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Is 4' my limit?


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Just posing this question to the more experienced heel wearers! I've only seriously started wearing heels these past 3 months, I have pairs ranging from 2.5-4 inches. Here's the deal. I just bought a pair of shoes, Linzy by Kelsi Dagger. They are purportedly a 5 inch heel with 1 inch platform, so technically 4 inches. But they FEEL much higher to me. So much so that when I walk I can feel a strain in my achilles tendon. 1. Since I am a size 7.5, is it true that the angle might actually be more than 4 inches? It honestly feels so much higher. 2. Is that straining feeling in my tendon a normal part of growing accustomed to heels? Or am I not meant to wear anything of this particular height? 3. Can stretching reduce the strain? Thanks everyone!

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1. You said, "are purportedly a 5 inch heel with 1 inch platform". Have you measured them? I'd expect a platform height to remain the same regardless of shoe size, but heel height often does vary. Definitely not absolute, but I'd say listed heights are usually for around a size 8. So, larger sizes typically have higher heel heights, smaller less. With you having a size 7 1/2, I'd tend to think your heel height is a bit less than 5".

1b. I'll leave to to those that have platform shoes, to comment how similiar wearing a pair of 4" heels with a flat sole is to a shoe with a 5" heel and a 1" platform.

3. Jumping ahead to (3), I'm sure that stretching can help. If you've every seen foot stretchers advertised, it's so you can leverage that 'idle' time you aren't on your feet, and get them pre-stretched for when you are on your feet (or toes).

2. The strain you are feeling, my guess, is probably temporary. The more you walk in them, the better you'll likely feel. For the 4" heel shoes, how are you walking in them?

Even though you might be okay in your 4" heels, if you want to walk in a platform shoe, maybe look at a 4" - 4 1/2" heel, so you don't have that full 4" height difference.

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Sine the strain appears to be in the Achilles tendon, I'm wondering if your leaning forward and/or not standing straight in these particular shoes. Being a platform at that height, I would expect strain at the front of the leg instead.

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I know women who have smaller feet and wear 5 and even 6 inch heels. its all about your balance, stretching your calf if need be and your own tolerance. My ex was a size 6.5 and wore 5.5 inch heels at times with no platforms and her feet was at a 90 degree angle. 6 inchs put her a little bit past that but she could tolerate it and had the balance for it. 5 inch put her at like 80 degrees.

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I'm new to this site but have had heels for some time. On the topic if 4" I can wear them for a long time walking is no problem 5" for a little but 6" no way I do owen 3 pairs of 6" heels and when at home wear them often but don't walk much but 6" heel are just so dam hot its hard not to love them

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Thanks for the responses. I think maybe I just have tight tendons/muscles? I feel the stretch just when standing in them, it's as if my foot just doesn't want to bend to that degree. I suppose this will take some stretching and practice. I walk pretty decently in them actually, it's just the nagging kind of pain in the back of the foot. I studied the shoe a little more and it has a bump in the insole. so rather than a steep incline it's a softened slope. I assume this is to decrease the angle for comfort, but maybe that's what's contributing to the strain on the back of my leg rather than the front.

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""" I think maybe I just have tight tendons/muscles?""" I'm inclined to think that is not the problem, at least as I see it. I do have very tight muscle structure. I have never been able to touch my toes. I get about 6" away, and that is all the farther I go. In a 4" to 5" heel, I actually get closer to my toes, albeit 3" to 4" away, but better. 15 minutes in heels, and when I step out of them, I feel like a duck out of water. Today, I feel like I should have been wearing heels 30 years ago.

