for me.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Thanks for the responses. Like I said, I think I'm going to lay off the shaving for a few days until the rash dies down, but will buy some disposable razors for when I start again, and some unscented moisturiser. I shaved against the grain to get a smoother feel, and my legs did feel wonderful when I was washing off the remains of the soap! While reading up, I found out that Veet now do depilatory gel and wax strips for men, both of which are stocked by Boots. (UK chemist in case you don't have them in the US) I might give some of the wax strips a go to see how painful it is. I don't have a problem with the thought of having my legs waxed other than the idea that it's really going to hurt! The idea of them being smooth for three or four weeks is appealing though... Chris

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I've been shaving for 2 years. All of the advice above is good. I am going to follow some of it myself! I've been re-using razors. Not any more. I have found that the product "Clean & Clear" helps fight the after shaving rash. It is an acne medication sold by Johnson and Johnson. I apply it liberally with a cotton ball twice a day - and always after shaving or showering. For me it didn't work well when it wasn't liberally applied.


So many shoes and only two feet.

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Like Shafted, I use a Norelco rotory electric shaver. I don't use any soap or shaving cream on my legs. I shave them dry and this has been quite satisfying for me. I also don't use any after shave on them. I just do it dry and then put my pantyhose on over them and I'm on my way. My hair isn't that heavy so I shave about once a month in the Summertime, and longer periods in the Wintertime as my hair doesn't grow as fast during that season. My hair is also very soft and fine and when I can see about an eighth of an inch of stubble, then I know it is time to run the razor over my legs again. Pantyhose over freshly shaven legs is an incredible feeling as Chris 100575 is finding out just now. It works for me and very little time is spent on shaving my legs clear to the crotch. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Dr Shoe, I can see how you could do this on the front of your legs while sitting in the bath, but how do you do the backs? Or do you mean underwater as in in the shower? My rash is starting to clear up, it's only at the top of my thighs so I'm thinking of shaving again and just avoiding the sore bits. That way the rest of my legs will be smooth and I can just fill in the blanks as it were when the skin's recovered. I've just ordered myself a couple of new pairs of black opaque tights. I love wearing them, but they don't really take advantage of my new hairless legs! I've found out that I can wear hold-ups now too, so I might get a couple of pairs. Chris

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Chris100575:-) By all means, try the hold-ups, or as we call them here---"thigh-highs". They will show your great looking legs off to great advantage over the opaque ones. You will like what you see in the mrror. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I liked what I saw with the sheer black stockings and suspenders! :D They went really well with my black leather stiletto courts. The only drawback is that I'm going to be buying more hosiery now, I'm after some fishnets next. Chris

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I prefer Nair--the 4-6 minute variety. Leave on about 10 minutes, then scrape off using a popsickle stick. Doesn't dissolve well in water, though. I have had best shaving results using a Gillette Venus razor and Skintimate shaving Gel. One disposable blade is good for both legs, and about 7 days on the face (or about a month on the face alone). Can't use more than once on legs though, without bleeding some pores/hair follicles.

"All that you can decide, is what to do with the time that is given you."--Gandalf,

"Life is not tried, it is merely survived

-If you're standing outside the fire."--Garth Brooks

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Dr Shoe, I can see how you could do this on the front of your legs while sitting in the bath, but how do you do the backs? Or do you mean underwater as in in the shower?

My rash is starting to clear up, it's only at the top of my thighs so I'm thinking of shaving again and just avoiding the sore bits. That way the rest of my legs will be smooth and I can just fill in the blanks as it were when the skin's recovered.

I've just ordered myself a couple of new pairs of black opaque tights. I love wearing them, but they don't really take advantage of my new hairless legs! I've found out that I can wear hold-ups now too, so I might get a couple of pairs.


I lift just my toes out of the water to do the backs of my ankles (not much hair there but I like to be thorough) then I lift my leg a little higher and do the back of my calf. I lift my leg higher to do the back of my knee.... you get the picture. I then lean to one side to do one buttock and lean the other to do the other buttock and then slouch right down and lift my butt up to do the cleft.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, the decision was made for me by my wife, she like me to have some hair, so I now use hair lightener on my legs, with triming the hair as well the remaining hair becomes very soft after the colour has been removed and I don't find the experience so un confortable.

try this link..


maybe worth a try and if you like to wear tights (Pantyhose) then it does make the look a lot better as well as help the boots slip on nicely..


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, it's been two months now, and I'm still shaving! It's reached the point now where after a few days I start thinking "Ugh, they're getting hairy!" The rash has cleared up, I guess it's either the skin has gotten used to it or I've refined the technique. Either way is good! I've now bought myself a couple of pairs of fishnet holdups, and I love wearing them, especially with shoes or calf high boots! Chris

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Chris100575:-) Developing the technic helps a lot, but the skin on your legs is probably getting used to being shaved by now. You shouldn't have any trouble keeping your legs free of hair in the future. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I think until such time as I meet a woman and she has a problem with it, I'm going to carry on shaving. It's got to the point now where I think leg hair looks ugly when it starts to grow back. Plus I love the smooth skin, especially when I've just done them. At this rate I might even end up having them waxed! Chris

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