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Very interesting article--PETA


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To bad this animal activist wont be coming to Florida. Read tis great article: :) Ethical treatment of animals group uses sex to sell meatless message By DOUGLAS P. GUARINO Democrat Staff Writer PORTSMOUTH — Salvation Army’s bell ringers had some stiff competition Wednesday. Wearing 6-inch heels, black stockings and a short red skirt, 20-year-old People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals intern Jessica Parry arrived in Market Square at noon to hand out free vegetarian Tofurky meals to passersby. Playing the role of PETA’s "Sexy Santa," the Penn State junior was on day two of a weeklong tour of the Northeast aimed at promoting vegetarianism during the holiday season. "People are in the holiday spirit," William Rivas-Rivas, a PETA spokesman traveling with Parry said Thursday. "It’s about love and compassion — we’d like to see people extend that holiday spirit to animals." Although their ultimate goal is the advocacy of a vegan diet free of all meat and dairy products, Rivas-Rivas said organization based out of Norfolk, Va., does not expect people to turn vegetarian overnight. "We’re a pragmatic organization," Rivas-Rivas said. "If it is simply replacing one meal with a meat substitute, they are already saving animals." Occasionally, Rivas-Rivas said, PETA, which also boasts actress and model Pamela Anderson as a spokeswoman, does get flack from fellow advocacy organizations for using sex appeal as a means to promote their cause. "That’s what attracts people’s attention," Rivas-Rivas said, noting that the organization’s president is a woman. "We didn’t make up the rules but we’re certainly going to play by them." Parry, who gave up spending Christmas with her family back in Pennsylvania to do the tour, described her role as a fun way to draw attention to a serious cause. "We’re not trying to degrade anyone," she said. Along with the Tofurkys — a soy-based, turkey-flavored roast complete with savory stuffing — the group also handed out fliers detailing the negative health affects meat eating can have on humans, along with information about poor conditions animals endure in commercial slaughterhouses. Some vegetarians who happened to be walking through Market Square Thursday happily accepted the free meal. Mike Packer, 30, of Newberry, Mass., and a 13-year vegetarian said he was excited to try it for the first time. While many meat eaters declined the free offer, others curiously stared at the small red box for a few minutes before deciding to give it a try. "I don’t know if I’ll like it or not," Pam Tapley, 50 of Portsmouth, said. In total, the group wound up giving out 48 Tofurkys, which Rivas-Rivas said typically go for about $7 each in health food stores, in an hour. That figure included the three they gave to the bell ringers, he said. © 2004 Geo. J. Foster Company

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Wearing 6-inch heels, black stockings and a short red skirt, 20-year-old People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals intern Jessica Parry arrived in Market Square at noon to hand out free vegetarian Tofurky meals to passersby.

I hope they weren't leather shoes.....

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While I believe the members of PETA, and other organizations, have every right to promote their cause and beliefs in the ethical treatment of amimals, I also belive I've the same right to reject their ideas and concepts without their "getting in my face" attempts to persuade me that eating animals, fish or fowl is inhumaine and they're going to punish me if I don't stop, is, in my opinion, eco-terrorism. I have been "energetically" confronted in the past when I've made my views known almost to the point of physical violence. I've also let it be known that I am well equipped and prepared to defend myself and what's mine with what ever force is necessary. So, those that believe so mightly in their cause that they are willing to endure physical hurt must also be prepared to endure the pain should they "cross the line" confronting me Because I won't hesitate to put them into the hospital, or worse, should they persist trying to convince me of the "error of my ways."

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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wow bubba no nedd for physical violence, that will just land u in jail, just ignore them an walk on by if they get in your face, once they see u are not interested they just go on too the next person. later nhoj62

the higher the boot, the higher the heel, the better the feeling!

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wow bubba

no nedd for physical violence, that will just land u in jail, just ignore them an walk on by if they get in your face, once they see u are not interested they just go on too the next person.



I like Bubba's approach. If they can't "take it" from someone with opposing views, they shouldn't try to "give it". Give 'em a little of their own back. He just lets them know that if they want to start something physically, he'll finish it. You don't throw the first punch, you throw the last.

