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My Latest Outing In Heels


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Isn't it weird how peoples lack of response is like a double edge sword. Sometimes your thankful for the lack of response and at other times you wish people would say something, anything.

Good Lord! You must've read my mind! That's exactly how I feel!! It's like I could care less if people respond, then I get miffed when they don't! It's startling! Anyhoo, I went out again today. Here's the outfit, complete with shoes that reflected that double-edged sword:

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Yes, I wore my black patent pumps (Sexy Shoes 5990's) today. Since it's Sunday, I thought I'd dress up for a short outing, so I wore a nice gray shirt, black dress slacks, off-black pantyhose and the 5990's. First stop was to Burger King for lunch, not much in the way of a crowd, but I did get a couple of silent double takes as a middle aged couple did indeed notice the shoes. That pleased me.

After that, it was off to Best Buy where I turned a few more heads during the half hour I spent there. Finally, finally, someone responded. The person in question was a middle aged woman who looked me up and down (mostly down at my feet) while in the high-def TV section. I turned to look back at her and I could see the questions swirling in her eyes, like she was dying to pose the usual questions. Well, she didn't disappoint:

Woman: Excuse me for being nosy, but I'm curious. Are those women's shoes you're wearing?

Me: Yes, they are. I'll bet you've never seen a man wearing pumps before, have you?

Woman: Well, I've seen pictures of drag queens, but no, never a guy wearing pumps. Are they black patent?

Me: Yup, sure are.

Woman: How high are those heels? And don't they pinch your toes?

Me: Four and a half inches, and no, they don't pinch at all. I wouldn't wear them if they did.

Woman: But....why?

Me: Because I like to. Shoes are shoes, I just like wearing high heels. Now, let me ask you something. Are you offended by my appearance?

Woman: No, not at all. It's just so....different. I've never seen anything like you before. And, I have to say, you look nice, very well put together. Don't you worry about how people perceive you? People calling you names

Me: Nope. If I did, I wouldn't step out my front door in these things. I love wearing heels and go out in public a lot, for the most part, no one says a thing. Surprising, don't you think?

Woman: Yeah, it sure is. Well, as long as you enjoy what you're doing, that's what counts most. Different strokes and all that.

Me: I couldn't agree more. I have to go, football will be on soon. It was nice talking to you.

Woman: Same here. Enjoy the games.

Yep, that conversation really took place. It felt damn good, not to mention exhilarating to have been noticed enough in my heels for someone to strike up a chat with me. That lady was definitely taken aback by the shoes, but wasn't narrow minded to find my appearance distatseful. Proof positive that there are more open minds in this world than closed ones. That lady didn't know me from Adam but talked to me about the shoes I choose to wear, and took a positive attitude towards me. All things considered, a good outing!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Great experience Jeff! BTW: Is this the first time you wore pumps outside the office in public? Cudos my friend.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Great experience Jeff!

BTW: Is this the first time you wore pumps outside the office in public? Cudos my friend.

Nope, not quite! I've previously worn the Ros Hommerson "Ingra" pumps on an outing to the mall. Speaking of the mall, I've noted that the dreaded flip-flops are slowly but surely disappearing from the scene. Thank God!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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It's probably the cooler weather. Those flip-flops don't provide much protection from the cold. Fortunately flip-flops seem to be seasonal.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Congratulations on handling yourself with aplomb and poise in that situation Jeff. That was a great response from her. And speaking of heels eliciting comments, today I spent 7 hours strolling the Union Square area. For my outfit, I was wearing a tight form fitting black waffle textured sport coat from Bloomingdales, a black form fitting long sleeved top from Europe, Seven New York Rinse jeans, and my black Nine West 4" pointy pumps. The edge of my sleeves protruded out from the cuffs of the coat just a bit too.

For the first few hours all was well. I went into Barnes and Noble and spent the next 2 hours devouring books, coffee, and cookies. When I finally decided it was time to leave, I noticed there was an asian girl behind me. She was wearing a french beret, an army military jacket and jeans. I didn't get to notice her shoes though because I was paying more attention to what she said to me, "Excuse me, why are you wearing heels?"

"Because I want to"...delay...she's looking at my shoes and smiling...silence. Funny thing is there was another woman near us that overheard the conversation and was watching what happened.

"And because I can (thanks for the lines Shafted)." I didn't say anything after that.

"Are they women's?"


Then she blushed, turned around, and embarringly ran the other direction. She was young and I think she was just curious. The other women who was watching came out from behind the book shelf and walked past me, smiling, and she was wearing matching black pumps.

The forces of nature must have been coming together at this exact moment in time. For the minute I exited the Barnes and Noble and stood outside to turn on my cell phone, a man came up to me.

"Did you see the article in the paper about pointy shoes?" and he pointed right at my shoes.

"You mean the New York Times?...Where was this and when was this?" I asked.

"Which one do you want to know?"

"Both where and when."

"Last Sunday edition of the Times in the Style section. They were talking about pointy shoes, but those.(looking at my shoes)...those are pointy."

"I'll have to check it out."

He approached me with a smile, respect and dignity. There was no trace of mockery in his voice at all. I think the heels complimented the overall outfit so there was no need to critique the shoes really.

The next five hours were the usual uneventful heeling. Alot of the time, I wasn't conscious that I was wearing heels. Just doing my Sunday afternoon leisure thing really.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Quite an interesting outing there, kneehighs! Sounds like you had a really good time! And no doubt you looked spiffy in your outfit! Sometimes, I think we heel wearing men really blow people's minds because they don't know how to react to us at first blush, for sure they probably don't know what to think of us, and, more often than not, that's when they get curious about us, like in my little chat with that lady at Best Buy. And your response to that Asian girl hit the nail right on the head: "Because I want to....and because I can." Bravo, my friend! That was the perfect response to the typical question people ask us! That answer exudes boldness, confidence, perhaps even arrogance, showing we're comfortable in our own skin and can wear whatever we like! More power to you! ;)

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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What a great outing, kneehighs! I think that there are so few of us that we are somewhat of a novelty, and people react accordingly, and that's okay.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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JeffB -

Kneehighs -

Sounds like both of you had a great time. It really is a fun when someone asks about your shoes/boots.

It certainly is! Every time someone asks about my footwear, I feel as though I'm helping educate that person about how male heel wearers aren't freaks, perverts of gays. That we're just ordinary guys with extraordinary taste in shoes. Nothing more, nothing less.


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Hey kneehighs, Love your new avatar. Any chance of getting a larger size for use as a computer desktop?

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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JeffB:-) Your outfits look great, but what really tops them off is when you are not so serious and your smile pops out in your pics. There is a difference like night to day in the outfit and the pic when that happens. Look back through and you will see what I mean. Kneehighs:-) I think you handled your answers to the questions put forth to you out in pubic very well. Congrats. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Your outfits look great, but what really tops them off is when you are not so serious and your smile pops out in your pics. There is a difference like night to day in the outfit and the pic when that happens. Look back through and you will see what I mean.

Well, thanks for the kind words. I've never been much for taking pictures since I think I look kinda dopey when I smile. But I guess I can get used to doing that and get better at it!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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