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So I've been reading this forum for the past few years but this is m first post. I have several pair of heels. I have a pair of calf high brown boots with a 4" chunky heel and a pair of loafers with a 4" chunky heel that i've worn out on a few ocassions. I worked up the nerve to wear the boots out to dinner and a movie with friends a few weeks ago. I'm kind of known for wearing non-traditional clothing. This weekend we're going to see a comedian and then probably go to a club afterward and I'm hoping to wear a new pair of 3.5" stilletto pointy toed boots. I'm going to wear them with a pair of low rise boot cut jeans that cover most of the shoe and some kind of fashionable shirt. (preferably one that doesn't cover up my awsome ass in those jeans lol) The jeans cover the shoe when standing but i'm sure it will be obvious to all but the most casual observer that i'm wearing heels. I put the outfit on earlier today and i think it looks pretty hot. I just hope that I don't chicken out.

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Your profile didn’t indicate what part of the world you in, but in my part, people seem to be much more accepting of letting me express myself with what I wear. You get to decide what image you present to the rest of the world. There your shoes, if you enjoy them, and they fit your image, wear them. Have a great time.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Jaiden, I hope you have a great time this weekend wearing your new stiletto boots. Let us all know how it all went and how it was received. I too, have a pair of stiletto pointed toe 5" heel kneeboots that I would love to wear out but haven't as of today. They are pictured in my Avatar. I think they look great,as you do, worn with jeans that do cover the shoe but leave a bit of heel exposed..Someday soon I hope to get out wearing them..Have a fun weekend...Jim

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here's the kicker....I live in the southern United States...Arkansas, in the "buckle of the bible belt". But i rarely have any problems with people wanting to cause trouble. I guess there are advantages to being 6'4" tall and 250lbs. I'm a super nice guy. I've been in maybe 3 fights my entire life.but when people see me they aren't willing to risk being known as "the guy who got his butt kicked by the guy in heels"

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I'm a super nice guy. I've been in maybe 3 fights my entire life.but when people see me they aren't willing to risk being known as "the guy who got his butt kicked by the guy in heels"

Thats a tough call, too. Even if I had to defend myself, I'd /hate/ to get into a fight while I was in heels, just because of the impression that it might give. Even if you were totally nice, and still ended up having to fight, I'd really hate for people to make the association between men in heels and violence.

Best of luck to you! Always nice to hear about fellow US'ers wearing heels. :-)

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I hope you have a great time this weekend wearing your new stiletto boots. Let us all know how it all went and how it was received.

I too, have a pair of stiletto pointed toe 5" heel kneeboots that I would love to wear out but haven't as of today. They are pictured in my Avatar. I think they look great,as you do, worn with jeans that do cover the shoe but leave a bit of heel exposed..Someday soon I hope to get out wearing them..Have a fun weekend...Jim

Jim, are those Dragon boots in your avatar ? How are they and where did you get them ? I have been looking for a pair like that. I saw them on some web sites, but I would prefer to buy them in a store where I can try them on.

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This weekend we're going to see a comedian and then probably go to a club afterward and I'm hoping to wear a new pair of 3.5" stilletto pointy toed boots. I'm going to wear them with a pair of low rise boot cut jeans that cover most of the shoe and some kind of fashionable shirt.

Jaiden, I would say "go for it". I have done a similar outfit (pointy boots with low rise boot cut jeans) going into malls and haven't really had any problems. I would definitely do it in places like clubs where it is much darker and where people expect somewhat more unusual behavior

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Jaiden, Once again I doubt you'll have any trouble and if your easy going just brush off the comments, which I doubt you will get. I myself am not a fighter either. I would just leave the scene. loveheel, Yes they are Dragon boots in my avatar. I purchased these on the internet from a E Bay store. The E Bay store name was ,HEELBUYS if I remember correctly. I haven't seen them for a while but the stores stock does change. I wear a US mens 11 size and these are a size 13 US womens and they fit just fine. Like i said, I haven't been out with these yet. Just waiting for the first opportunity...Jim

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loveheel, You must have been good this year!! Santa bringing boots!! Alright.. Yes, they support me just fine and I am just over 200 lbs, but loosing weight slowly.. I have worn them several times to work, since I am in first, but take them off before others arrive. I think they feel great and do like the look with jeans covering most.. Good Luck with Santa.....Jim

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So, here's an update on my heeled outing. I got dressed and slipped on my low rise boot cut jeans and pointy toed 3.5" stilleto boots at around 5:00pm on saturday evening and didn't remove them until about 4:00am saturday morning. My friends were very supportive. After the initial sarcastic jokes and gay remarks i heard comments like "you're style rocks, that would look silly on me but you can pull it off, you must have huge balls to be able to wear those out in public" You're probably thinking "11 hrs in pointy toed stillettoes? you're feet had to be killing you" I had a special friend along to take care of any discomfort the shoes caused. Some of you probably know him. He goes by the name Bacardi 151. One thing I failed to think about when picking out these shoes to wear was my ability to walk in them while slightly (heavily) intoxicated. We were going to see "Larry the Cable Guy". As soon as we got to the theater i had to use the restroom. That place was packed! Redneck City baby! I was thinking "someone is going to crack on me" as my heels clicked across the hard ceremic floor. No one did. After the show (which rocked btw) we went to a club. Several smiles from the ladies. Earlier while we were still at the house my friend Kevin made the remark "dude, wear whatever you want, you can be as gay as you want" Kevin is probably the strongest biggest guy i've seen in a long time. He walks into a room and people go "damn that guy's huge" Well at the club Kevin was in the restroom and he overheard some guys saying 'did you see that queer guy in the heels?' Kevin kind of jumped into the conversation: "hey! thats my friend and he's as straight as a board and he's totally comfortable with who he is" he said that you could see them shrinking on the inside as they hasitly exited the restroom hoping that he wasn't going to explode on them. A funny side note that doesn't have anything to do with heels.... I had nearly sobered myself back up when I heard my friend Jane say "I need my tampon" I obviously thought she was talking to another female friend. Then she said it again and then finially" Jaiden! I need my tampon!" I sat there kind of stunned...I said "um..i don't have a tampon, i don't carry those kinds of things around with me" she said "yes you do, its in your front pocket" "I don't think so" "Yes you do its right there" as she stuck her finger on the bulge in my pants. I dove down into my pocket and retrieved the object there and sure enough, it was a tampon. "How the hell did that get in there?!" "uh dude, you were pretty drunk when she was walking around trying to find someone to hold it for her and you said you would" Well thats all for now

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here's the kicker....I live in the southern United States...Arkansas, in the "buckle of the bible belt". But i rarely have any problems with people wanting to cause trouble. I guess there are advantages to being 6'4" tall and 250lbs. I'm a super nice guy. I've been in maybe 3 fights my entire life.but when people see me they aren't willing to risk being known as "the guy who got his butt kicked by the guy in heels"

Hi Jaiden,

don't worry :wink: I'm living in the "koran belt" of Frankfurt/Germany. A lot of young turkish macho immigrants in my neighbourhood! Sometimes I was glad too for being 6' 4'' tall. By the time the situation has calmed. I'm the big blond "pansy" guy on high heels and that's all. My german neighbours or immigrants from the nonislamic rest of the world never behaved aggressive towards me.

Religious fundamentalism is the modern scourge of the mankind :-?:D:wink:

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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its nice to have friends like that. at the halloween bash one of my lady friends heard the girls in the washroom talking about: the guy in the white high heels, and how he must be gay. the lady friend said: he's married with two kids and his wife is out there waiting for him. was voted for sexiest costume but didn't win.

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