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Posts posted by AZShoeNut

  1. Initially, you state ' this guy has a blog ', then preceed it by stating ' she wears false breasts '. The next line is ' Quite frankly his.. '..


    Sorry 'bout that.  When in guy mode he refers to himself as he and in gal mode as she.  I haven't quite perfected my use of gender terms when describing the whole person who seems to be content to be comprised of both he and she.


    I know this is a little bit off subject but that whole thing with Jim really took an unusual turn for the worse.  I initially thought that I could relate to him however it became clear there was more to his situation and mental state than his post accurately portrayed.  I wish him well but I had to bow out of that discussion.


    Regarding the fake breasts the only thing from my experience that I can add to the conversation has to do with my two times out in drag on Halloween.  The first time I wore a french maid costume designed to be worn by a guy.  It looked a whole lot better than the Torrid dress that I wore on the second Halloween.  (Actuality neither dress looked that amazing because I am a hairy, heavier, bearded man)  I couldn't understand why the Torrid dress looked so much worse for a long time.  Then a couple years later I realized it is because I have an anti-hourglass figure.  The Plus size models on the Torrid website made the dress look good because they have breasts giving more form to the top of their figure.  I figure that if it were my thing to wear dresses but not actually be a woman then to make them look good at all I would probably need some false breasts.




  2. I scoured the internet looking for one in my area. I found stuff on high heel workouts but nothing like what Mike did. I think I walk pretty well in heels but I would love to do it more as a social thing. There must be a number of people that would be interested as there are a ton of YouTube videos on the subject. A number of which are "professional". Best, Larry

  3. Howdy,


    You know it is interesting, as I have attempted to explain my thing for heels to the handful of people that I have attempted to explain it to, I have run up against a "limit" with everybody but two people.  That limit takes the form of, "Well, I guess that I can handle this - at least you are not a this or that."  Fill in cross dresser or whatever else in the "this or that" place.  But to me I really don't feel that there needs to be a line anywhere to define a "this or that."  It seems like each person needs to have a limit that they can see that they have to stretch to and as long as that limit is there then they feel okay or safe or whatever they need to feel to accept you.


    Among us we even have that limit.  Some folks are considered okay if they just wear heels for fashion.  Others are considered okay if they wear heels for fashion and maybe mild fetish.  Others are considered "bad" if they dig heels for fetish.  Others are considered "bad" for whatever other reason you want to add.


    Personally I would just rather there not be a line in the sand so long as others or yourself are not being hurt.  Although, even though I feel this way, I understand limits.  I have a buddy that I can so stuff with in heels.  This buddy also likes to wear panties, lingerie, and the like too.  He has asked me a couple time to photograph him.  My experience of limit comes up at those times.  I just do not feel comfortable taking pictures of a guy in panties or lingerie.  That being said, I do not hold it against him.  I do not ask him to not discuss it with others who enjoy like experiences.  I simply don't do photo sessions with him and I encourage him to enjoy doing it with others.  I think that we can maintain personal limits without having to banish others who's proclivities go beyond our personal comfort levels.


    This guy has a blog about fully dressing as a woman, passing as a woman, and being like a woman when he wants to.  I have read through several of her entries.  She wears false breasts.  Quite frankly his story parallels many of our stories.  In some of the pictures she looks like what I consider to be a pretty attractive gal.  The stories of first times out in public and the stories of arguments with his wife parallel many of the emotions that I have had.  His story of triumphs and joys parallel many of the experiences that a bunch of us have had.  I have no desire to discount him because he lies somewhere different along the gender identity line than I do.


    Now regarding how this relates to this web site, well, it has been made pretty clear that this is a high heels web site.  That being said, I think that we all, or at least the guys, gain benefit from the freestyle fashion part of the forum as to wear heels out looking like a trucker doesn't always get the best results.  Where to draw the line as to what defines freestyle fashion and what defines something that some people might find offensive becomes a pretty challenging definition to make.  I am not sure where to take that.


