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Hi All...! A Quick Hello...!

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hi there... thought i'd introduce myself & say a quick hello...! not sure why it's taken me so long to sign-up on here... have known about the site for years... just never taken the leap...! i'm a 30 year-old male from London, England, who's an insatiable appetite for Everything high heels...! have done for as long as i can remember...! Have worn heels ever since i first tried a pair of my mum's on as a child & from that day forth, i've never looked back...! admittedly, i realise i'm very lucky in that my Wife shares my passion, & we have alot of fun, shopping & wearing heels together...! I've a few other co-fetishes, but will leave them for another time...?! :) like many of you i'm sure, i've come to accumulate alot of high heels... boots especially... down the years...! i search Ebay daily, & go for broke when the sales hit down...! hopefully when i gain permission to, i'll share & post pictures with you of my favorites...! at the last count i'd 35 pairs...! i'm somewhere in between a UK size 8 & 9, generally take an EU 42 but can get away with EU 41 on occasion... different brands & makes obviously vary...! favorite brands include, Topshop, Faith, Aldo, Next, River Island, Pleaser, LSB, Highest Heel & the pair i've on at the moment are KHB's from Luichiny (not sure if anyone's familiar with them...?!)... HOT...! lol...! joint here, to chat with & hook up with like minded peeps & as another portal to release, express & share my passion for high heels...! fingers crossed it proves fruitful...! Anyhow, that's all for now, cheers for those that have already welcomed me & look forward to some good forum chat & correspondence in the future...! cheers Guys & Gals, Gwyther :wave:

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Welcome from another London based heel lover. Thanks especially for a good and informative introduction. Only about a dozen pairs of HH at my house, mainly boots. I'm about half a size bigger than you which makes it just a little harder to find nice heels that fit well. Like you, I'm fortunate in having a supportive partner who likes seeing me in heels though she isn't much of a heel wearer herself.

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