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Posts posted by canadianbeaver17

  1. My gf bought me Toronto Maple Leaf tickets for Christmas/Anniversary (It’s 1 year – and the Leafs are a Hockey Team for those of you who don’t know). Monday night we spent the night in Toronto. This meant a perfect opportunity for me and her to be alone… *coughs* …I mean to go heeling…haha. To the game, I wore my Frederick’s 4” stiletto boots (avatar). These boots have received a lot of use over the years. These tend to hurt a tad after a while since the heel is right at the back of the shoe. An arena is packed and busy, so not a lot of opportunity to see people take a look at them. On the Tuesday, before traveling back to Windsor, we decided to do some shopping at Yorkdale Shopping Centre. I wore my Frederick’s 4” micro-stiletto black pumps. My gf loves me in these shoes. She had on her Bandolino kitten heel pumps. She opts for a shorter heel sometimes because she is a couple inches taller than I am. Plus, she loves kissing me when I’m taller for a change…haha. Her and I were very disappointed with the shoe selection at the mall. The place has a lot of the higher-end stores, such as Coach, Mexx, Guess, etc. Clearly too pricey (well, except she does have a Coach Bag – you gotta splurge sometimes!). Some places had nice shoes, but way too much. For example, many places had up to 50% off sales, which meant that the sale price was $149.00…yikes! Also, maybe stores had the exact same kind of shoes. Four different shoe stores had the same pairs of shoes on their clearance racks. Her and I are use to going over the bridge to Detroit to get some of the deals in the States. The American’s do it right – when they say it’s a sale, it’s one! There you can find $5.00 shoes even in large sizes! To close, it was two great days with my gf (awww), a Leafs game (wooo hoo!), and some heeling (thumbs up). Oh, and sorry to any of the board’s users from the T.O. area – there was not enough time to meet. Maybe next time…

  2. The only time I saw a man wearing heels was when I was driving down the main strip in Windsor on a Saturday Night. This guy was wearing 70s style men's platform shoes in shiny silver. He was definately showing them off.

  3. What might be happening is that you are putting too much "grab" on the toes and front of your foot, because that is the only part of the sandal that has some support. Try putting more thought on hitting the back of the heel first against the floor. You know - heel-toe-heel-toe! lol/ It is true to say boots, and even pumps, are easier to walk in than sandals. It'll take some time to get use to.

  4. Buddy, I don't think the reason is because of the shoes. It's not a really good pic of you. I think a clearer picture would look better. A better undershirt too - the design looks like you got a purse across your chest or something.

  5. formallyknownas... I can relate totally to your thing. I'm twenty-one myself. I basically told my folks one night that I wear them. There reaction was "aaaa ok, whatever makes you happy". It was awkward for everyone at the time, but then after it wasn't a big deal. True I don't wear them around them, but they know about them, for example I don't really hide them in my room anymore. My mom has even borrowed a pair of my shoes before - So that is kinda cool! Those boots you picked to wear out are a nice choice. I've never heeled (like that, with that style) alone before, mostly just with friends. But now you are making me wonder if I should do it solo. I know it easy easy to say that those girls or whoever were staring at you because "they were interesting", but it is just not something you see everyday. Everyone tries to conform to society. (yes, i know, it's a bold statement). It is not easy for the most of us to do what we do. From what you are telling us about out experiences, it seems like you're off to a good start. This might be a HUGE step, but next time you go out with your mom shopping, just slide on them boots like you are putting on a pair of running shoes. I notice that when I don't make a big deal, no one else does. Keep up the good work! Feel free to e-mail me if you want some more advice/encouragement.

  6. The one thing that I HATE seeing is when women wear knee high boots or any kinds of heeled boot that are WAY to big for their feet. You see the heel flip backwards like it is going to snap off. It looks ridiculous and so those their awkward walking.

  7. I was in a store one time. I had on a pair of one band wedge black sandals, 3.5" heel and 1 inch platform under jeans. The store was Aldo. I found a pair of little heel black one band mules, with a strap just over the toes and buckle on it. I sat down to try it on next to a couple, about late 20s. The girl said to her husband, "Hey he's trying them on" and he was like "hey, whatever works"

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