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My new sandals


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Hey Kennard, Very nice pair of sandals, ultra sexy. BTW whats with the socks? Also since you are in Brazil I would imagine that you have more freedom than most of us to street heel, i guess i'm wrong. please hurry with the other 2 pairs i can't wait to see them.

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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Hello, everyone. ;)

Hey Kennard,

Very nice pair of sandals, ultra sexy. BTW whats with the socks? Also since you are in Brazil I would imagine that you have more freedom than most of us to street heel, i guess i'm wrong. please hurry with the other 2 pairs i can't wait to see them.

I don't know if you've read my previous posts (check the other pics), but these pics were taken at my workplace, after working hours, when I pretty much have the whole floor to myself. So the socks go with my regular office clothes... :lol:

As for "street heeling", I don't see Brazil being any more (or less, for that matter) free to do it, but I myself am not brave enough to do it, at least not with sandals like these (that would be quite an attention grabber)... :D

I'm still waiting for the postal service to deliver my new shoes. To satisfy (or entice) your curiosity, here's what they look like:

Posted ImagePosted Image

I can barely wait to put my hands (and feet) on them... :lol:


If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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Kennard:-) You have got some great looking sandals there, but the sox don't do them justice. You need some hose to really set them off in your pics. The 2 new pairs will look smashing also with some hosiery, or some of the guys wear them bare footed as some of the ladies do. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Understand the reason for the thick socks. But, nothing says you can't take them off and wear your sandals with barefooted. (deep-six the sox ) :lol: I like the sandals, by the way. ;)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hello, everyone. :lol:


You have got some great looking sandals there, but the sox don't do them justice. You need some hose to really set them off in your pics. The 2 new pairs will look smashing also with some hosiery, or some of the guys wear them bare footed as some of the ladies do.


Dawn HH

Understand the reason for the thick socks. But, nothing says you can't take them off and wear your sandals with barefooted. (deep-six the sox ) :D

I like the sandals, by the way. ;)

Well, yeah I know I could wear them barefoot, it's just that taking off the socks then (later) putting them on again is such a bother... :D

And (yes again) I agree that a nice pair of nylons (is that the right word?) would go very well with the sandals, and not just these ones. The problem is I can't find a nice pair of nylons! :lol: I actually bought a pair back when I got my first two sandals (the plats), but unfortunately got a run on one leg (fingernails did it, and now there's a few holes) and, besides, I have very muscular legs (both calves and thighs), so they're not easy to fit in the delicate material... :lol:

But I guess I could try again, maybe even try to do a little color coordination... :lol:


If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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Kennard, You are so wrong, I have thick muscular legs and I have no problem with nylons. I use Thigh Highs be it fishnet of opaque they fit around my legs with no problem, give that try and let us know. Beautiful sandals by the way I understand your situation but it would be a cime to not give those sexy shoes street time.

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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also kennard i know that you have a confidence issue with street heeling and maybe a suggestion is in order. I don't know much about brazil but i understand that there is a very large gay/lesbian, TV, TS, CD community. Those folks are least likely to react to your wearing heals on the street and may even compliment you on your attire. Granted they will assume that you are gay but you know that you aren't and just take those positive interactions as a confidence booster, that is how i did it and still do because my town is too small to hit the mainstream areas. Just a thought. Good luck and love your shoes.

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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Sandalcrazy27 First of all, I'm crazy for (highheeled) sandals too, so nice to meet you. Yes, my country does have a very large gay/lesbian, TV, TS, CD community, but different from the other countries, Brazil is also a very conservative regarding transgender things (like wearing women clothes). People here likes to stare, point and make loud comments when seeing something different, what makes almost impossible straight guys to do things like street heeling and get unnoticed. Kennard, Very nice sandals. Why don't you try to buy a pair without plataforms? The feeling is also very nice!

No shoe is better than a sexy pair of stilettos!

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Desalto wow that really sucks i thought it would be different but i guess not. Anyway thanks for the info because i was planning on going to brazil just for that reason to walk around but having that information has changed my mind. Kennard, You keep buying those sexy ass shoes an d maybe one day the will see the light of day when the fashion world catches on to our interest in womens shoes and actually looking as good as the ladies in them.

