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Posts posted by shrimper

  1. When I was young reading stories like that made me worry about myself. I have swiped a pair here and there from time to time but never to keep. I understood then and now that this type of behavior is actually a violation of the owner as it is without their knowledge and consent. I prayed often that the passion would not overtake me and have me doing something stupid and illegal. Even so I will still try on a woman's shoes if the opportunity arises.

  2. My wife of 10 years was originally disapproving. She had all kinds of fears and insecurities about it. She personalized those feelings as inadequacies on her part. It took many conversations to get past her preconceived notions and begin to understand that I like to wear girly shoes. It has now reached the point where she sometimes asks me to put them on. She even has a favorite pair (black patent pumps) that she likes me to wear to bed. She rewards me for this 8<D)

  3. MILWAUKEE, WIS. — Police recovered more than 1,500 pairs of girls' shoes stolen from all three Waukesha, Wis., public high schools and Butler Middle School after arresting a man for 17 counts of burglary, Waukesha police Lt. William H. Graham said. "He liked to smell them," Graham said. The shoes, some of which had to be placed in boxes and bags, are in the department's property room, he said. The unidentified man, 27, worked for a cable company and collected keys for the schools as he responded to calls. According to police: The man is accused of stealing the shoes on May 20 from girls' lockers at North and South high schools. A security video shows a man entering North High School and leaving the school carrying some items. The video shows him place the items in the trunk of his Dodge Avenger. Police were able to track the man through the registration of his vehicle. On May 24, police searched the man's residence and a rented storage unit where the shoes were recovered. Police also collected school yearbooks, keys, a bolt cutter and other items that may be related to the burglaries. He was taken into custody a short time later. Police think that the man burglarized West, North and South high schools multiple times in the past two years with the intent to steal tennis shoes, as well as the middle school. The man has previous conviction of stealing shoes from Kenosha Tremper High School in 2005.

  4. Why is it we think there's something wrong when things change? Life is all about cycles, ebbs and flows, ups and downs , ons and offs. If your passion cycle is down now that's OK. It will come raging back again. Just enjoy things as they are now. Taking a break allows it to be fresh when it appears again.

  5. Dai, sounds like you're afraid you might be gay or something to that effect. I went through a stage like that when I had to challenge all my cultural conditioning: 1. I was afraid I might be gay. 2. I was afraid people would assume I wanted to be abused. My self-discovery made me aware that: 1. I was not attracted to men. 2. I did not want to attract men. 3. I did not want to be dominated. 4. I did not want to wear other women's clothes. 5. I did get a charge out of wearing womens' shoes. 6. My biggest thrill was wearing the shoes of the woman I was making love to. 7. Many women are accepting of men like me. 8. I had to accept myself before I could find those accepting women. That last one was the hardest to come by but times have changed now and it is no longer a terrible thing for a man to say he likes heels. Foot and shoe preference through fetishism are almost mainstream now. Oh, by the way, I did get some counseling jointly with my current wife and we were both told that there is no "cure" for this nor does there need to be, its just a preference like breasts or butts, or hair.

  6. Hi and welcome Ingrid. We'd love to see you model your collection and we'd like to encourage you to go more with the higher heels. I have a rant on here somewhere about how pleasing it is to see tall women wearing tall heels. I'm one male who doesn't mind being shorter than the woman I'm with.

  7. They're in better shape than I expected from your description of their location. They are my favorite cut for a sexy comfort pump so I probably would have tried them also.I may have treated them with some foot spray but then again they were exposed to the weather long enough to neutralize any creepy-crawlies.

  8. What I notice while out and about is that most women in heels are single. Married women are more into comfort or at least less attention-getting footwear. I have observer many of my coworkers and associates go through this also. When they get into a relationship off come the heels.

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