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Anita C.

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Posts posted by Anita C.

  1. My own Brother is a Graphic Artist and a fine one with over 30 awards to his credit. He was one of the "sandles, long hair/beard, jeans and tattoo" crowd. Fortunately for him his reputation PRECEEDS him. People who hire him know what they are getting.long in advance of his arrival. If he were to walk in your door unknown his appearance would be problematic :( and you might not even glance at his portfolio. He is my Brother and I love him unconditionally. I also work in the corporate world. I was able to help him produce his resume'. . . to help open the doors of future clients who aren't famaliar with his work.

  2. The young man in question took, left & returned in appropriate attire. Superiority? Hmmmm?!?!? Perhaps initially. If, however, I had just "shood him off" he might have blundered along all night oblivious to what was wrong regardless of how pleasant of a person he was. I STILL stand by what I did. In a perfect world people wouldn't be judged by appearances . . . It's not a perfect world and you never get a second chance for a first impression.

  3. The old chick is just wondering if you get the same inquiries/input as I do. Here's my list: Questions: 1) HOW do you WALK in those? 2) Don't your feet/back/legs/knees hurt? 3) Where did you get them? Comments: 1) I don't think I could wear shoes like that . 2) I USED to wear shoes like that. 3) They make your feet look so small! What do YOU all get asked?

  4. I see some ladies struggling along with their 2.5" trainer 'heels. I whiz by cliking madly along in my 5" Stilettos and they just stare in amazement! When on of the baliffs questioned me about it I tol her what I tell everyone. When it becomes something you truely want you WILL find a way to make it happen. In the mean time practicing while you vacuum really helps you become comfortable maneuvering in heels. 3 things will make you improve-"Practice, Practice, Practice". Right Laurie?

  5. I'll wear one of my pairs of boots (yes, they too have stiletto heels) to work and change into shoes after I get there. Incliment weather is a non-issue because I leave from a heated garage and park in the basement of the office building where I work & the courthouse is only a tram ride away and the tram picks me up 40' from the buildings main entrance. I wear the boots because my LEGS get cold! The older I get the more my "extremities" get cold! (sigh) it's hell getting old! :(

  6. I did it in court today while making a summation . . . the jury returned a verdict in 25 minutes. Yup, we won the case! After the proceedings were over, one of the partners turned to me and asked "What WAS that move after your summation?". "Catwalk flip!" I said. :( "Effective . . . different-very different but effective. Let's go to SAMS for cocktails". He told that story several times throughout the evening, laughing harder each time . . . of course the many Scotch's he consumed MIGHT have had an effect . . . D'ya think? He might not be in tomorrow.

  7. If I wanted to be impolite I would have left him to his own devices and watched as he was ridiculed by the other patrons. As it turned out he took the advise and returned, receiving a better reaction and feeling more comfortable. I am sure that we (Stephen & I) will never reach common ground on this topic. The only things I will offer are: 1) You never get a second chance to make a first impression. 2) Conversely-dressed as I was, I would have fealt awkward going to a sports bar. 3) People behave better when they are dressed up. A documented fact. In conclusion, I still do not believe I was rude. Initially I was admittedly condescending and curt with him BUT I decided to take the time to save him any more embarrassment. What was he thinking coming in to the establishment dressed as he was? I have no idea. I do know that because of this incident the bar owner, who is a close & dear friend (AND Stiletto heel wearer/enthusiast herself) has placed a "Dress Code" placard at the entrance. Several club owners in the area are following suit (See #3). Given the same circumstances I would behave the same way . . . and have no regrets.

  8. Remember "Age and treachery will always overcome youth and ambition." Yes-they are young and inexperienced but after 3 weeks you;d think they would begin to gather a clue. I mean they DID complete paralegal school. . . or so I was told. Laurie-I'm gonna send 'em up to you if they don't get it in a week . . . or I'm gonna hire 2 guys named Guido . . . never mind. "Patience is a virtue" and I'm normally a patient person . . . normally.

  9. Oh! Did I strike a NERVE with Stephen! I still am of the belief that if I take the trouble to shave, moisturize, do hair, make-up & nails, dress in hose, heels & jewelry for the benefit of some unwashed, unshaven urchin in rumbled clothing and a backwards baseball cap (ARG! My pet peeve!). SORRY! Let him buy me a cocktail? Thank you, no. I can buy my own.

  10. I more often than not wear my stilettos at home and must confess I have worn them in bed (I'm so bad!). Sometimes I'm in Stillettos, stockings and earrings(?!?!) for loungewear. Contrary to popular opinion, I do NOT wear 'em in the shower.

  11. So TRUE, Bubba! Age should be a point of reference only! I'm WAY over 40 and to be honest I have NO DESIRE WHATSOEVER to be 25 again! Unless I could take my experienced mind with me. I dated a 25 y/o "Hottie" for about 2 weeks. While easy on the eye, there was no common ground. In the end we parted as friends but admit that a relationship would have been a mistake. After the sex, you gotta be able to talk about something! Consequently, I don't date anyone under 40. 'Tis fun to look, tho!

  12. Funny. LADIES take time to shave our legs & underarms, moisturize, do our make-up, 'nails & hair, dress, put on perfume and some unshaven urchin who dresses like he puled his ensemble from the clothes hamper offers us a cocktail and we're supposed to swoon???? GET A CLUE !! The urchin is offering to buy us a cocktail-NOT a Mercedes.

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