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How fast could she go in those heels??


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How fast could she go in those heels??

It’s always entertaining to see a girl struggling in her heels! Here we have a tough confident Asian girl thinks that wearing heels is a piece of cake! So we have put her to the test. In order for her to win “The Game”, she has to pass through a number of obstacles (ie she has to climb over a brick wall and a pile of rocks) within a given AMOUT of TIME. To make the game challenging for her, she has to wear this pair of high heels while meeting the obstacles and MUST keep them on throughout the whole game otherwise she would’ve violated the rules of the game and walk away empty-handed!! (Note the outfit we’ve chosen for her to wear, the tight miniskirt is going to make it even more difficult for her to win the game)

Anyway, if she manages to get over the obstacles and crosses over the finishing line before the TIME is up, then she will win the game and walk away with cash. Otherwise, she’ll go home empty handed. To make the game more rewarding, we’ve also offered her a bonus cash reward if she could unlace one of her shoe straps before climbing over the pile of rocks in heels. We all know how difficult to keep those heels on without the straps!!

Nevertheless, without seeing her facial expression during the game, would anybody like to guess whether she managed to win the game by getting to the finishing line before the time is up?








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Heel"expert"-- How about practicing "what's good for the goose is good for the gander"? How about if we turn the tables, and put the "tough confident Asian girl" in charge of the game, and put YOU in the heels, and see how fast YOU can go in them?? How about if we dump the sick sexist (and dare we say sadistic) game and come up with something a little less titilating to the perverts of the world?

"All that you can decide, is what to do with the time that is given you."--Gandalf,

"Life is not tried, it is merely survived

-If you're standing outside the fire."--Garth Brooks

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