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Posts posted by Heelfan

  1. Yes PJ, I think you have more or less repeated and endorsed what we have each been saying above. I hope this concensus of opinion will help (and encourage) all those who who wish to photograph public high-heel-wearers! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  2. Thanks Firefox, for your persuasion and guidance on my obtaining an email number. I suppose in a way I can see why many would find it useful, although I have to say that I've thoroughly enjoyed (as you've noticed!) my last few months since going on the Net and simply contributing things here and stirring things up there a bit (where they needed it) without feeling bereft at not receiving any personal replies. Don't they preach 'To give is better than to receive'?, and in fact Xa doesn't seem to give any email number on his Megaforum membership listing(!). Anyway, I think I'll follow your advice shortly - in for a penny and in for a pound! Cheerfully Yours, Heelsfan

  3. Last night I was delighted to see plain white court shoes with very high stiletto heels, not just worn by one girl, but TWO girls together with identical pairs. Sometimes when I've seen similar copy-catting in the past - one girl wears them really well and the other (presumably the copier) struggles awkwardly. However, last night both girls were doing superbly, despite Bristol's uneven pavements. A great siting! Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan

  4. OK - these Street-heel sites are all worth a regular look-in:

    http://www.streetheels.co.uk/ British - the Guest Gallery is best!

    http://digidigix.ktplan.ne.jp/walkroad/ Japanese, changing 'Today' photo

    http://www.renge.sakura.ne.jp/~lmc/pho.htm Another Japanese.

    http://home.interlink.or.jp/~coza/ Similar.

    http://www.bbcd.de/ German street-boots - mostly low heels though.

    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeelsinPublic/ New British site.

    http://www.usedshoes.ch German ALL types (heels, flats, trainers etc.).

    I've also come across other street-heel sites from the US, Germany etc., but I'll have to have another surf around the Net to re-discover those for you. Happy heel-viewing!

    Cheerfully Yours, Heelsfan

  5. If any of you find it difficult putting-on and taking-off all those cluttery ankle straps/heel straps/quarter straps ......... EASY! .......... just reach for your razor blade or craft knife and cut 'em all off!! Result: A pair of mules/slides that is MUCH easier to put-on and take-off and immediately looks and feels MUCH sexier (in my extremely humble opinion)! Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan

  6. Yes Laurie, that's all very well, and I think one or two streetheel sites from Germany do actually appear to mingle high-heeled models into the streetscene. However, that it missing my point - many of us guys don't WANT to see yet more models standing there in a pair of heels that have probably only been handed to them out of a box by some racketeer exploiter only seconds before and that they are never likely to wear again. We get our buzz from seeing REAL high-heel wearers who have chosen their heels of their own free will and have chosen to treat the general public to them. The British "Streetheels" site is excellent in this respect. Also, as I've related above, there is nothing illegal or immoral about photographing or publishing anything or anybody that is ALREADY on full public view. What is the problem - I can't see one! Cheerfully Yours, Heelsfan

  7. Hello Frantic. The recent rise of these streetheels sites is an EXCELLENT trend. They are rightly very popular because we're all tired of seeing artifically posed models in artificial bedrooms posing in fetish heels that were hitherto unworn (confirmed by usually being three sizes to big and the soles totally unworn) and usually not even standing up or walking in them. Streetheel shots are the REAL THING. Real ladies going about their real lives in their real high-heeled shoes - infinitely better! This sort of photography is NOT an invasion of privacy in the least. I understand that the law on press photography etc. says (quite rightly in my opinion) that anything or anybody visible in a PUBLIC place can be photographed at will because if anybody wants to appear in public (wearing high heels for instance), that shows that they are prepared to been seen by the world at large, and there is no real difference between the public seeing them in the flesh or seeing them in a photograph. In fact, the streetheels photographs are LESS of an invasion that being seen in the street because most of the faces are obscured. Taking intrusive photographs without permission in a place regarded as private (inside someone's house or premises) even for example when the photographer is outside the premises but using a powerful telephoto lense that a passer-by would not normally have, or concealing themselves inside the property DOES become an invasion of privacy and can contravene the law. Even outside in public, it would be an invasion of privacy for instance to stick a camera up under a lady's skirt, but photographs taken in public of anything we see around us in the normal course of events is, by my understanding, perfectly legal and publishable and is in no way immoral. Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan

