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Posts posted by Heelfan

  1. Erm ..... well, yes, like the notion of phptographically recording people's reactions to a guy street-walking in high heels - I've always been interested in reactions (the natural follow-on to actions). However, for me the reactions would be much more meaningful if the shoes were less "over the top". Anyone can attract very predictable public reaction by doing something outrageous like blasting a trombone in people's ears or putting on a giant kangaroo costume or wearing your proposed in-your-face 9" heels that you never even see a woman wearing. However, I would be more interested to see what sort of reaction (if any!) you'd get by wearing your shorts along with ORDINARY women's high heels of say 3.5" to 5" in height. I.e. then it's not obvious that you are playing silly devils just to create a spectacle - people would then be reacting purely as to whether or not they think a normal guy in normal ladies shoes is worthy of any reaction. I don't know whether ot not I've succeeded in putting across a worthwhile point. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  2. Hi again Oz! Thank you very much for those URLs. I straightway feverishly looked at those pages, but sadly although the shoe firm is still in existance, that model of shoe is no longer in their advertised range. I guess it must be quite an outdated model by now because the first two serial numbers are "24", whereas all the currently stocked models are now starting with "26". Anyway, the last thing you want is a guy like me whingeing that he can't get his choice in heels, because you posted this topic as shoes for girls. They are certainly just about the most stylish block-heeled shoes I've ever seen (well spotted!), and I hope this thread of yours continues to receive responses. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan.

  3. Hi again Francesca! As Firefox says - a wonderful collection, especially for one with still so many years of happy heeling ahead of her! Once you've found your feet on these forums, lets hope we can look forward to the odd photograph of your favourites (with or without you in them!). In the meantime, to help meet your original question of other young ladies on the site, there are over 900 members in total, and a minority of them have participated in 'Let's Get to Know Eack Other' (under 'For Everybody'). Having given the sex and age, these are the youngest girls in that group, but there must be many more amongst the 900+ members: Melanie (14), Watsuki (18), PhuongInHeels (22), Carolyn (27), MaryAnne (27), Texas Bumpkin (27), RubberVicki (28), SuzyHeels (30), BootCrazy (32), Sue13 (32), ViktoriaHeels (34). If you want to make some friends amongst them, look them up by clicking on 'Membership List' at the head of this page, find them and see if they give contact details. If they don't, just post an open message to them on these forums. Hope this helps you have a long and enjoyable time on these message-boards. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  4. Don't panic JazZee! We ALL joined the board and found to our horror that we were lumbered with the dreaded Comfy Loafer during our first 25 postings. The guys who set up this board either have a sense of humour or a sadistic streak - I'm not sure which! No, actually it's very clever, It's designed to encourage us to make huge numbers of postings to keep the forum vibrant. After 25 postings you will get a marginally (VERY marginally!) sexier shoe for your avatar, and so on, until after thousands of man-hours of postings you will finally earn your 6" skyscraper stilettos, and later still the right to choose any avatar your like! by which time of course, you'll be so knackered after all the hard work that all you'll want to do is to lie down in a semi-darkened room whilst being beyond caring how sexy your avatar is! Welcome, and I hope this makes sense! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  5. Well OzGuy, several points. First, I think you have chosen a particularly stylish and sexy style of block heel there - well done! Second, for me your question depends on whether I am looking at these for street-heeling guys or for attractive girls to wear. If the former, I'd LOVE to add these to my own heel-wearing collection, and I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me the source and/or website for them. They would be wonderful! Regarding the latter (girls wearing), I only give them about 6 out of 10, because in my book (and I think, probably most Forum members), you get a clear 0 - 10 rise in enthusiasm from 100% 'Masculine' shoe (flat, heavy, clumpy, covering whole foot) to 100% 'Feminine' shoe (the diametrical opposite to the men's - ultra high thin teetery heel, light, sleek, very low-cut upper to cover as little of the foot as possible - toe cleavage is great!). Still, member's individual tastes very greatly from that main trend which I've just outlined, and that's what makes these heely discussions so fascinating and enjoyable! There's bags of room here and a huge welcome for all tastes and opinions! Don't forget, if you could be kind enough, the shoe source please? Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  6. Hello Franscesca - Don't get too excited, because I'm only an older guy posting, but yes, there are other young ladies on the Forums. One that comes to mind is Phuonginheels and another very recent member is Miss Bunny(?). Why not click on to the Memberlist on the heading of this page, and scroll down until you find Phuong, Bunny and other young ladies. Some members give their contact details on that list. Best of luck! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  7. Francesca Hello! How great to welcome another fresh young, keen girl on to this forum, especially one who is open-minded enough to talk about heels for guys and has actually seen several guys in heels! Things are really looking up! I am a straight guy (happily married with a family) who has worn heels since I was 12 - all sorts block heels, stilettos, boots etc. However, probably more than anything else, I LOVE to admire attractive girls in high heels. Having discussed guys' heels, can you address the title of this thread and tell us about YOUR heels - wearing your heels for guys? It would be great to know the shoe styles, the heel heights, why you like them and how you feel in them! Again, thank you for the great posting, and WELCOME! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  8. Maybe even 4" dead! Don't forget we have crossed posts about OTHER people exaggerating heel heights in their sightings and postings (it's so easy to indulge in wishful thinking!). Also, I'm addressing none other than the highly respected moderator who has proudly claimed on these forums to be able to judge all heel heights accurately up to 50 paces! Remember, in your defence, you can always tell me that the height:length ratio depends on her foot size which we don't know! And anyway, at the end of the day, what's a 1/4" between friends! Only pulling your leg of course, but you tease so very nicely! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  9. I think we should take this opportunity to thank Firefox, Jeff and all their great and hard-working colleagues on the administration and moderation of Megaforums for all their SPLENDID and MUCH APPRECIATED work in keeping such a wonderful forum going for all of us to indulge in! WONDERFUL JOB EVERYONE! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  10. Laurie - I hope you lurk around enough to read all of these FOND postings of ours! In my case, I wrote you an "Au revoir" (rather than a farewell) eulogy on Jenny's Forum, but I would just like to add that since then I've discovered (for the first time) on the "Fetish" Megaforum your fascination 50 or so "Training Diaries" and your ten or so "Diaries". You've worked SO HARD to keep us all posted on everything, and doing an excellent moderator's job for us. You're a real GEM, and when you have recharged your batteries and perked-up, at the very least please make occasional contact and assure us that you're OK. OK? Cheers (but I hope not Farewell), Heelfan

