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Posts posted by canadianbeaver17

  1. I think maybe an idea at this point is to take them out of her room and put them back into yours. Maybe leave them out in a closet so she can see them when she's putting away laundry or something. Maybe at that point she will believe you.

  2. My mom knew I wore women's shoes when I noticed a pair gone. I asked her if she borrowed them and she was like "ya, i liked them". So maybe she just wanted to borrow them...lol. I'm sure she will be cool with it. Keep us posted.

  3. I've wore a similar style before out with flare jeans. They looked very nice. One guy was shocked with them, but gave me the thumbs up. Lots of people were curious, but after talking to them they were all for it. Too bad the pair I had weren't that good. Nevertheless, I've replaced them with something else similar and I can't wait to test those out.

  4. Being in North America, it's not work looking at the eBays in Europe because the shipping would be expensive with some sellers (from what I've seen...correct me if i'm wrong). I normally use eBay Canada. I don't notice that much difference from the selection to that of the regular .com eBay. Only thing good abuot the Canada one is it shows you the price in your currency.

  5. Great to welcome both of the new guys to the board. To NL: There is no right answer on how to approach this. Personally, now being almost 22, I came out to friends first, then to parents. Mom basically says do what you want, but she doesn't need to know about it...but she borrows a pair of 2 from time to time. It seems you want something somewhat normal for public. I'm going to assume like a chunky heel ankle boot. Maybe go out with a friend and get a pair. If you really want to show your mom, show her the really cool pair of boots you got today. BUT, only do this if she is totally open minded. If you have any more concerns, just ask us on here or you can even private message or e-mail me. Cheers! CB17

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