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Wore my boots for my girlfriend this weekend


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Hi Everybody, I passed another milestone this weekend and wore my boots in front of my girlfriend. Now this wasn't such a shock to her since I'd told her of my curiosity quite a while ago, in fact it was her enthusiastic response that gave me the courage to try heels on for the first time. I'd also spoken to her that first day and told her of my adventure, so she knew it wasn't just an idle thought. However, we had discussed it a couple of times after that and she never seemed fully convinced, so when I bought my heels I didn't tell her. I didn't want to hide things from her, but the purchase had been a spur of the moment thing that I later regretted not doing with her present. We'd discussed visiting the shop together and I didn't want her to feel like I'd deliberately gone behind her back. Then every time we met up, there was always something in the way, family, friends, a special event that I didn't want to spoil. You see, I wanted to show her the boots, not just tell her about them and there may have been questions from other people that I wasn't ready to answer. Then this weekend we had a quiet time together and I announced that I'd been a bit naughty and bought some boots. She instantly asked if they were high heeled ones and after I said yes, she told me she wanted to see me wear them. So I went upstairs and put my boots on. She called up that the zippers sounded quite long and had I bought thigh high boots. I just walked down and stood in front of her. I was so relieved when she said she liked them, she was amazed at how much taller I was so she asked to try them on. Well, one thing led to another and we ended up having a very nice evening eating dinner and looking at heels online together. We've resolved to go heel shopping together sometime soon and I must say, I can't wait. I don't know if we'll ever go out anywhere but a shoe shop together while wearing heels, but we can at least share the experience in private now. Hope everybody else had as good a weekend. HighCurious

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It's a start :( Take it slow and easy. And, never, ever let her get the idea that you like high heels more than you like her. Keep it simple and in the backbround if you are "looken" to make your relationship long lasting. :wave:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I'm very pleased for you, trust me the first time you are actually in a shop and you buy a pair together is a wonderful experience. A true moment of acceptance , she sounds great don't let this one get away, as others have said let her know she means more to you than heels and she will appreciate just how much that's means. Whilst you have her you can have a wonderful partner and your heels, it doesn't get any better than that. Good luck shopping and let us know when you have made your first purchase as a couple.

High heels are the shoes I choose to put on, respect my choice as I repect yours.

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Thanks for the good wishes everybody.

She really sounds like a keeper!

She's a "keeper" for many more reasons than this one. We've been together for a few years now and we're not going anywhere without each other.

Does she know about the HHP forum? If so, would she mind posting a comment about how she felt and about her concerns for your heeling

If she knows about HHP it's not because I've told her. I don't think I'd feel comfortable asking her to post here about topics like that.

And, never, ever let her get the idea that you like high heels more than you like her.

Not going to happen; it's pretty much impossible for me to like anything more than I love her.

I'm very pleased for you, trust me the first time you are actually in a shop and you buy a pair together is a wonderful experience. A true moment of acceptance

That's something I'm really looking forward to, it's just a case of organising it.


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Ever since I told my fiance that I like to wear high heels, we go out and buy shoes for us as we wear the same size shoe a SA 8. Together we have about 50 pairs now and I cannot wait to get to the shops to see what we can buy. It is great to know that when I get home I can put on a pair of high heels on and when I do not wear any she asks why am I not wearing any. My latest pair were 5'' peep toe boots and 5" strappy boots. I would like to go to the shop one day and try a pair on.

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