  8. Hello Firefox! I'd love to contact Pheels myself, but unfortunately I haven't yet got an email number of my own, without which I cannot complete the message-sending panels to be able to send emails. Would you or your colleagues be kind enough to express all our concerns to Pheels? Jenny's site really does appear to be in danger of withering and dying through lack of maintenance. I have tried posting to him directly on both Jenny's Forum and Jenny's 'meet friends' Forum (see on those pages), but Pheels doesn't answer them. Many of the regular posters like Patience and others stopped posting about a month ago when Jenny's site started to become inaccessible, so the probably don't know any other way of getting into the Forum pages, so the site is going dead. It is a VERY great shame! Cheers, Heelsfan

  9. Spikesfan is doing us all a great service by re-copying Lucy's Story Instalments from Jenny's Forum on to this MegaForum to make one continuous story and for their permanent preservation. I looked-up SpikeFan on the Memberlist (by clicking that on the grey background above). By clickiing on to his list of postings, it tells me that by tonight, 28 July 2003, Lucy's copied-across stories have already been read by 310 people and that he has received 18 replies. Where are these replies? Can moderator Firefox tell us where to find them? Cheerfully yours, Heelfan.

  10. Come on everyone - what's the MATTER with you? I set up this 'My Best Ever High Heel Sightings' topic for you, the world's keenest heel fanatics to post all your amazing sightings, and what has happened lately? .... NOTHING!.... One big Zilch! You've all petered out! Do I have to prod you all with a big stick? .... HUH? .... Call yourselves enthusiasts? Maybe you need some tips and pointers. Well, for the budding UK sighters, some tips from the Streetheels site: "Sean" advocates trying Manchester city centre, particularly around St. Anne's Square and King Street (for the daytime office workers in heels). "Jack" recommends Liverpool - the bank ATM's, and churches on /Saturdays when wedding parties are just leaving. He says dress smartly and photograph all the high-heel wearers - the bride and groom's families will each think you belong to the other side! For Londoners, I reckon hang around Liverpool Street Station between 4.30pm and 6pm when all the 'City' secretaries from the big financial institutions come flocking home in their great stilettos. For the UKs West Country, treat yourselves to some evenings in my home City of Bristol. Wander about in the city centre near the Hippodrome Theatre between 9pm and 2am on any Friday or Saturday night and you'll be treated to a FEAST of pubbers' and clubbers' great high heels of all descriptions! NOW! Do any of you from the States or Europe or any other countries have any tips for your fellow countrymen and women on 'hot' sites for high-heel spotting in your localities? Finally - don't just enjoy some great heel-spotting, but post into this topic board and TELL US ALL ABOUT IT! WE'RE AGOG FOR YOUR BEST EVER SIGHTINGS! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  11. Hello Kneehighs! Judging by the fashon trends in the UK, you are right about blade heels giving way to stilettos. However, as a streetheeling guy who owns several pairs of bladeheeled boots (mostly 4.5"), I find myself having two different ways of looking at this: 1. To conform with the girls I am seriously thinking of taking one or two pairs of my blades into my workshop and cutting-away both sides of the heels to arrive at a more stiletto-like width when viewed from behind. Naturally I will have to take care of some technical aspects like maybe inserting a strong, central screw to act as a strengthening rod through the core before I re-cover the heel in black leather, but it might be worth the trouble. The three advantages are a) More fashionable, B) More sexy c) I love the 'wobbly' feel of thin heels that you don't get with blades! 2. On the other hand, sometimes I go out in a more shy mood and don't want to attract the undue attention of my heels being TOO feminine. Therefore, with the girls' fashion moving over to stilettos, retaining my thicker blade heels will make my boots look a LITTLE more masculine and chunky by comparison. Having several pairs of blade heels, I think I'll try and end up converting some to stilettos and leaving others as blades. Mind you, this suggestion is probably not much help if you've only got the one pair! Cheerfully Yours, Heelsfan

