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Hello from Scotland

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Hi Bluejasonyea, Wecome to HHplace - dont worry, we are gentle with everyone here. why dont you tell us a little more about yourself and your interest in heels. This will make it easier for the rest of us to strike up a conversation if we know a little bit about you, your likes dislikes and interests

Gingers Rogers did everything Fred Astair did .. but backwards and in heels

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Suppose I was a little shy as it was my first post though I suppose I'm in the right place. Like I said in my (very brief) introduction I'm from Scotland, 31 years old and have had an interest in high heeled shoes and boots for, well, about as long as I can remember. I'm not sure what it is about heels that capture my imagination so much but am more inclined towards designer/high street looks rather than the fetish style, though there are some amazing designs out there and often mainstream styles have evolved from a fetish style anyway. Anyway, it seems like a friendly forum here which is good to see so thanks partyshoes for asking a bit more and making me feel welcome.

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Suppose I was a little shy as it was my first post though I suppose I'm in the right place. Like I said in my (very brief) introduction I'm from Scotland, 31 years old and have had an interest in high heeled shoes and boots for, well, about as long as I can remember.

I'm not sure what it is about heels that capture my imagination so much but am more inclined towards designer/high street looks rather than the fetish style, though there are some amazing designs out there and often mainstream styles have evolved from a fetish style anyway.

Anyway, it seems like a friendly forum here which is good to see so thanks partyshoes for asking a bit more and making me feel welcome.

Welcome to hhplace, bluejasonyea :( There are a few of our members that are interested in designing different styles of women's shoes. Trolldeg is perhaps the most noteworthy designer. His renderings are phenomenal. Perhaps this is because he's been wearing heels for a long time and is familiar with how they feel.

Do you wear heels yourself?

Nice to have you joining us. :wave:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Wow, am pretty blown away by what a friendly forum this is. I used to wear heels but haven't done for probably over 5 years or so. I think it was just down to the aesthetics of it really as I never thought they looked right on me really though all power to the guys that can get away with that look. I was actually looking at someone's design for some platform boots that were amazing but can't find the thread now - excellant design though. Thanks for the warm welcome!

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Welcome from another aire of Scottish ancestry, Admittedly, viewing high heels is a pleasure of its own, however, wearing the styles desired can send one to another dimension of living. Heeling is an equal opportunity activity and it isn't exclusive to race, gender, height, income, age, or location as you can see in the postings of the HHP forum. So, join in posting your opinions and even your heeling aspirations.

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Welcome bluejasonyea, Well we were all shy at the begining and now we know it is OK to be the way we are, having interests in High heeled boots and shoes. This a place were we can be ourselves and get more out of life. Enjoy the site! Mtnsofheels

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