  11. Hi JayZee! Let me be the first to welcome you on to this incredible and multi-faceted high heel site - Megaforums! I hope you have many happy postings and also enjoy many happy readings of other people's postings! Just one thing - if you read ALL of the various previous postings very thoroughly (countless hours of blissful reading!), you will find other guys have recounted very similar experiences to your own. Their experiences might suggest that could be a bit too drastic (and maybe greedy) of you to plunge your girlfriend straight from 2" into 5" heels (or even into 4 1/2" heels and expect her to go straight outside in them). If she is willing and able, then fine, but if not, it might be a kinder to start with some intermediate heels of around 3 to 3 1/2" (7.5 to 8 cm) and work upwards from there. Good luck to you both! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan.

  12. Hello All! I've just edited my above posting of 1st August by adding the domain name of yet another Street-Heel picture site to the bottom of my list, making a new total of seven streetheel sites in all! Not bad huh? Happy viewing! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  13. Hello Mazun, For ALL of the heel-difficulties that you are seeking and much more, read LUCY'S STORY on these Megaforums under "For Everybody". Lucy, a London girl, is contributing instalments (21 so far) about her life in high heels from the stiletto boom of the late 1950s onwards. It not only deals with her own heel-wearing (including difficulties and problems), but she is so thorough that she includes many other accounts of girls wearing heels that are too high for them, slingbacks slipping under, twisted ankles, falling-over etc. in addition to the mainstream straightforward wearing of many great pairs of extremely high stiletto heels. Yes, and she even includes an instalment about being drunk in precarious heels and also about her friend Madeline being helped by a passer-by! ENJOY! Oh, and there's a separate heading "Replies for Lucy's Story" if you want to tell Lucy what you think of her high heel memoirs (I think they're FANTASTIC!). Cheerfully yours, Heelfan.