  12. Yes, OK Bubba, point taken! It's a bit difficulty to be a discreet diplomat in the heat of the moment when you observe someone like Lucy being unfairly maligned, but yes, it is better simply to restrict our language to that of moderate fairness on this site, as I've certainly no wish to start World War 3, so sorry Jo! Incidentally, I hope Spikesfan will continue his mission of copying-across Lucy's ongoing instalments from Jenny's Forum to this Forum (for permanent preservation). Lucy's latest instalments 16 & 17 appeared on Jenny's Forum (see my above posting) about a week ago. I hope we are ALL friends again now! Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan

  13. I make no apology for using the word 'Nonsense' where it is patently applicable. It is not swearing or lewd (both of which creep on here past the moderators from time to time!). It is plain, honest English used in defence of poor maltreated Lucy who tells us (with no reason to lie) that she started her stories in May 2003 in good faith to entertain us all, and has subsequently put many writing-hours into carrying them up to the present. If those people (and they only number one or two) had taken the trouble not only to read her stories on Lucy's Forum carefully AND the many ongoing bits of her interwoven dialogue with her correspondants (her comments and the repliers' all being dated in sequence) they would have found that the stories could ONLY have been genuinely ongoing from May, and any comments to the contrary are undeniably nonsense. Although it might have seemed a somewhat strong word to use, 'Nonsense' was deliberately chosen because I do feel very strongly that unsubstantiated suggestions as to Lucy's honesty or integrity could well put her off the whole idea of contributing more instalments of her story. She has built-up a group of many fans, including myself, and we would hate to see her excellent and highly appreciated writings curtailed, hence the need to nip this 'old hat' notion in the bud pretty firmly. Therefore, for the greater good, I used the word 'Nonsense' to achieve a POSITIVE outcome to the overall situation, and not just in the narrow negative sense. I hope Lucy will read this and take fresh heart, realising that I speak for the great majority of her fans who are keen for her instalments to continue, unhampered by groundless conjecture. Cheerfully Yours, Heelsfan

  14. Yes, I have posted on both Jenny's Forum and on the her companion 'Make Friends' Forum that the site has been inaccessible on three occasions lately, the current one (ongoing) having already lasted 10 days or more. This is sad, because the posting have noticeably dried-up. I think only the small minority (including Laurie and me) will know the URL for the precise Forum page, and everyone else will think the site has folded-up and it will wither and die. That would be a VERY great shame, because as Firefox says, both sites are very valuable in different ways, and I would hate to see either disappear! Firefox, can't you pull a few strings with Jenny's administrator/webmaster (Pheels?) to get him to try and sort-out the problems and get the whole of Jenny's site fully running and accessible again? Cheerfully Yours, Heelsfan.

  15. I think at least one of the Eastender's cameramen MIGHT have taken some notice of our moans because again in tonight's episode we saw short (but most enjoyable!) shots of several of the actresses' high heels. Things are looking up (by enabling the viewers to look down!). Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan

  16. Brilliant scheme - sorted! In fact, why not treat yourself and your workplace (and us via some photos, pretty please) to your proposed 5" stunners, then (working relentlesslessly upwards) do ditto with a pair of 5 1/2" kill-em-deaders (a good excuse to buy a pair), by which time you'll have well and truly trained yourself for the comparatively small upwards move to re-tackle THE shoes in earnest! How's THAT for amazing strategy planning! Cheerfully Yours, Heelsfan