    Along the line of what Chorlini points out, I have thought using this forum to help educate others.  I have to agree with him.  The purpose of the forum is for us all to have a place to communicate, grow, and perhaps feel accepted.  Some of us this is the first place where we found acceptance at all.  It could simple be well to advise that this is not a place to educate the doubters in our lives.


    I personally think it is to all of our advantage to sense when we are pushing up against our limits, ask if what is causing the pushing is really hurting anything, and then consider pushing the line out a bit further.  Many of us think that a lot of people out there can't accept a guy in heels.  Wouldn't it be great if they could push their line out a bit further?  If the world got in the habit of pushing their limits to accept people who maybe don't fit their ideas of what is acceptable out further then I think that people would get along a whole lot better.


    Among us guys here, who all do something at least a little trippy, I think that we should have our limits set out pretty far.


    Just my $.02.




  4. Anyway, I waited until she was out to work to conduct my unusual experiment. Going into her room, I picked out a pair of plain black pumps (my favorite style to this day) with three inch spike heels, sat down on her bed and cautiously slipped the shoes on my feet, we both wore a size 10 at the time, so the fit was a tad snug but manageable. When I slowly stood up, I lost my balance and fell, it took a couple more attempts before I managed to stand upright, but I wobbled something awful, next came walking, and that was even more difficult as I stumbled and staggered all over the place like a drunk coming out of a bar at 2 a.m. After awhile, I finally got the hang of standing and walking and it became easy, fun even! What's more, I like how the shoes looked on my feet and I thought the clicking sound the heels made was awesome. Every chance I got when mom was out, I'd sneak into her room to wear her heels, every pair she had and I loved the experience. And my passion for wearing women's shoes was born.


    Actually my experience was fairly similar yours.  Especially your description of your first steps and every chance to wear heels thereafter.  My curiosity however came from watching Gilligan's Island in my Mom's bedroom while she cleaned the living room.  I was 12 at that time.  Gilligan had to dress like a woman to appease some island God and save the girls.  He stumbled all over the place in his heels and I thought it couldn't be that hard.  My mom's closet was open and all of her her heels were right there.  I grabbed a pair of wooden 3.5-inch Candies mules and the rest is history.


    Her size 10 shoes fit me perfectly back then.  She would go grocery shopping every Thursday and would be gone a guaranteed 2 to 3 hours each time.  Like you I tried on every single pair she had and really set out to learn to walk in them well.  One time she came home early.  I had the door locked, which was unusual back then, and she saw me scurry to put the shoes back from the carport window.  Funny, she was scared that I was putting a cigarette out in the bathroom.


    I also remember that my mom only had sandals but what I really wanted to try on were a pair of pumps.  My sister rocked 4-inch pumps every single day.  She's 11 years older than me so she was married and had a family of her own.  I remember going over to her house for some type of get together one evening.  I became bored and they offered for me to watch TV in their bedroom.  She was doing something with her closet and all of her shoes were on the floor in one corner of the room.  It was heaven.  My feet were getting bigger by then and she wore size 11.  I tried on each and every pair and walked around their room several times.  I still remember it so clearly.  A few months later when they asked if I would watch the kids so that they could have some date nights I said, "heck yeah!"


    After that I wanted to wear some different styles that neither my mom nor my sister had so I started buying shoes at Payless.




  5. Howdy guys,


    I hear you however I just don't feel the passion for it that I think I would need to actually be successful at it.  Solid modeling and 3D printing are certainly highly interesting to me and I do solid modeling professionally in the design of machine tools.  There is just not enough gusto in it for me to set out to make it happen.


    Thanks for the idea and encouragement, however I am not likely to move with this.  Heck, this guy could make it work.  He just needs more styles and sizes to help close the gap between his price and the desirability of what he offers.  If he offered a really great style in a size that fit me well I would consider laying out the chump change.




