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Spilling the beans...


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Hi all! So I have been a member for a bit here now, and I confess to lurking a bit before that hehe. Anyway I thought it was about time I shared a bit of myself other than just to say hello. I have been a heel lover since I was an adolescent really. Something about the look of a woman's leg, the long lean lines from heel to thigh, and the way a great pair of stockings or pantyhose accentuates it all has always appealed to me. Growing up in a house full of girls and having a mother who wore heels and hose daily for her office job only fortified my infatuation. I would have to say that somewhere around the age of 10 i began sneaking into my mom's room and "borrowing" her heels and pantyhose. I would try them on, and i would run my hands over my legs. That feeling was so exciting! Then I would try and walk around, always careful to be quiet and not let the clicking of the heels resound on my hard bedroom floor. As my infatuation grew, I did as well and unfortunately My mother's size 6 shoes just didn't fit anymore. For a few years I mostly just stuck to trying on stockings and pantyhose. I would remember and always try to picture how each outfit looked with the heels of my youth on. As time passed on so did life, and eventually I subsided for a few years. But as I began life in my own place as a single man I again returned to my love of heels. I bought a pair real fast one day at Wal-Mart. I remember them being classic white pumps with about a 3in heels. Man was my heart pounding when i brought them up to the register! As soon as i got those beauties home I rushed up to get them on, all the while hoping and praying they'd fit ok!! Well they ended up working out ok but they were definitely a bit snug! Over the years the heels have come and go. Sometimes i purge my collection as I encounter Life Moments that seem to change they way I can enjoy my hobby. But from time to time I end up grabbing a new pair. Some have been really high and sexy, others sort of low and ordinary. Through all these experiments I have come to realize that I love the high and sexy shoes most! There is something exhilarating about waltzing around in 5 inch pumps..... even for a burly-ish biker guy like myself. Through all of these years I have pursued my hobby in secret. Not one woman I have ever dated (including my ex-wife) has known of my secret passion. Well I am happy to say that tonight I was finally able to muster up the balls to confide in a very good female friend of mine about my secret! I was so shocked and pleasantly surprised when she accepted the news openly! I shared a few pics of me in my shoes and she was even envious of one pair of 5.5 inch red platform pumps I own! She asked a few questions and I answered them straight out..... man did it feel amazing to get it all off of my chest. I know many of you here have shared with loved ones so I'm writing this to maybe help some others who have not yet mustered the courage to confide in someone. I know this news won't be something I tell a lot of my inner circle, but it feels damn liberating to know that at least one friend is in on the news and accepts me openly for it. Maybe one day she and I can shop for some new shoes and I can have the guts to wear them out in public with her by my side! Thanks for taking the time to read my post and hopefully I didn't ramble too badly!!! heelguy36

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Your experiences sound very similar to mine. The secrecy, the ups and downs in the collection, being unable to share with anyone until finally finding the right person. I could never tell my ex wife either though I think there were more problems there than I ever realized either. A later girlfriend I did buy boots for liked them at first, but only wore them three times for me. And I don't think she'd have accepted my wearing them either. The latest one I met through eharmony, (pardon the advertisement), and am at a totally different place. She likes wearing heels and lots of 2 or 3 inch high shoes for work and stuff. Oddly most are not all that sexy, but more business-like in nature which I suppose is practical but seems odd for someone who obviously likes heels. It was a subject we talked about and I made it clear I had a real thing for boots. She unknowingly teased me about how I'd look in some high heeled boots and I told her that I"d totally rock them. Of course she laughed, but little did she know. At least then. I think I bought her some boots on ebay that were inexpensive so that if they bombed, it wasn't a major hit. They were like these but in white:


I was intrigued by the back zipper and first bought a pair in white also in a 10 which was real struggle to put on until I found they also had them in an 11. I bought a black pair.

Turns out she was excited about the boots, but being that she is chunky girl, they didn't zip up over her calves. In spite of that she still wore them in the bedroom for me which was great fun. But of course I wanted more.

