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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. Time for more sillyness.

    Earlier this year the enviro-creeps blew up my diesel engine with their barbaric test to see if it's emissions are acceptable.

    The UK test involves opening the accelerator wide with the gears in neutral and waiting for the engine speed to max out at the speed limiter (something like 15% in excess of red line speed). They don't do this once, but 6 times in succession.

    Anyway, it turned out that my diesel broke a piston ring, so I had to strip the engine.

    To continue with the diesel engines topic, it was mandatory that I got out the Fuss courts.

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    Now, you will notice that there are 3 pairs here .... did I mention that I like these so much that I bought 2 more pairs for when the first ones wear out?


  2. Hi, Francesca, Yes you said it all about style .... especially that bit about beer bellies. Style is something I have been working on for a few years now. I hope I have a look that works .... it must be OK some of the time, judging by the favourable comments I have had from some women. Enjoy our forum and our shared passion for heels. I hope you will be one of many girls who love heels to join us. Don't worry about your English. You know enough to communicate your thoughts, which is better than can be said for my Italian. Most of us generally write fairly good English, so the board might help you improve, if that's what you wish. Xa

  3. Hmmm .... you find something new every day ! Must admit that I'm looking around for a shoulder bag that is elegant, leather (because I think plastic looks cheap and tacky) and big enough to carry a spare pair of shoes. There were some bags for guys in the fashion magazines a while back, but at £350 they could go to hell !!!! Before now I have used my briefcase to carry spare shoes. I remember the time I went to the Science Museum in London, just after the start of Gulf War 2. Security had been stepped up and everyones bag was being searched. The security guys had an eye-opener when they found my blue suede 5" Fuss stils in a shoe box. The girl asked me if they were my size and I said 'but of course .... however these are easier to walk in for a long time', said I hitching up my leather pants to reveal 4" block ankle boots. Xa

  4. This is a pretty embarassing one that happened a couple of Sundays ago ....

    Saturday evening I changed the power steering fluid on my jeep, so on Sunday morning, instead of the macho 'getting dirty fixing jeeps' I did the 'clean clothes and looking presentable' thing, including, of course, 5" Fuss courts.

    I thought I would take the jeep into the village to get a newspaper and to check that I had bled all the air from the hydraulic pump and make sure that the fluid level was OK. At the newsagents I released the bonnet (hood), hopped out of the vehicle, locked it and raised the bonnet to check the level .... all fine and peachy, so I slammed the bonnet back down but, oh bugger ....


    Dammit .... I'm locked out of both vehicle and home. I bought my paper anyway but how to get at the keys, right at the top of the engine compartment. Thankfully the Sunday Times has a vast amout of superfluous newsprint which I laid out on the ground under the jeep so as I wouldn't get dirty as I reached up into the mechanics. The only problem was the locals didn't realise the legs (in jeans) didn't belong to a guy .... they could only see a very nice pair of heels, so presumed a mechanically-minded woman was having problems with her jeep !

    After explaining to a very confused gentleman that my keys were on the top of the battery which I couldn't reach, I decided to give up, walk home and get my spare set of keys which are hidden outside.

    I won't be making THAT mistake again !


  5. Heelfan wrote:

    Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:22 pm Post subject:

    One reason for inviting the BEST reactions (as well as the worst ones) is to encourage the waverers and shy-guys into stepping-out. We veteran streetheelers, and especially the celebrated Hilucs, Firefoxes and Xaphods of this world will tell the waverers that their fears are totally unfounded, and that it's a doddle and a cinch when you actually get going!

    HF, it ain't quite a doddle and a cinch. Just have your wits about you, and you will be fine .... for example there was a bunch of guys on the tube who had had a few beers and were being a bit noisy, so I boarded the next carriage, just to be on the safe side.


    About the greeter's reactions, not much really, so I didn't comment.

    There was some fun to be had though: A guy was there with his girlfriend, hippy 'friend of the Earth' type with long hair, floaty dress, backpack and 'orrible flat shoes. He was trying to get her to wear something a bit more elegant with about a 3" heel, but every time she tried anything on she was whingeing and moaning about the fact the pinched. Boyfriend was on a loosing battle, so I made a point of inspecting the most extravagant fashions right in front of the pair. There wasn't any comment, but if there had been I would have been politically incorrect, so much so I can't repeat it here!

  6. This is a little lighthearted quiz from a colour supplement.

    Start with 20 points and subtract 1 for every 'yes' answer.

    Do you regularly see any of the following?

    Homeopath, Ayurvedic practitioner, naturopath, colonic hydrotherapist, Q2 therapist? (Add one for every one you have never heard of.)

    Do you have any of the following in your medicine cabinet?

    Ketostix, crystals, free-radical scavengers, echinacea, Bach Rescue Remedy, a DIY testing kit (not pregnancy)? .... You don't have a medicine cabinet; add 10.

    If you are out to dinner, would you pass on any of the following:

    Protein, carbohydrate, wheat, dairy, citrus, yeast? If you would pass up the dinner invitation if it meant having to eat any of these, add 10.

    Do any of the following words litter your conversations more than once a week:

    acidophilus, allergic, ashtanga, Ayurvedic, colon, combining (as in food), crystal, detoxification, free radical, intolerant (only of foods, people are fine), ketone, probiotic, Yin and Yang. (Add one for each word you have never used).

    How often do you discuss your health?

    Only on a biannual consultation with your doctor whose name you don't remember (add 10)/weekly/daily/hourly (deduct 5, 20 and 50 respectively)

    How many syndromes do you have:

    premenstrual, irritable bowel, restless legs, Munchausen's (subtract 2 for each, 10 for Munchausen's.)



    20 plus .... congratulations, you have a life !

    0 to 20 .... Practice positive thinking .... I am well .... I am well .... I am well.

    -1 to -20 .... Lighten up !

    -20 or less .... cheer up, you could soon be dead.


  7. Doesn't quite fit in with the thread, but I'll relate a little incident from today. Before the little horrors (schoolkids) finish for the long holidays, I nipped up to London today for a wander around. There are various sales around, some Summer shoes and some boots. As I was entering Barrats, where the guys shoes are in the basement, I turned to the display of colourful stilettos (red, orange and yellow) when the 'greeter' asked, "are you looking for men's or women's shoes?" I hitched up my trouser leg a little to reveal all of the Fuss 5" courts, and said, "what do you think?" Message for greeters .... use eyes and brain before mouth ! Xa

  8. I asked Hay-Way to make me a pair of their 5" ankle boots in leather some years ago. They declined, despite my offering any reasonable extra cost for a one-off. Oh well, they have their policy of not making leather shoes ..... and I have my policy of not wearing plastic ! Xa

  9. I've had a couple of comments about the mention of plugs in this thread, one from a woman who wasn't very happy about the way the fetish forum is going. We guys are fortunate to have the support of a few rare women on this board and I'm not going to allow extremes of content to turn them away. I'm taking a lead here from what imagery or discussion one might find in a tabloid newspaper, or 'top shelf' magazines that might be found in the newsagents. To my knowledge, what one does to one's backside is not to be found in these places. Xa

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