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Posts posted by canadianbeaver17

  1. Actually, I forgot about my new flats!

    I got these on clearence for $8.00 at Zellers. I have them in black. The buckle on the pair I have is a little more subtle (no rhinestones/glitter), plus my footbed doesn't have hearts on them.

    Posted Image

    I've wore them once so far because the weather in Windsor changes every 5 minutes (yaaa Great Lakes! lol). My gf has similar pairs so it's kinda cool when we match. They are super comfortable to wear. Can't wait to wear them at school.

  2. There's 2 reasons for this: 1) It's classic supply and demand economics. Those large sizes for trendy shoes are hard to find. Therefore, people will spend a large sum to get them. I've noticed this with a lot of payless shoes on ebay. 2) People don't bother looking at either the store which sells the shoe or even the ebay store of the seller. Many of times I've found stuff on the general auctions, then looked at the store to see that it is cheap due to the fact people keep bidding and bidding on the auction. Just some food for thought.

  3. Ya I've seen those before. It is also a bold step for Dior to market them as heels, and not as "shoes". Definately a thumbs up for our team.

    On a side note, www.internationalmale.com has some heel styles for men also.

  4. heelsrus... Who do you root for? My gf cringed when she bought the tickets since she is a Detroit fan. The Leafs were playing the Penguins - first visit of Sidney Crosby to the ACC. It was a good time. The floors in the ACC were very slippery for the both of us, but we managed!

  5. I just checked out Victoria's Secret. They got some nice strappy heels on sale that caught my eye. Many nice styles up to size 11 US. Frederick's of Hollywood (I think they are the same company) has lot of stuff on clearence and sale. There shipping is pretty cheap also.

  6. Thanks for the kind words, Anton. You're right. It's still kind of odd to get up the courage to purchase shoes in the store. Being a size 11-12 US woman's, they are hard to find in some stores. It's still funny to see their looks on their face. I haven't had one bad response at a store. Just one time a guy was like "whoa, look - he's trying them on!". It wasn't a shock or bad thing, it was more like "ooo look at that plane". haha keep it up!

  7. Great article, bluetango. You should be recruited by CNN...lol I like your mental preparation. I get worked up too sometimes before I go into public. When you don't think of it, it's no big deal any more. Keep it up! What does your partner think of your boots?

  8. Thanks for the responses all. Ya, I gotta take some pictures - I just always forget...lol Terayon - Ya I thought of Square One after the fact when I was driving down Hurontario to find somewhere to eat. Yorkdale I thought would be ok since I always stop there to get on the subway to get downtown. Oh well - there is always next time...

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