  17. Can I point out to everyone that Lucy herself has just posted afresh (Instalments 16 & 17) in her usual way on Jenny's "Heels for Girls" Forum. Jenny's main site appears to be off-line at present, but that particular Message-Board page can be got by logging on to:


    Lucy starts Instalment 16 by taking issue with Jo about this nonsense of her stories having appeared anywhere previously, and tells us all that she only started writing them in May 2003 and that they are still ongoing. In fact, throughout her instalments on that Forum, anyone can check that she has been continuously responding to brand-new replies with all of the dated postings being in sequence from May to the present, so I hope this will silence the 'doubters' once and for all!

    Lucy, you're the tops, and don't let em get to you! Cheers, Heelsfan

  18. Almost a week earlier than these articles, I saw a previous newspaper (News of the World or similar? - my fish & chips wrapping I hasten to add!) attempting to berate various things about Victoria, with an inset of her foot wearing some pretty high stiletto sandals (about 4 1/2") and sporting a bunion on her big toe joint - maybe exaggeratedly re-enhanced by some staff artist, plus an 'expert' pontificating that she should give up high heels for a longish period! Celebrity-knocking ranks amongst the most pathetic ploys of an already despicable British gutter press. Also I find that virtually ALL newspapers (and, dare I say it, quite a few contributors to these forums) tend to exaggerate heel-heights when reporting sighting etc. As in the above posting, deducting about an inch from each sighting probably gives a good idea of the actual shoe seen! At the recent Oxford Heel-Meet, I had a chat to Firefox about this over a pub lunch and a pint when giving our feet a rest from our 6" (sorry, 5"!) heels and he agreed with me. Cheerfully yours (and don't let em get to you Posh Spice!), Heelfan

  19. You Hello Jo! I'm certain that you are wrong about Lucy's stories being two years old. Firstly, as one of Lucy's keenest fans, she comes across as a very direct, down-to-earth businesswoman who writes with very evident honesty about everything, and she assures us that she only started writing her stories in May (two months ago). There is no earthly reason that she should mislead us about this. Also, I have followed her writing-sequence very closely from the moment she first responded to another posting in May, and she has been actively and topically communicating to-and-fro with us all within the instalments as she writes them. Thirdly, just for the record, I have conducted an exhaustive Google search using many permutations of the key words in her stories, but all to no avail except for the search engine throwing up Jenny's Forum (where she is currently posting all of her instalments) and this MegaForum (to where Spikesfan is copying-across her ongoing story). Hello Spikesfan, To show what a GREAT service you have performed for Lucy and for all us fans of hers, click on to 'Memberlist' at the top of this page's surround. You are a couple of places from the very end of the list. Click on to your name, then click on to 'All Postings' from yourself, and you will find that Lucy's instalments, copied across there by yourself have already been read by about 130 people! Not bad for just over 24 hours from your posting! Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan.

  20. Hello SpikesFan. You've done a very kind and worthwhile job in posting all of Lucy's stories here on MegaForums to save them from getting lost. I think they are superb, but then, I seem to be only one of an ever-growing number of fans of Lucy's. I won't enthuse any more, because all of her stories speak for themselves. Nice one Spikesfan!!!! Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan

  21. Hello Bert! Those girls and the waiter obviously tried to put you through a lot of embarrassment, but a least it appeared to fizzle out without getting any more unpleasant. I really admire the way you carried on with your evening afterwards, and it must have been a great compensation when you got the positive reactions later on. Also, I entirely agree with you that this sort of attention to your heels might be a bad experience at the time, but those people will be a lot less reactionary NEXT time they see a guy in heels, and so on until full acceptance is reached. Even when I had my own (and only) bad experience with the crowd of yobbos in Bristol, later I didn't regret even that for the same reason - it is exposing more people to heel-wearing guys and exposure is the first step towards acceptance. Thank you for reporting those worst and best reactions! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

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