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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Kennard:-) You can prevent holes and runs if you use a pair of light cotten gloves to put your hose on and off with. I suggested this same thing to Painter and he found that it actually works. If you are not used to wearing hosiery, you may go through a few pairs the first time until you get used to putting them on and off. I also suggested he use pantyhose because they are made to stretch and give where hosiery is made to the shape of the leg and doesn't have any give in them. I also have found that if you wash a brand new pair of pantyhose before wearing them, they last a lot longer. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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My wife uses hand loation to keep her hands soft and keeps her finger nails filed smooth to prevent just that sort of thing, Dawn. I've never seen my wife or either one of my girls wash a pair of stockings or panty hose before wearing them the first time. Something I'm sure they will wish to look into.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hello, everyone. ;)

Sorry for not replying earlier...

As DeSalto mentioned, Brazil does have a large "rainbow" community, but most of it is concentrated in the big cities, like São Paulo or Rio. Unfortunately, I live very far from those...

BTW, DeSalto: I do have sandals without platforms, two pairs actually. :lol:

Posted Image See my other post: http://hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?t=4940

Posted Image The ones at the top of this very thread. :D

About hosiery, I think I'll try some pantyhose to see how it goes. I'll see if I can find it in red and white, maybe even black. I'm thinking black hosiery would combine nicely with my black sandals, red would be the logical choice to go with the red plats, and white would make a nice contrast with them all, don't you think? :lol:


If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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Nice Sandals. I especially like the first pair. I think that pair would look best with bare feet and nicely polished toe nails. If I were going to wear stockings with them, I think I would chose a nice pair of nude colored estra sheer nylons or panty hose. Colors -- white, red or navy I don't believe would look good with either pair of shoes.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hello, everyone. ;)

My new sandals arrived! Yay! :D Here's some pics:

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

I had some trouble to buckle the ankle strap on the red plats, almost couldn't get it to fit around my ankles but, as you can see, I eventually succeeded. :lol:

Now, the hosiery and the (almost traditional) after-hours office walk will have to wait until next week...


If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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Good luck on your first wearing of your first pair of pantyhose. While colors may seem interesting, I would suggest a nude color or a suntan color to start with as they can be compatable with all style of shoes and outfits. I use Leggs sheer energy active support pantyhose and they will feel great on your legs as they massage them all day long. I wear them all day long every day and I swear by them. Not only do your legs feel great, but they will look great too. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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;) OMG kennard I would kill for the first pair they are too cute. Where di you get them and even the red ones they look much better on you feet instead on by themselves. Congratulations on those, i am a sandal lover and i am officialy jealous. Have fun at the office. let us know how they feel when you road test them.

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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Hello, everyone. ;)

:D OMG kennard I would kill for the first pair they are too cute. Where di you get them and even the red ones they look much better on you feet instead on by themselves. Congratulations on those, i am a sandal lover and i am officialy jealous. Have fun at the office. let us know how they feel when you road test them.

I bought all my sandals (I'm not a big fan of boots) from online sellers, at auction sites. About these last two, I have to say that I prefer the red plats (despite the "buckle up" problem), the "thong" (golden/silver sandals) didn't quite live up to my expectations... :lol: Maybe that'll change when I take them to the "office walk"... :lol:


If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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Yes, I am anxious to know how they feel when walking in them. I also would like to know what kind of reaction you get from your co-workers or others that might see you wearing them.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Very nice sandals. I like the slides the best. You and I share the ankle starp problem ;) I sure wish they'd make those straps just a few inches longer. I'd have to agree nylons would look great with those and they feel better than socks or bare feet, in my opinion. Congratulations!

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If you don't shave your legs, and want a more "uniform" non-hairy look without shaving, get the opaque non-see-thru black, white or any color for that matter.

Here is a place I have ordered nylons and Long Socks from before, and Love her service!!!


Her prices aren't too bad, and her nylons for men actually fit tall guys very nicely. Hope this helps.


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