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Shaving Legs - Dear Abby Sez It's OK for guys.


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Blue Tango:-) Abby's advise sounds O.K. to me. I've been shaving my legs for quite a while now. I wear pantyhose all of the time and it is much more comfortable wearing them over shaved legs. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I think shaving is completely wrong!

Should wax, - or better sill use Nads (www.nads.co.uk)


Lasts much longer – grows finer – without that sharp cut edge shaving produces.

On a serious note I think Abby’s advice is good – unusual today as I think many people who write this type of column tend to “be Traditional” – i.e. bigoted and self-involved.


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Yea, I agree with the wax thing. Years ago I waxed quite often, right through to the bikini line (and a bit further – small bikini!) That was OK, however now I just can’t stand it anymore – don’t know why. That’s why I use nads - it’s applied cold and is a lot gentler than wax, or even the cold wax strips. OK the hairs are still ripped out of the skin – but where’s your sense of adventure?? Go on – try it, it is so much better – six weeks or more of not having to shave. BB

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I have only done it once ... lost a championship game and loosers had to shave their legs! It was a great feeling, my girlfriend at that time loved it! She said it was a cleaner look...

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BlondeBimbo:-) I only have to shave my legs every 6 to 8 weeks as they grow slower and using my electric shaver only takes a few minutes. Besides that...no pain and I do have a sense of adventure...just not for waxing. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I just started shaving mine a few weeks ago. I like the look of it, and my girlfriend does too. She was actually the one who convinced me to. I haven't considered waxing yet. I might, since I'm still getting some nicks here and there.

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RadioDave:-) If you use a electric shaver, you won't get any nicks. I shave mine dry, not using any preshave or aftershave either before or after. The first few times, you may get a bit aggressive behind your knees, but a bit of aftershave will take care of that. After you shave a few times, the skin on your legs gets used to be shaven, and by then you will have your shaving technics down pat and you will get a much smoother shave. Just don't let it go too far between shaves and you will be all right. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Not to sound like I'm crowing, but I've never had to shave my legs in my life. Period! I guess it's genetics, but my legs have always been virtually hairless, so I've never had to go through all that stuff with razors or wax or any other methods used to keep legs smooth and hairless. I won't deny I've been very lucky in that regard.


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Lindsay Who said I was forgetting :D:lol::lol: HA HA - my evil side is out now!!! :lol::lol: Actually my next-door neighbour is big into bikes – he used to shave his legs, but took to “waxing” – actually not hot wax, as most beauty-parlours have stopped that, and instead use natural techniques like nads, sugaring etc. He said it was bad the first time, but after that no problem – I found it the same. I wonder – having seen the posts in the CD/TV section…… perhaps he doesn’t like cycling and just races as an excuse. ;):D BB

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JeffB you lucky *****! My BF doesn't have as much hair on his legs as me - he was a postman for years, so the hugh amount of walking he had to do (avoiding the supervisor, avoiding posting mail etc.) sort of rubbed the hair off - he says! I guess that's sort of true as the only areas (on his legs) he has a great deal of hair are those which do not get rubbed by trousers. BB

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hallo I started years ago to shave my legs for a beter result of dressing up. But found a electric epileer machine with rotating disk (Satinelle from Philips). The first long thick hairs was paineful. Later on it went smouter and easier. Less and thiner hairs on the legs. and some parts get now hairless. It take time to do every 8 to 12 week be 2 hours busy. But than be smouth for atleast 4 weeks. But how real crossdressers or TV or transsexual males are doing I don't know pehaps with hormoon treadment, laser epileren or..... It will be a matter what of result you want and how much money you have to spent for it. go for nice legs and high heels A3

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I absolutly hate body hair on me. I don't mind having arm hair as it makes me feel a bit more masculine but leg hair is EEWWWW. I see lots of pictures of men in heels but the hair on the legs detracts from the heels, to me anyway. I've been shaving since the beginning of the summer and I really like it. I wish my hair wasn't so dark, thick, and dense. When I get the money, I plan on getting electrolysis. That should put an end to that. ;)

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I shave almost my entire body except "hair of the head" (sic Queens Regulations, HM Forces know what I'm saying!) and pubes 'cause it gets itchy. Hosiery feels and looks so much better and there's nothing like rubbing a pair of newly shaved legs together! ;)

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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I shave my legs (and various other areas) with a razor. They do feel and look so much better smooth. I've tried nads and oh my word it hurt, so I may not try it again. I had a go recently shaving my pubic hair and Dr Shoe isn't kidding about the itchy problem!

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