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ILuvHeels:-) So the locks are fake. Don't let that deter you from enjoying wearing and learning to walk in your new boots. Enjoy! Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!


Since I don't have any toe cushions... I went and folded an ankle sock in three in each boot... I CAN'T STAND!!! LOL :wink: Life is good! If I only had a female friend to enjoy this with. :lol:


They just came in a few hours ago! I'm a little disapointed that the locks are fake but otherwise... WOOHOO!!! :wink:

Can the locks be replaced, or are the cuffs also fake?

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


A little superglue will fix the velcro :wink: Congradulations, and don't feel bad about not walking right away. Devious boots provide the most ankle support, but are -very- dificult to walk in. Enjoy your new boots Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")


A little superglue will fix the velcro :wink:

Congradulations, and don't feel bad about not walking right away. Devious boots provide the most ankle support, but are -very- dificult to walk in.

Enjoy your new boots


Thanks, and thanks for the super glue tip :lol:


A little superglue will fix the velcro :wink:

Congradulations, and don't feel bad about not walking right away. Devious boots provide the most ankle support, but are -very- dificult to walk in.

Enjoy your new boots


Too much ankle support always seems to me to hinder walking. I tend to be able to walk better when my ankle is free to move to accomodate walking. For me new boots that are stiff around the ankle are always difficult to walk in until they are broken in around the ankles.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


Well, the ankle support is a good thing with ballet heels as there is alot of leverage in place to fold your ankle the wrong way. I spent a few hours in my boots yesterday, Devious ankle high's. I laced them very tight and did pretty good, even while restrained with my wrists in the air :wink: I have not been able to wear my boots as often as I'd like to, so my ability to walk in ballet heels has not progressed as fast as I'd like. I still kinda wobble a bit, and move around in a less then gracefull manor. Oh well, have fun, I've got to travel for work for the next few days. Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")


Shafted:-) I don't think that your ballet boots would go over with the jury crowd too well. But, then again, you probably couldn't walk in them good enough to appear in court with them on anyways. Am I right? Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!



I don't think that your ballet boots would go over with the jury crowd too well. But, then again, you probably couldn't walk in them good enough to appear in court with them on anyways. Am I right?


Dawn HH

Nope, not mine Dawn, they belong to ILuvHeels. Ballet boots are beyond me. Funny thing happens in my taste of high heels. Once the toe points straight down I find them not longer attractive, however I can appreciate those that wear them. I find the toe bend of a non-ballet high heel way too sexy.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

  • 5 weeks later...

Hallo, as a new member I have 4 of actualy 5 pairs of balletheels. 1 knee and 1 ankleboot (devious 2x), a shoe type with band cross way over the feet from Qualifetish shoes and a sandalet from punitive shoes (galatea). And 40 other pairs of HH and boots from 4" to 7" high heels, and some has even platforms, mostly stiletto heels. And being inspirated by a story of the writer "thndrshrk" made a stainless steel ballet shoe with unscruble heel. From the past I had some small clips of my walking in thies balletheels by a webcam but I am not happy with them to show the public. I few pics of the I have but to put in thies in here it's not clear to my. There is a explanation but I want to try out first before go on to the open :wink: . later perhaps the pictures Adri


Shafted:-) Sorry that I mixed you up with ILuvHeels postings. I guess that's what happens from staying up too late at night. I quite agree with what you say about ballet shoes or boots. If they can wear them...more power to them. They are not my interest either. A3:-) That sure is a nice collection of shoes and boots that you have. I hope that you can figure out how to post pics so that we can see them soon. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!


A3:-) I see that you have more than one pair of balletheels. How high are the heels? Can you walk successfully in them? Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!


