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Posts posted by shrimper

  1. On your road to self-discovery, you're going to find a lot of different opinions about your taste for heels. It will affect your choice of partners and the depth of relationship with friends. First, you need to understand what it is you're feeling about heels. A place like this is a good vehicle for that. You can read the stories about other members here. They are all unique but the common thread is our love for heels. Many of us have been through binge purge cycles on our way to self-acceptance. Many of us have discarded friends who couldn't or wouldn't understand or accept us as we are. Are you in a relationship now? Is your other aware of your tastes? Do they accept it? Or have you not discussed it with anyone at all? If not just sit yourself down, get comfortable, start with the index, and read on. The learning is about to begin.

  2. In REAL life nothing is ever just one way or the other. I am straight and I love to wear ladies shoes even though they look like he** on me. I may go six months to a year without, then all of a sudden go on a spurt of wearing them every day. It all depends on what else is going on in my life. Tastes can change over time also. There was a time I didn't like wedge heels but now I do. Relax and enjoy your special gift.

  3. I knew that would pique your curiosity...

    I haven't found any panties; he just seems to like to check out websites belonging to TVs. Curiosity maybe, I don't know. Whatever it is it has me spending A LOT of time reading about CDs and TVs.

    If anyone checked out the history on MY computer they would be extremely confused!

    When I was still trying to understand myself I looked around quite a bit, reading about all the different facets of gender mixing for lack of a better term. This was before the web was in full swing where you had to dial into different bulletin boards (dating myself here). Anyway, I looked at BDSM and found out that wasn't me. I looked at feminization and discovered that wasn't me. I looked at gay sites and discovered that wasn't me. I looked at drag sites and discovered that wsn't me.

    In other words I looked up everything that dealt with others' negative perceptions of my tastes.

    I now KNOW that I am a straight male who loves to see women in high heels and attractive lower heel styles. I love the feel of womens' shoes on my feet (I look like hell in them, but I digress). I'm married and my tastes don't interfere with my relationship even though we don't share the shoe thing.

    At age 60 I am comfortable with myself and confident enough that I no longer try to hide my preference (and have discovered that I never did hide it though I thought I did).

    Hopefully your man will go through these stages quickly, the internet makes that possible. I went through self-discovery back in the '80's when all this good exchange wasn't available.

    Bless you both.

  4. I don't wear any other feminine articles than shoes and yes, I do get a feeling of pleasurable release from tensions and worries when I slip on my "girly" shoes, whether flats or heels depending on my mood at the time.

  5. LE752 you've just piqued my curiosity but we don't want to push you since its your business. But it sounds like you might want to share something more with us if only to get some opinions and you know we have plenty of those. We want to see you happy.

  6. You have my sympathies. It sounds like your g/f is bothered by your affection for shoes and wants to know that you really want her for who she is and not for her shoes. I would say its insecurity on her part but its probably not something you will be able to change by emphasizing it. You may even need to consider finding another person who has more compatible tastes.

  7. I'm about 5'7" and I love tall girls, especially the ones who don't have a problem being taller than me and will wear heels anyway. Different strokes for different folks. I ain't mad at ya if it bothers you.

  8. Consider your friend was giving you his opinion so for him what he said is right. There are other people, like me, who think differently. It doesn't matter what shape or size you are, if the shoe has a heel and it fits you comfortably you are going to look better. If it doesn't fit, the discomfort is going to show on your face and in every step you take and you will NOT look attractive.

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