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New here and first walk


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Hi all, new to this board, although been watching it for a while!

Thought I'd finally report in. Was in London last week & went for a proper walk. Previously I would sneak out with shoes in a bag and put them on in a quite area, quick walk, then change back. Reading your board I thought, well...

So I went out - in my boots, jeans and coat, through the lobby, into the street and walked, and walked, and walked. Nobody took any notice. I went to a shop, bought the paper, no one batted an eyelid! Kept walking... for about one hour. Loved it! Mind you I have got some terrible blisters (thought I'd try running along a block!) I did get nervous past a few people so I push my trouser legs down a bit to reduce the obvious heel, but it didn't stop me!

Hopefully the picture of my boots is below. Faith 3yrs ago

When woman get taller, their shoes will fit me better.

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welcome to the board pal my first outing was in quite high stilettos, an the first 5 minutes were as if the world was gonna collapse on me (as i was not to know it was the busiest day of the year in blackpool), but by 10 mins i reaised that noone had even noticed, and it was truly a pleasant experience. daz

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Yes Secreto! I add to everyone else's postings in congratulating you! You have just gone through what hundreds of us street-heeling guys went through - stepping-out into the public for the first time. When it suddenly dawns on you that it's REALLY POSSIBLE, it's a wonderfully liberating feeling, isn't it? And congratulations on your bold choice of boots! A gorgeous pair! As Ionic says, many of us were less daring on our "debut walk", choosing lower, more discreet block heels and gradully working-up to higher, thinner heels. Well done again! I hope this story will be yet more encouragement to "Shy guys" who haven't yet plucked up the courage, and I wish you everlastingly blissful street-heeling from now on! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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The first time out is always the hardest, any of us here can tell you that, Secreto, but once you've gotten that out of the way, it progressively gets easier from there. Welcome aboard!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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It's a doddle, isn't it? As I always say to people just starting out, makes sure everything else is elegant to match those elegant boots, otherwise you look like a perv in high heels, a dirty mac and a pair of scruffy jeans. Xa

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It's a doddle, isn't it?

As I always say to people just starting out, makes sure everything else is elegant to match those elegant boots, otherwise you look like a perv in high heels, a dirty mac and a pair of scruffy jeans.


I have been out many times (drunk usually!) but only a very nervous 5 minutes. It really is about confidence, I would still be nervous of doing it where I live, but London is anonymous and no one is interested. Go to a BIG city, stay in a hotel somewhere a little quieter (e.g. not Trafalgar Sq!), check out the area to boost your confidence & then just go for it.

I don't imagine I'll wear HH's all the time - but I realise now, it is much easier than you think & I shall take a trusty pair of heels on all my trips, the hard bit now is which pair!

Oh yes, my Jeans were of course, designer! If you fear being caught, be caught well dressed!

When woman get taller, their shoes will fit me better.

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Go to a BIG city, stay in a hotel somewhere a little quieter (e.g. not Trafalgar Sq!), check out the area to boost your confidence & then just go for it.

Just do the opposite! Do go in public when it is very busy. For instance on a saturday afternoon, and go to Top of the Shop near Oxford Circus, take the stairs downstairs and browse the shoes already there. The place is crowded with shopping women trying on shoes and clothes. It was so crowded the temperature rises itself because of all the people there. You have a nice view watching people doing their own thing and they don't notice you're walking in heels!


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I agree entirely with Robert. Crowded places like Trafalgar Square are the EASIEST, not the hardest! This is because you blend in with the general bustle. At the opposite extreme, if you walk down an almost deserted street, your every footstep being the only sound, any small huddle of people will turn and look at you as being the only thing moving in the street. Oh, and why not get your confidence further increased by joining us on this Saturday's Heel-Meet in Birmingham - see under "Real Life Meetings"? Everyone who comes on thoseHeel-Meets has six times the street-heeling confidence afterwards. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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  • 6 months later...

I have been doing my street-heeling in Malls, gas stations, stores, parks, grocery stores, drug stores, theaters, etc. where-ever our personal business and pleasure takes us. Some of these places were crowded and some were quite deserted. So far no one has looked at us or said anything to us yet and we seem to be going un-noticed. So, get your shoes or boots on, get out there and have some fun taking care of your personal bussiness. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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