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Heya all

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Hey !

Im Power2All, from the Netherlands, and got very interested in high heels not so long ago.

Tried wearing them myself as the girls I know told me it was verrrrry tough for them, so I gave it a try.

They we're right at the start, but after a while, you get used to it.

Im a guy alright, but wearing high heels is something I could wish, but I have not the balls to wear them in the open public, so I only wear them at home (high heel boots is what Im a fan of).

The best picture of boots I like, is for example this one:


Very nice looking boots, love to have them, but looking at it like this is <3 too :chuckle:

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Welcome to the group. I have only been wearing heels for five months. Mine are all strappy high heel sandals. I love how nice and sexy the ladies look in theirs. I want to look like they do, so I wear the same thing. As far as walking in them a lot has to do with practice and attitude. Happy heeling.

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Welcome to this board !

Those are very nice boots on your link

Note that the day will come when you will wear your heels in public...

It is only a matter of time. Take your time.

In the meantime, enjoy your new passion !

And don't worry: You are a normal guy who enjoy heels like most of us here

Heels are only shoes after all (and you are not crazy !)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings power2all, Welcome to HH Place, nice to have you join us. Most of had similar starts for wearing high heels in Public, truth is, us guys have the balls (pun and literal intended) but our mind keeps us from enjoying and what we want-heeling! You will find that over time it will just come one day and it will be the best day! Enjoy our community, Mtnsofheels

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There isn't any problems with wearing your boots in public, powertoall -- just put on your best pair and step out and enjoy wearing them. Just scroll around the site and you'll discover more advice about wearing boots in public than you have time to read....And, you'll soon see that it is easily done.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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