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I'm a UK7.5 (US9.5) and a 4.5" rise feels like my practical limit in the same way you described, I still wear them sometimes but I avoid standing for too long or walking long distances. For you at US7.5 maybe 4" is that limit, especially since you've only been wearing heels for 3 months. You could probably train yourself to wear higher heels, but the heel height is just a number, it's how elegant you look and feel that counts. I also think platforms can sometimes feel higher than the same rise without a platform. I find that on some platforms the sole under the toes rises up off the ground at a sharper angle, pushing your weight forward as you take each step which feels kind of fun but does take a bit of getting used to and puts different demands on your muscles/tendons. I'd say it's good to stretch and exercise, vary your heel height from day to day, pamper yourself with foot care and if you're getting used to higher heels do it in small stages rather than torture yourself in pain all day. It's better to look after yourself any avoid doing any short-term or long-term damage so you can enjoy wearing your heels for years to come.

If you like it, wear it.

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Hi Nielle, The Linzy by Kelsi Dagger are great looking shoes. As previous posts have said You will need some time to stretch and adjust to a heel thats higher than you are used to. I think it will take a few weeks to adjust. I don't think you need to do special stretching exercises, just wear your Linzys aound the house for a few minutes each day. I agree that platforms feel a littel higher higher than a non-platform with equivalent lift (although its often difficult to measure correctly ). I prefer platforms as they feel more solid and comfy in the forefoot, plus you cruise over small particles without feeling them like you do through a thin sole. Let us know how you do.

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Higher you go the more time it takes to adapt. In order to keep the flexibility of wearing that heel height, you will have to wear that particular heel hight on a regular basis. Also tuck in the butt and pull back the shoulders to find your balance between the heel and ball of foot. Think of is as an exercise regiment, just more fun.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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Just posing this question to the more experienced heel wearers! I've only seriously started wearing heels these past 3 months, I have pairs ranging from 2.5-4 inches.

Here's the deal. I just bought a pair of shoes, Linzy by Kelsi Dagger. They are purportedly a 5 inch heel with 1 inch platform, so technically 4 inches. But they FEEL much higher to me. So much so that when I walk I can feel a strain in my achilles tendon.

1. Since I am a size 7.5, is it true that the angle might actually be more than 4 inches? It honestly feels so much higher.

2. Is that straining feeling in my tendon a normal part of growing accustomed to heels? Or am I not meant to wear anything of this particular height?

3. Can stretching reduce the strain?

Thanks everyone!

These are the ones you're referring to, yes?


I did try on a heel with a 1" platform sole, so the heel height didn't feel so high, yet the platform to me gives a weird walking sensation as if you're floating. With the platform height at 1.5" & the overall heel height at 4.5", it's like walking on a 3.25" heel.

My highest pair of heels is 4" without a platform and I can feel the stretch in the lower part of my legs vs wearing a 3.5" heel. It's pretty much getting the feel of the height.

Yes, stretching is good.

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Thanks everyone! Yes, I will continue to practice. Actually, I did a bit of an ambitious test run the other day and browsed Macys (at Herald Sq) in them after work. I walk surprisingly well, so it's just a matter of working the soreness from the legs. It was extremely fun admiring myself in the mirrors. hahahaha Will keep everyone posted on progress :smile:

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Nielle, As someone who was once in your situation I can say from experience that the sky is truly your limit! As many others have touched on here posture is extremely important. Practice is as well! Concentrate on keeping your center of gravity in line and remember to keep your head up looking out and confident. Sounds so simple but it works great! I can comfortably wear 5- 5.5" non-platformed heels now... a situation that would have previously murdered my legs. Hope to hear about your progress! Happy Heeling!!!

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Well seeing as I don't get to enjoy them as often as i'd like, I think it has to be somewhere in the 4 week range. But I think with regular wear it would have realistically only have been a week or so tops. As with most things the more you do it the easier it becomes.

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A week or so (maybe 4) to be comfortable in 5" heels? More power to you if that's how it worked for you, but I'd wager that's by far not the norm. I'd be more expecting months, if not fractions of a year, in order to really master it.

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No I do not think so. I have various 5" heels with platforms and yesterday I was wearing my 6.5" platforms for about two hours when I got home even went and did some work outside on a shed I am errecting and found it quite comfortable. Can't wait to try something higher.

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