  14. Oh I don't know dawn - maybe that is too pessimisitic and even a bit of of turn-off for keen young budding streetheelers. I was only twelve years old when I went started streetheeling in my Mother's shoes. I am now just turned 59 and it still gives me a HELL of a buzz!!! In my case the excitement has never lessened - heaven forbid that it should! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan.

  15. This thread (Jenny's High Stiletto Heel Web-site) seems to be running in parallel with a identical thread (Problems with Jenny's High Stiletto Heel Site) just below under "Requests/Proposals". Can I suggest that further postings re these identical concerns are all posted under the latter site, which would consolidate them all on to one cohesive and more effective thread? Constructively yours, Heelfan

  16. Well, maybe I'm the odd man out on these forums, but at least I care about knowing, if possible, each poster's gender! Let's face it, whether or not some members choose to admit it, the whole fascination or admiring or wearing high heels (or both) is driven in one way or another by the fundamental human drive of SEX in its myrids of different forms and connotations. I am fully aware (being a heelwearing guy myself) that the minds of many people can float (as you put it) between them being male and female and vice-versa. However, when I'm reading the various members' postings, to me it makes a HUGE difference to know the sex (or shall at least say the original or 'starting-out' sex of the person posting). If I am deprived of knowing this, much of the material posted loses virtually all of its interest for me. Perhaps you will understand my point better if you will allow me to take as an example your own case (seeing that you have already posted it internationally with the backup of many excellent photographs): Having enjoyed your website, your excellent stories, the abundant shots of your impressive heel collection, and pictures of your wearing them etc., a big turning-point came fro me when you started publishing full-length pictures of you fully dressed as a woman. Although not being a TV myself (except for the high heel thing!), I found those shots of you to be incredible convincing and impressive, and (I must admit) even exciting! An amazing and very convincing transformation, as I've already posted! Now, my whole point is, that I (and maybe other viewers) would probably not have found those pictures to be exciting/remarkable/interesting etc. if you had registered here as a woman from the start. I for one would probably simply have looked at the pictures as 'One of countless other pleasant women who will blend in with the crowd'. I am saying that the whole guys-in-heels, cross-dressing, freestyling thing is so closely bound up with genders and cross-genders etc. that if people omit (or are untruthful) about their original gender (even if maybe for very understandable or personal reasons), then to me, those postings (and maybe all of them if I lose trust in everyone's honesty) become meaningless and devoid of the very core that made them so fascinating, intriguing and totally addictive. I would be interested in your reaction to this point Highluc, and also in whether any other members agree with me, or whether they will feel feel that each poster's gender is quite irrelevant to the postings and maybe need never be mentioned at all. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan.

  17. Well, thank you from a disappointed Highluc - our reporter in Belgium! We understand your woes! From the above UK reports, things seem to be going that same way here :( However, fashion usually follows a twenty years cycle and there were still some great heels around in the 1980s before the heel-gloom of about 1988 to 1998 descended. Therefore by my calculations, we SHOULD be able to enjoy about another five years before things again go totally pear-shaped around 2008. If that's the case, this irritating fashion for flat 'Ali Baba' shoes etc. might be one of those temporary glitches that the international shoe movers and shakers sometimes throw into the middle of a high-heel boom just to break it up a little bit. I hope this is the case, rather than me being over-optimistic. Come on world-wide members - your international reports and sightings please! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  18. Yes Alex! Doggonnit! I missed-out JOAK'S GUEST GALLERY NUMBER TEN! The shame of a master heelspotter such as myself missing number 10! Will I ever live it down! A knockout collection as you say, particularly the red high ultra high stiletto mules with the very low-set toe straps. Would love to see a lass walking in those! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  19. Hello High Surprise! You've got us totally confused about your gender! On the "Let's Get To Know Each Other" you registered yourself as "Male", and suddenly in your last few postings on a couple of threads you have begun calling yourself female. Be a sport, tell us your REAL gender! It's so much nicer for us all when reading these postings to know whether the contributor is a male or a female. Whichever you are, I've enjoyed your previous postings and sightings! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan (male heel admirer and wearer)

  20. Hello again Monkio! It's over a week since you asked our advice and some of us have been posting away to try and help you. Are you going to acknowledge our suggestions and sat whether they've been helpful? Best wishes, Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

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