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Lenny Kravitz


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Well, I wouldn't be at all surprised by the negative reactions if this was just any anonymous heeler, but I am a bit surprised that people are dumping on a famous and respected celebrity like Lenny for his look in this photo. After all, it seems that most people have a different set of rules and boundaries for celebrities than they do for average people. Just look at rock icons from the 70s like David Bowie. Perhaps the masses are even less tolerant now than they were 40 years ago. I'm sure that Lenny doesn't care though, and neither should we. Moral of the story: Just do your thing and don't worry about pleasing the masses :silly:

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Absolutely fabulous that he is wearing those boots, Ignore the press and the herd of "normals" and strut your stuff lenny! Bowie, Boy George, Adam Ant, Elton John and others have all wore heels and yet no one commented on the footwear..... I think that heels for men is coming onto the style radar more and more, so lets have some other celebs following the trend!

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I think the overall look is pretty cool for a rock musician, with the all-black, the shades, and the boots above all! A discussion point I would like to suggest, is the idea that, if anyone is going to blaze a trail for male high-heeled fashions, rock/heavy metal musicians might play a key part in leading that trend. Rock and metal music has previously included trends such as long permed hair, leather, eyeliner, etc. I witnessed at high school, some years ago, classmates experiencing harrassment purely for having long hair. This shows rock/metal trends go against the grain, and I wonder how far away rock musicians are from rounding their stage gear off with boots, spike heels, etc...?

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I posted the following comment on the website in support of Lenny: Lenny Kravitz always looks cool in my opinion. It’s a little sad that some posters, who live in Western liberal democracies in the 21st century, feel they should tell Lenny what he should wear. ‘Live and let live.’ - Paul on January 28th, 2011 Above my comment was one from a female who likes the outfit, good on her, although there is still much to be done in battling prejudice judging by other posts. I will post my thoughts on this later when I'm not so busy at work...

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I think the overall look is pretty cool for a rock musician, with the all-black, the shades, and the boots above all!

A discussion point I would like to suggest, is the idea that, if anyone is going to blaze a trail for male high-heeled fashions, rock/heavy metal musicians might play a key part in leading that trend. Rock and metal music has previously included trends such as long permed hair, leather, eyeliner, etc. I witnessed at high school, some years ago, classmates experiencing harrassment purely for having long hair. This shows rock/metal trends go against the grain, and I wonder how far away rock musicians are from rounding their stage gear off with boots, spike heels, etc...?

I remember when you could tell which kids did bad in school by who came back the following week with a butch haircut. This was a form of punishment at the time. Now all the kids wear butches. Either the style has changed or it's yet another indicator of the dumbing down of Amercia. LOL

Rock musicians have been wearing heels for years. I personally met Randy Rhoads back in the day as my best friend is his half brother. I knew him before he was really famous. Randy was a few years older but I remember looking at one of his original Quiet Riot lp covers and seeing him and all the other guys in the band wearing heels. It was interesting to me because even that early on I was developing an interest and I mistakenly took this as "Cool! Men wear them too!". :-(


Everything I say is a lie!.......I'm lying

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