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Posts posted by canadianbeaver17

  1. Thanks, JeffB. The only reason I was skeptable was the fact that the top part of my foot was showing. I wear my boots (avatar) and for some reason feel boots can be pulled off a little easy. The rationale I have now is not everyone looks at your feet. But there is always that thought in the back of your head. Just baby steps I guess.

    I remember I took some pics of these shoes for someone before. Here are the pics:

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    Normally I wear my jeans so about an 1" of the heel shows. I just think it makes the whole outfit look better. Who knows what I'll try next. I'm always open for suggestions..hehe.

  2. I wore my 4" black stiletto pumps from Frederick's of Hollywood out tonight. I went to a pub and also to a strip club with two female friends of mine. I've never wore my pumps out before, but I did it upon the birthday girl's request. No complaints whatsoever. My pumps were in clear view of a few people but no puzzling reactions. They were really comfortable, for being cheap PU. Now black pumps...what 's instore next???

  3. I really love your look, kneehigh. I kinda have the same type of style when I choose to dress like that. Although I opt for pointy toe boots instead of pumps, i've wanted to try a pair of pumps with my look. Keep it up!

  4. My girlfriend and I were going to the pub at the University Halloween night with some of our friends. We couldn't figure out what to go as. After several stores, she decided on a french maid and I decided on a cowboy. We looked at several stores for a pair of cheap cowboy boots. We either couldn't find my size or they were too expensive. I wasn't about to spend $80 on a pair I would only wear once. Finally, I said "how about I just wear the boots I have? (avatar)". We both agreed they would look perfect since the front looks kind of like cowboy boots. When I put them on with the rest of the outfit, it totally looked good! We went to the pub and had a great time. I walked by one girl in line and she looked down at my shoes and looked up and smiled at me. Everyone else that I talked to were oblivous or the ones that know I wear fun shoes sometimes didn't think it was a big deal - which is a good thing! On a side note...I'm going to the states tomorrow with my gf shopping. Hopefully I find some new shoes (whatever style) to share with you guys. Cheers!

  5. I would say if you wear skirts, then you could wear gauchos. If you think skirts are too much to wear in public, I wouldn't recommend wearing gauchos. You might as well go all out and wear a skirt then.

  6. Hey good work man..(or boy..lol). Those are some nice boots. I started out with a pair of wedge loafers about the height of your boots. I wore them to school a couple times and got similar reactions to yours. Most say "nice girl shoes" and more on. Others just think they are normal boots. Even if one makes a big deal (such as your partner at work), others will come in and shit them up. I had a situation sitting in the cafeteria at school with my wedge complete exposed. One girl was like "WTF?". Her friend piped up and said "hey, they look pretty good on him, so what?". That quickly shut up the first girl. lol I think chunker heels like yours are a good start. That's what I wear if I go to school and want to wear chic shoes (unless they are flats and could pass for unisex). I wouldn't wear stilettos to school....but never say never.

  7. I dunno, man. You got 3 ladies, 1 being your mother, that are talking about you and your life behind your back (good and bad). In simple terms words are colliding! Steer clear of all of them for a bit. Why would a gf call an ex of yours? Seems odd to me.

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