I also don't really care for ballet shoes and boots. I have enough trouble just trying to walk in my 7" heels. But, if you like ballet shoes, go for them. (and, with 5 pair, I guess you have)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


You look greaaaaaaaaaat in ballet. How long can you stand in them? I really like you in the ankle cuffs. Do you wear them to parties and places? My bf wants me to wear ballet but to me 7" stilettos locked on is the limit. My feet are not streached for the ballets. Do you use a foot trainer at all or is it all just hard work? Be submissive, Rhonda



I try to get a few aswers to all of you. For more pictures take more time. Being alone and have only a webcam to take pics and the looking good to show to the public takes more time.

I like balletheels very much but wear them so far only at home. Perhaps in the futcher at a party. Mostly I wear heels behind the computer or doing jobs in the house. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b336/a3hmskrk/balletheels/goldblokkeddressballetshoes.jpg

My ankles are flexible and my legs are strong of bicycle ryding so when I start form flats to 5" heels it was 20 years ago no problem. During the years getting 6"and even 7" high heels you get used it to have them on and are able to walk in them with pride. And not with bended knees like some ladies does even with low heels but with straid legs. And was proud to have high(er) heels on at parties than most of the ladies and longer.

But there are limiatations how long I wear a type of shoe. It depents on the fitting shape etc. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b336/a3hmskrk/balletheels/semiballetpumpsgang4139.jpg

I haven't try for how long I can stand in shoes on the same place. In a gone BDSM relation was this no hot item. We love to have the pleasure from it and not how we look like. Mostly we ended naked.

I didn't use a foot trainer and during the years getting higher heels, ballet heels was a small step. When the ankle can make piounted down possition the toes don't have to go bend any more. Now the padding and the support of the weight is more the issue. That takes time to get used

to stand or to walk in them. Even I slept with them like Jen (highheelgirl). My balletsandalets are lose but the straps keep my feet in piounted down possition like in normal balletheel walking. But after 3 to 5 hours getting wake up of the cramps in the legs and take them off and slept again. So I don't no how Jen is doing this for het BF.

more pics will come but that from more people is welcome I think

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enjoy the high heels A3


A3:-) Hey! Thanks for posting a few pics for us all. Don't worry about the quality of them...you can work on that in the near future. Some pics always helps us to picture what you have in mind and puts us all on the same page. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!


I would post some pics of my heels but I still cant figure this one out. I do sleep in my ballets everynight...I just dont lace them that tite when I sleep but it keeps my feet pointed. When I wake up and put my shower shoes on they feel like slippers lol

Yes, I do walk in these


hallo there

here are a few other pics of my in ballet heels.

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In these sandalets I try to sleep to keep my feet pointed. And it get better. I have stored my pics at photobucket and make selection of the pic(s) to use outside. By photobucket then they give a few options how to put the picture(s) on show else where. By "copy" and "plakken sorry dutch, glue or Ctrl+V" to the tekst and the name of your pic gets in the line. A matter of the kind of (IMG) big, small or url only the photo adress is on the tekst or screem.

Here is a mix. Here are a few small pics.

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When the other people clicks on the picture the get the big picture from my adress at photobucket. It saves space on the pages of this forum and people gets a climp what they can expect. And with a adress of the picture http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b336/a3hmskrk/balletheels/8fba08f3.jpg there is no pic but a direct connection to my photobucket

good luck Jen. We all wait for the results

enjoy A3


A3:-) Great pics you have there. I also enjoyed the outfits you chose to go with your ballets, especially the red blouse and skirt. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!



here are other pics of my shoes. No fansy clouding because of the short distance to the webcam.

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hallo highheelgirl,

I think we all want to help to solve your problems how to get pictures on the forum. Let us know where it goes wrong and there are a lot of willing people to support the problem. or perhaps to visit you to explane how the thing goes. It must be a good place for HH lovers to see you walking in your high heels and perhaps get more custumers.

But when your BF is in the computerworld is he not willing to help you sorting out where is goes wrong. Please try, we all love tou see someting of you.

For me as mechanical-engeneer, normale to deal with machinery are able to workout how the system works and find time to put on a few pic

good luck A3

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