See, it is possible to be very humane to animals but still eat them. We are, afterall, omnivores. There's a farm a little way from here that has a large billboard out front that says "Bearbrook Farms Petting Zoo and Meat Market". When they aren't cute, they're lunch :-)

Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats :-)

I'd like to see the PETA people up here in 6" heels and short skirts :-) It''s all the way up to -6C today. Let's see that committment :-)

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I like Bubba's approach. If they can't "take it" from someone with opposing views, they shouldn't try to "give it". Give 'em a little of their own back. He just lets them know that if they want to start something physically, he'll finish it. You don't throw the first punch, you throw the last.

See, it is possible to be very humane to animals but still eat them. We are, afterall, omnivores. There's a farm a little way from here that has a large billboard out front that says "Bearbrook Farms Petting Zoo and Meat Market". When they aren't cute, they're lunch :-)

Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats :-)

I'd like to see the PETA people up here in 6" heels and short skirts :-) It''s all the way up to -6C today. Let's see that committment :-)

Although I'm more of a salad eater than a meat eater, I do enjoy a nice, thick, tender steak every once in a while, and about half the time the name of my salad begins with "chicken."

I, too, believe ANY organization that's in your face deserves a legal butt-kicking. I'm sick and tired of being unundated with boom-boom music I don't want to hear, bells I don't want to hear, billboards I don't want to read, naysayers I don't want to hear, bible-thumpers I don't want to hear, and animal rights activists, tree-huggers, save the whalers, anti-pollution nuts I don't want to hear either!

Although I support being kind to animals, I also support their appropriate use by mankind.

Although I support forest conservation, I also support appropriate use of forests.

Although I support measures to protect whale extinction by hunting or overfishing their food, I also support controlled whaling and fishing.

Although I support legislation to curb pollution, I believe there's an appropriate balance that protects the environment while allowing industry to continue being at least marginally competitive.

In all things, there's a balance.

And if I really gave a hoot about PETA, I'd stand in front of them while wearing my leather coat while a friend of mine videotaped us at a discrete distance.

If anything a happened, without provocation, I'd do the "reasonable person" thing, vacating the area immediately. If they gave chase or harrassed me in any way, I'd use the video against them in a court of law.

Knowing how liberal the courts are these days, however, they'd probably rule it as entrapment...

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Peta also start their fights without knowing all the facts: Take the case of PETA vs AWI (the Australian Wool Industry) PETA is suing (or trying to) becuse the see Muelsing as barbaric Muelsing is a procedure done to young lambs, Where the tail and the wool/top layer of skin surrounding the tail is removed to prevent the area becoming flyblown which isn't nice as the alternative to muelsing is alot more harder especially with 10,000 head of sheep! Australia isn't the only country that muesels sheep: New Zealand and Spain also do it too. have they felt the wrath of PETA? no! the Russian "dancing bears" have they too felt the wrath of PETA? no! later, TXT-1

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I also have noticed that PETA has had ads in the States saying "drink beer" instead of the classic "drink milk" there are enough drink drivers in the world without creating more! the whole idea is so stupid it's funny! later, TXT-1

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Why don't PETA start directing their energy to something worthwhile rather than trying to tell people what they should and shouldn't eat? Humans have incisors for a reason. If you choose to be a vegetarian or a vegan, that's fine with me, I respect your choice. As long as you respect my choice to continue to enjoy meat and dairy products. When I start eating tiger or panda, then they can complain. Chris

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that's ok I eat meat <<<message to any PETA members who may be reading this message in their bombshelters/under their rock.>>> I eat meat, I'm not ashamed to say that I like meat, the human body is STILL setup for eating meat thefore I will still eat meat! and DILLIGAF to those who think that eating tofu 24/7/365 will keep you healthy, one of my teachers was a vegetarian: unfortunately she got cancer and died :) shame because as the Iron maiden song goes: Only The Good Die Young! as for the muelsing thing the AWI will have the last laugh! Nothing like a 25 foot high billboard of a flyblown sheep to turn things around! :o <EDIT> that "For Every Animal You Don't Eat, I'll Eat Three" T-shirt is a ripper! I'll have to try to knock something similar up on my computer and wear with pride! :oops: later, TXT-1

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