  6. Say, Jim, I am just curious as to how old you are. If you are old enough to go about things on your own then the parents opinion will weigh less and less. Also, on the girlfriend topic, If you are yourself and confident about your thing for heels then the girlfriend will work itself out. Talk to ladies, ask them about what they dig and listen to what they have to say about what they dig, and have a sense of humor - make them laugh. Eventually you'll find the one who is cool with your heels and it will work. You're a bold guy that can make life happen in a way that you enjoy. In light of your current situation just keep moving forward. This is your life. Spend in a way that brings you the most joy. Best, Larry

  7. Hey Jim, I am sorry to read about your experience. The thing is, as I have come to understand it, your thing for heels probably isn't going to go away. I know that for me and my wife it has been a challenge but it, ever so slowly gets better. This figure in your life, I believe your dad, has probably never heard of something like this. Whether this is in your head or not this is something that you have and/or like. You will likely be doing yourself a disservice if you try to quit. Having not experienced this situation exactly myself it is hard for me to suggest anything myself. What comes up for me is to suggest that if you want a relationship with him and you think he might value a relationship with you then attempt to find some common ground and attempt to educate him. If he is so set in his opinion that this is not an option then it could be to your advantage to find space on your own, see yourself as we see you, which is as a perfectly fine human being, and connect with others who will then second that opinion. Feeling your pain and wishing you the best, Larry

  8. Howdy, Well, I have mentioned in another thread that I have lost some weight recently. Yeah, better health is a motivator however slightly smaller shoes size is even better. Most of the last ten years or more I have been limited to 12W shoes from Payless or Torrid. I have tried other brands in size 12M and they just don't work. So as I have been losing weight I have noticed that I am starting to flip shoes off my feet as I walk. So today I went into a Last Chance and scored a pair of 4.5-inch heel black patent pumps from Steve Madden for only $10. I cannot tell you how many awesome pairs of Steve Madden shoes I have passed on because their size 12 M will not fit. Now they do!! I am very excited about that. Only if Steve Madden still offered their heels in 12M. eBay and charity stores here I came. I also am looking forward to heading out to the NIne West outlets that we have here in Phoenix. Best, Larry IMG_20140121_161614.jpg IMG_20140121_161658.jpg

    Howdy, I am sitting on the couch with the Mrs. and I am so stoked that I am wearing a pair of heels that are not from Payless or Torrid. I love these pumps because, even though they don't look that tall, they sure feel tall. I love that they take a few steps for me to walk well in them. They bring me back to my early days of wearing heels. Gosh, I love this. Best, Larry
  9. Larry,


    Great that you lost some weight and some foot width. I'm inspired to do the same! I could do with 20 lbs less on my frame.




    Thanks, Steve.


    I have a good 30 lbs to go.  I have six weeks to go until the fund raiser that I am attempting to get in shape for.  Hopefully I can knock it down another notch or two and be able to pull off the skinny jean look.




  10. Howdy,


    Well, I have mentioned in another thread that I have lost some weight recently. Yeah, better health is a motivator however slightly smaller shoes size is even better.  Most of the last ten years or more I have been limited to 12W shoes from Payless or Torrid.  I have tried other brands in size 12M and they just don't work.  So as I have been losing weight I have noticed that I am starting to flip shoes off my feet as I walk.  So today I went into a Last Chance and scored a pair of 4.5-inch heel black patent pumps from Steve Madden for only $10.  I cannot tell you how many awesome pairs of Steve Madden shoes I have passed on because their size 12 M will not fit.  Now they do!!  I am very excited about that.  Only if Steve Madden still offered their heels in 12M. eBay and charity stores here I came.


    I also am looking forward to heading out to the NIne West outlets that we have here in Phoenix.





    post-482-0-02028800-1390346625_thumb.jpg post-482-0-06937400-1390346652_thumb.jpg

  11. Hello Mike,


    Gosh, what an awesome experience.  Way to go!  I might have to try to find a similar class here in Arizona, USA.


    I have to ask about preparing the environment.  What did you do to prepare the environment with this experience?