Some how we ended up talking about strip clubs for guys and the counterpart of girls night out with male strippers way back when as there was a club she used to go to with friends long ago that held events like that. Of course I'm bragging that I could do that and on and on with it. I don't remember which one of us bought it, probably her, but not long after that I have the gift of a men's version of a g-string. We were over at her place hanging out in the basement watching TV when she started going on about when was I gonna dance for her in it. Well I had the g-string thingie and the boots with me. I went upstairs to change which was actually mostly just undressing. For some reason she thinks I'm sezy even though I could lose more than a few pounds. I don the g-string which was fun and the black knee high boots with four inch heel. I've decided that if this relationship is going anywhere, she needs to know that I like wearing high heeled boots. To say that I'm nervous is an understatement. I'm sure most of you can guess the feelings and the fears running through my head. What if she freaks out and tells the world? I know many of you are way past that, but not me. Next I need to negotiate the stairs to the basement. I've done plenty of stairs in heels so that isn't the problem, but I don't want the heels making noise and giving away the surprise. All in all it's taken me a while to change and make my way down to the basement. It's a do or die moment. I gather up my courage and lean around the doorway to announce my grand entrance. I have her attention as she's been waiting for me to dance for her like the male strippers of back in the day. She asks if I'm gonna come in. I take a step into the room more or less hiding behind an ironing board and the end of a couch. She can't see me yet and asks again for me to come in. I finally do to her delight and surprise. She burst out with "You bought boots!!" and then how she likes the look between the tiny pouchie thing I'm wearing and the boots. Definitely a positive response so far. I think I sort of sashayed over to her and then finally sat down as I told her how those were not my first boots and I didn't take a long time to negotiate the stairs because I already knew how to walk in high heeled boots from having many different pairs over the years. She was somewhat shocked and listened intently to what I had to say, asked some questions about whether I dressed fully as a woman or if I was gay and seemed satisfied with my answers.

It was such a relief to tell her and not continue to live a lie hiding a part of me from her. That was over a year ago and we're still seeing each other. We still live separate and I go back and forth over whether I want to change that. She still has some fears that I probably won't be able to completely put to bed since she asked some of those same questions just recently after I told her about putting a new pair of boots on in the parking lot and driving home. That's for another post.

All in all, I have to agree with heelguy36 about everything he posted. I had the same feelings and it's so good to be able to not hide it, at least from that one special person.

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Yep, it's best to be upfront if at all possible. I have worn womens shoes (mostly sandals) since a teen. I started out wearing flats. When I met my wife-to-be I wore womens shoes and she did not really have a problem with it - but she did tell me later, after we were married, that she initally thought it was a bit unusual. After about 10 years of marriage, the "high heel" bug hit me, and I bought a pair of hh sandals on a whim. I knew I had to tell the wife, cause I intended to wear them around the house and in public, but how to do it? After a few days she was outside reading and I thought now was the time. I put the heels on and went outside without comment. My wife saw the shoes and started laughing, asking me what I was doing. I told her that I bought these sandals with the intent of wearing them. Generally, she has accepted my heeling and has gotten more used to it with time. Heck, we sometimes go out in heels together! Bottom line, try and be upfront if at all possible. Fortunately I have a wonderful wife who accepts me the way I am, "quirks" and everything!! Take care all, sf

"Why should girls have all the fun!!"

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Thanks for sharing your stories and it sounds similar to mine as well. It has taken several relationships to find out what I needed to do for my potential date. Funny how honesty and openness is the key to success but seemingly so hard to do when it comes to telling a person close to you about your heeling interests. 2-3 relationships ago I vowed to approach any new relationship with the simple honest and open chat about my interests. I know that has been hard for some girls but I just know I could not be any other way with them. So now I am able wear what I want when I want and am so happy just being me. That does mean I can be that way everywhere I go but certainly in a relationship it is now the norm. It reminds of a phrase from extreme skiing which is "Panic, Fear, Pain...my job is done here" It also feels so good to know that you are not hiding anything from your SO/wife/partner. Good stories! Mtnsofheels

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