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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. It's the usual policy of these bods to treat adverse comment as if they have not heard it, much in the same way as the UK Royal Family. They will only react if they are receiving bad press on a scale approaching the volume of their readership. We are a minority with 800 or so registered members, so they don't give a sh*t. Xa

  2. Hi, Guys, Thanks for the support, but we don't have to resort to destructive tactics. I received a full refund today, including postage from supplier to me, but not the return postage. Since the supplier has had otherwise good reviews, I won't publish their name. It is to be regretted that I have had a bad experience with them, so I won't be using them for a long time. Xa

  3. Hi Jeff, Long time no speak. Good to see you are carrying the banner for us all. Being retired, I don't get to wear heels at work. Maybe I should take a part-time job. The only problem is that when I offer Chartered Engineer experience in the design of radar sets and high-power communication systems, potential employers get scared and say I'm overqualified. Much as I enjoy the experience of my old job, I cna't be bothered with putting up with the management crap and the hassle of traveling on our overcrowded roads any more. Xa

  4. As a kid (between 11 and 17) I drove a few vehicles .... unroadworthy wrecks, off road. More than the odd one had a clutch that was burnt out and would slip when provoked. Guess why I don't particularly like automatics where the 'clutch' is designed to slip ..... hopefully not too much. Xa

  5. Hi, Allheel, Yes, I'm a bicycle fan for keeping fit. I've never tried it in heels because I like to work the bike hard. This makes me very sweaty .... feet included. The last thing I like is smelly feet making my nice heels smelly, so I wear my only pair of guys shoes for this. Xa

  6. Oh dear .... washroom graffiti I suppose I'm as guilty as the rest having remembered this one from a toilet in Welwyn Garden City from about 1967. If you use this noble hall, Use the paper, not the wall, If there's no paper to be found, Run your bum along the ground ! ................................ hell, I've been waiting 30 years for this moment. Xa

  7. On occasion, I've worn shorts and tights with boots. If you choose dark tights the leg hairs don't show too much. However, if tights have been worn for a few hours, the your leg hairs start to protrude through the weave of the tights. I think this looks pretty silly.

    So, being armed with various power tools (the ones I use to shave my head) I set about shaving my legs as an experiment. Now, I've not had hairless legs for more than 35 years, so I've forgotten what it feels like. Things like soaping your legs in the bath wooooo, sensual or what, and as for wearing leather trousers, I'll have to censor that !


  8. Been thinking .... yes dangerous. I've been trying to get my head around what was in the shoemaker's mind as he/she made those shoes. The shoes were 'out of stock' so the manufacturer said they would have to make to order. I suppose a shoemaker was asked to make one pair in size 39 and sat at his bench to do this. So he is here forming the leather over the last and sees the crack. What is in his mind at this time ? If I were doing the job, I would say something like 'damn .... it looks like I will have to start again'. Anybody any ideas ???? Xa

  9. Dimwits of the week

    From the Sunday Times......

    German Shepherds are Britain's unluckiest breed of dog, a survey has shown. A telephone poll of 500 owners showed that german shepherds were more likely to swallow toys or get their heads stuck in cat flaps.

    The survey, for Our Dogs magazine, uncovered one bull terrier who swallowed a bottle cap, cling film, a toy car and some wire. After an operation to remove the objects, the dog was put on a drip. It then ate the drip !


  10. Hi, Bubba, That's the way it should be. If the supplier does an obvious balls-up, then he should bear the consequences. In my case, they started arguing that the heel tip wasn't fully knocked into the heel, so I had to explain that the end of the stiletto wasn't parallel with the ground. They admitted that the crack in the leather shouldn't be there, so have agreed to refund my money. When I get my money back (I bet they try to duck paying for postage), then I will start to hit them for the postage as well. Xa

  11. Hi, Bob2, Nice morning in the UK here .... already about 25 deg C. I looked at Luichiny, must be some years ago now, and forgot about it because I don't like platforms that much. Yes, there are some styles I quite like ... those open-back mules would be fine on a hot day. I'm wearing short ankle boots by Western Ranch with 5" heels now, but later I think I will change into 5" Fuss heels which you can see under 'Stand by for some more sillyness from Xaphod'. I will wear these under lightweight Summer trousers. The problem for guys wearing thin stilettos is that they are not really strong enough to carry a biggish guy's weight. The Fuss heels are about 2cm wide and are much stronger. Xa

  12. Hi, Bob2, Yes, I'm amazed by the quality of some of the Spanish footwear. The leather is beautifully soft ... nay, sensual, in many cases. I am a fan of Sacha, a UK chain of shops who sell superior quality shoes and boots. I am so well known at Sacha in High St. Kensington, London, that the shop assistants wave to me as I pass by, even though I may not be shopping there that day. Funnily enough, most of, most of my Sacha boots are made in Spain. If you know of any Spanish suppliers who don't appear on our list under 'Shops', then please feel free to enlighten us. Xa

  13. Sorry, Trolldeg, I believe this is a classic problem for some hh wearers. If you look on any podiatry site, they will give it a fancy name, but I'm pretty sure that it's your body telling you that it doesn't want to play. I'm not sure if anything can be done about it. :wink: Xa

  14. Handbagging is a throwback to the days we had a female Prime-Minister, aka Margaret Thatcher. To get to that job you need to be a bit of a control freak. Thatcher immortalised this, but our latest PM, Blair, has perfected the art into a cynical science. His once arch-henchman, Peter Mandelson, in my opinion, has more than a touch of the Goebbels about him. Back to the plot..... when one of the cabinet strayed from the Margaret Thatcher line, he would be rebuked. It was alleged that this would take the form of a clout around the head from the large handbag which Thatcher habitually carried.

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