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Posts posted by shrimper

  1. Several women that I've known or read about, including a couple of WNBA stars, admit to shopping at Payless because they carry stylish shoes in larger sizes. Upmarket companies are taking note of this.

  2. Hey Man. It's good to see you back again. We all wondered and worried about you. You really were missed. We would love to hear more about your journeys of late since you've done such a major purge. Here's hoping when you dip your toe back in (pun intended) that you don't fall in too deeply again. But to deny yourself totally is not the healthiest option either. Welcome back.

  3. Found in Chicago Sun-Times:

    "the "spy look": knee-high black boots under a short, fitted black winter coat and black tights. Sunglasses mandatory."

    Wow! Sounds Hot to me.

    You mean the Condi Rice look?

  4. Katherine, you and Gary have achieved something that some of us had resigned ourselves to never having in our lives. It would be wonderful if I could just share my passion for shoes with my wife. Heaven would be at actually share the shoes with her. Congratulations to you and Gary and may you have a long and enjoyable time together.

  5. This is why you foot guys can't be trusted: Tue Oct 31, 9:50 PM ET STUART, Fla. - A man with mischief afoot entered a home and licked the toe of a sleeping woman over the weekend, police said. The man reportedly licked the woman's left big toe while she was sleeping early Sunday, the Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers reported. The woman was sleeping next to her husband, who chased the suspect from the house and down the street. The suspect was wearing a black, hooded sweat shirt, white shorts and white shoes.

  6. I've said it before and it bears repeating here:

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

    I sometimes wonder how many times this scenario has occurred: a guy lets it be known to his g/f or s/o that he would love to see her wear heels, with little success. He keeps at it, then finally the g/f comes back with, "If you like them so much, why don't YOU wear them?"

    Funny thing Steve, my wife used those exact words. And I did. And to both our surprise, she liked me in them. Now occasionally she will ask me to wear for her. (She still doesn't wear heels).
  7. Allright, point taken. Let me refrase your honour :-)

    I'd really like my wife to wear high heels, because I think she looks terrific in them. Besides, I think all women should consider wearing high heels more often. The world would be much more beautifull.

    Allthough I have told her she looks great in them, I may have not made myself completely clear. The funny thing is, though, with lingerie, there's no discussion. But then again if she wears that, no-one will see and she won't be sticking out of the crowd.

    So, has anyone had the same experience with their wife, or can one of the gals comment on this?



    How about you make a date with her and play it up really big. Make sure it is some place where others will be dressed up like the opera or symphony. I'll bet she will wear them then.
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