    I agree with you more and more everyday.  We gotta be honest about our thing for shoes.  The first time that I went to a fund raiser in heels I attempted to tell a story about why I was wearing heels.  The reaction I got told me that they knew I was full of it.  At subsequent fund raisers I was straight up that I dig heels and that this was not my first day wearing them and that was received with interest, sparked good conversation, and led to questions about where I got my shoes etc.




  12. Even though I don't dig his shoes I really like his story about fluidly moving between disciplines, his can do attitude, and how solutions appeared as he needed them. It reminds me of a can do period my life as I moved toward a career in airline flying. I sure didn't have the bankroll for the training but as I moved forward and was just about out of funds I was offered a job making twice what I was making and flight training continued. I really think that it is a valuable lesson about moving forward with what we feel driven to do. A lesson that I could re-learn. Even though we may not be able to see how we will get to the end result if we move forward then the means whereby will likely develop. This can be applied to life goals or simply to our first step out in heels.

  13. Hi Steve, I hear you however I am a bit to linear in my thinking to design artistically. I think I could team up and do the CAD with someone who has vision. At the minimum it would be a fun venture. Best, Larry

  14. It looks like the shoes are made of three individually printed part plus additional materials. It seems to me that you could still design in features for comfort along with load paths. He then tops the foot bed with padding. I have a number of wedges that have zero flex and are still comfortable. These shoes are fuggly, expensive and small so I won't be buying them. I would, however, like to try a pair on. I would also love to be involved with the CAD model making and printing.

  15. I know 4 woman here at work know I wear heels and none have said a word. One of the guys asked about them again. He asked how hi were they so I lifted my pant leg to show him. He said wow, higher than I thougt. I was expecting one of the girls to say something last week when we were sitting down talking. I could see her trying to look but there was a chair between us and the room was very dark. Of this other guy had not been in there I think I would have told her its OK ask.

     That is pretty cool in and of itself.

  16. Again, I hit the hooker vibe right away when I read the post. That being said, at the two Halloween parties that I went to dressed as a lady I got a ton of attention mostly because of the shoes. If I didn't value my marriage then I could have gone home with one or more non-pro and actually quite delightful younger ladies. The women there we're just intensely intrigued by a guy walking that well in heels. Many even said as much and one gal even tried on my heels. I encouraged her to get her own pair, ha. I haven't had that experience outside of the Halloween parties and just wearing heels as a guy, however. Best, Larry

    • Like 1
  17. Hi Saudade, Thank you for the wealth of information. I'll pass on the plumbers smile. :-) I am planning to wait until a week before the event to get anything. I'm not worried about the top as we get a tee shirt. Most of the women rock really nice jeans. After how bad I looked in last year's pictures I really want to look better this year. Thanks again, Larry

  18. Howdy,


    I stumbled upon an interesting story about an architectural student who started designing shoes and making a business out of it.  I don't like the shoes because I think that shoes are just a little fuggly and they only go to size 9.  The story of taking your ideas to reality is, however, very interesting.


    A few months ago a thread was going around discussing the possible use of 3D printing to make shoes.  Well, he is doing it and selling shoes.


    Check it out.





    The story:



    The shoes:


  19. Hi scrappycoco and Steve,


    Thank you for the information.


    I am hoping to lose several additional pounds by the beginning of March for the Heels for HEAL fund raiser this year.  I want to have a nice outfit consisting of a skinnier jean to go along with the platform pumps that the Mrs. gave me for Christmas for the fund raiser.  I still haven't determined if men's skinny jeans of ladies skinny jeans are what I need.  I have never looked beyond fit when it has come to jeans in the past.




  20. The thing about helping to pay for the hotel is, I believe, what planted the hooker seed for me. Good point thouhgh about wearing the heels and not being noticed. One time (not at band camp) I wore my Brash Lunar wedges into a cool downtown coffee house with jeans that fell just below the top of the shoes while standing. I was there for 45 minutes and I don't believe a single person noticed.

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