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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. Hi, Jim, Yes I was a young boy in the late 50s and early 60s .... just the right time and just the right height for clocking up all those lovely stilettos .... dammit I've been scarred for life ! Xa

  2. I was waiting for a classic pair of custom stils with a 5" heel to be delivered. They arrived today.

    Postie drove up as I was under my 4wd dismantling the front suspension. So as I would not get my new shoes dirty, I went through a little ritual I have. Bath, clean clothes, open parcel and try on new shoes.

    ..... but looking at supposedly good quality which I paid nearly top dollar for, what do I find ..... one of the heel tips was not level

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    and the upper had a 15mm crack in the leather next to where my big toe would put weight on the shoe, and, I guess, enlarge the crack.

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    Also there was glue on the uppers.

    I tried the other shoe on, balancing myself up with one of my Fuss 5" courts, but, instead of having a new pair of shoes to wear, I find myself sending emails saying the quality is crap.

    I won't say who the manufacturer is until they have had time to reply to my email and hopefully take back the shoes and make a good pair.

    BTW here's a pic of the shoes .... sorry these are straight from the scanner, but not a bad result.

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    Xa ..... very pissed off !

  3. Can be done Jim ..... Stirling or Bren? .... but somehow, I don't think Plod would like me running around London with them .... even deactivated ones! Hmmm, thinking about it, I'll have a peruse of the rules and regs. I believe that in even our paranoid society the law allows me to carry a replica weapon if the barrel is covered up. Better make sure I have the de-ac certificate with me. Xa

  4. I've got around to reloading some pics on the server and resurrecting some old threads .... have a look back to page 1.

    Hope you like them.

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    Personally, I think the photography of the second deserves merit.


  5. Yes, I too like the Chrysler building. It was built a few years before the Empire State and was the tallest building in New York before it was usurped by the taller (but relatively non-descript) Empire State. Of the two, I prefer the Chrysler Building.

    Back to the plot ....

    I promised a pic of the famous Hotel Solvey by Horta in Brussels .... here goes

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    I have a theory about the disappearing picture links.

    If I remember correctly, the upload is provided by a lurker heely, and for any facility such as this we should be grateful. From his/her point of view, what an easy way to collect lots of heely pictures with little effort. If this makes the lurker happy, all well and good.

    Now yours truly comes along and uploads things other than an 'in your face' pair of heels .... oops no buzz for the lurker so the architecture and heels gets deleted. I cannot complain, but I am a bit sad that our lurker isn't quite as philanthropic as I had hoped.


  6. Hi, Jim,

    I'm also no expert, but some things in life other than heels give me a buzz too. Avant-garde architecture is such a thing. If I had lots of time, possibly I would pursue a course of study in the subject, but , for now, I'll remain an enthusiastic amateur.

    I'll reload the pics plus a couple of Hotel Solvay, which is the best known of Victor Horta's works after I get back from Ruth's nn th birthday party.


  7. I found this pic, Sophie Dahl advertising YSL perfume.

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    Now, the politically correct do-gooders flamed this ad, big time, at the Advertising Standards Authority who banned the ad. I have been meaning to scan it for a while to keep it for posterity.

    Now, the question I ask is this really demeaning to women, or is it a statement of her power? I can't deny that I would like to sleep with this woman .... yes a real woman with curves and a bit of padding (no silicone here), not like the modern waif which I guess is about as comfortable as sleeping next to a lumpy, hard, sack of spanners !

    Despite the fact that I really like the look of this woman, I'm not going to go out and jump her, or even the next girl I come across, so I can't see why lots of other people have a problem.

    Xa (ducking in advance ! )

  8. I keep getting tempted to buy a Daimler Ferret armoured car, but all the fun keeping houses and boats maintained won't leave me much time! BTW the Ferret is a 4.5 ton armoured vehicle with a .30 cal machine gun on a fully rotatable turret, the whole powered by a 4.2 litre Rolls-Royce B60 petrol engine .... 8 miles per gallon :wink: I sometimes play the story in my head of inviting out a classy young lady, suggesting that we will take my Daimler .... then see her reaction when I turn up with a serious piece of military hardware ! Xa

  9. Never had any trouble from 'bovver boys'. ..... OK there have been the usual gormless remarks which I have usually laughed off, or taken the piss in return. Now, don't think that I believe that I'm not going to get a good thumping at sometime, but just by being careful, like not being in the wrong part of town at the wrong time, and not winding up the bovver boys when there are more than 3 of them (the odds they seem to prefer), I can minimise the chances. Xa

  10. You might have gathered from my adventures in Belgium that Highluc and I went around Brussels while I gawped at some of the Art Noveau architecture of Victor Horta.

    Here's a couple of pics:-

    This is yours truly (in 5" Fuss heels) outside the house of Paul Hankar, a Horta contemporary.

    Again the work of another Horta contemporary, Jules Brunfaut.


  11. This subject has been covered before by Nata on 26th Mar 02 in the 'For Everybody' forum.

    I find the extra space and more upright position in my 4wd allows me to wear 5" heels without scuffing the back of heels.

    Ask Calv how my control of the vehicle is, but don't ask him to comment about sticking to the correct lane markings which I regard as suggested guidance to one's trajectory.


  12. Since there was some interest in UKheel2002 on the other board, I thought I would add one of the pictures which has gone missing and say 'hi' to heelfan.

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    The pic was taken outside what used to be some of the old stables for the many horses which kept London going. The stables are now part of the Camden Lock shopping area.


  13. I suppose I have shortened tendons now, having worn heels openly for 5 years and Bertulli lifts for the previous 7 or 8. I too like hill walking (going down is great ! ), but I find a great help is to put one of the Bertulli wedges from inside a worn-out pair, in my hiking boots. That gives me possibly a 1 1/2" lift which makes all the difference. About knee pain .... because I have girly legs, these are relatively light compared with the rest of my body .... 17" neckband, 42" chest, 34" waist, I have to be careful about overloading them. I find bicycling regularly (every day if possible) keeps the joints moving at angles other than that for high heels, blows out the clag from the cardiovascular system, and absorbs the calories ingested by beer drinking ! Xa

  14. Highguy,

    I have just had a very pleasant conversation with a ex-Kenyan farmer over lunch in a pub.

    I dropped into the library on the way home to get some books for the weekend and have a heel board fix. There is a kids reading creche with lots of mums 15 feet away.

    I'm wearing these:-Posted Image

    Yes, there have been a few glances, but nobody yet has lynched me.

    Xa .... highguy, have a look at your private messages

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