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Posts posted by Heelfan

  1. Well I am impressed or am I impressed! I haven't done one for years but usually used to clock 140+, and at our recent Oxford Heelmeet I think somebody told me that Highluc is is genius with some absolutely vast IQ. Xaphod seems to fit into a similar mould too! RESULT: Everyone who has posted is way above the 100% average! CONCLUSION: Being a genius and wearing high heels go hand-in-hand! We're not a bad bunch, so DON'T LET THE DIMWITS GET YOU DOWN!!!!! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  2. Bubba says he favours 3" to 4" for everyday wear. Trouble is, having recently equipped myself with several pairs of boots of around 3 1/2", I go out and about and don't feel as if I've got heels on at all! Once you've got used to the great sensation and buzz of street-heeling in 4 1/2" to 5 1/2" heels for many years (as I have done), then 3" to 4 " heels just don't give me the feel or the buzz and I feel as if I might as well be in flats! I know mid-heels are better for my feet, tendons, hips and back, and being in my late fifties I must admit I have to be more careful in those increasingly vulnerable departments. However, it does give a problem when anything much lower than 4 1/2" feels so meek, tame and feeble. Has anyone else experienced the same thing? Cheerfully Yours, Heelfan

  3. Hello Smudgeur! A great posting - I'm sure that the cinema and the 10 minute walk were both a great thrill, and most importantly, you have the developing acceptance of your wife! Wonderful! You mention taking steps towards your wife accepting you wearing high heels. As a suggestion: why don't you go to Brantano or somewhere and start off by buying some ladies' masculine-toed boots or loafers with 3" or 4" block heels of the sort that a lot of us street-heeling guys use for everyday-about-town wear and that can be totally inconspicuous when worn with longish trousers. That would enable you to enjoy wearing heels for complete outings instead of a snatched 10 minutes, and would also get your wife acclimatised to your prolonged heel-wearing. Then, as each of you becomes ready, you can look forward to progessing to heels which are higher and slimmer, maybe also letting more been seen under your trouser-bottoms. That way your wife should accept your passion in gentle stages. That is the way many of us have done it, and the nice thing is that at every stage it gives you something more to look forward to! Happy Heeling! Cheefully yours, Heelfan

  4. As usual, Firefox makes some great points, although I think for heel heights Badger's original proposal of 1 point per 1" is admirable simple. However, what about negative (minus) points for dreadful shoes: Less than 1" Nul pwants (a la Eurovision Song Contest) Flat sandals -1 Comfy loafers -2 Flat trainers -3 Wellington boots -4 Negative heels -5 etc. etc. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  5. Hello Dimpantyhose! I feel a bit guilty posting her, because as usual, us street-heeling guys have hijacked a thread under "For the Girls" that was specifucally directed to girls - sorry Oz! However, just before shuffling off the girls' forum, can I quickly ask you where you purchased your block-heeled courts? (And the we can ALL get some!). Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  6. A great first posting Thighbootguy, and welcome to Megaforums! The only thing is, I find it very tantalising when members only describe their heel heights without saying whether they are wedges, block heels, semi-chunky, blades or stilettos. Can you tell us what yours are, and then we can visualise the scene a lot better? Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  7. An excellent posting Vanessa! Bravo! Although maybe it's only what good old Firefox has been telling everyone for years, it's nice to hear it from someone else like yourself. And, of course, many of us veteran street-heeling guys like myself would entirely concur. This message cannot be said too often and by too many people in order to get the new-boys (and even the not so new shy-guys) stepping out and enjoying the whole experience and the buzz. It's so sad to think of any of them (and there seem to be quite a lot) trembling away inside their front doors, scared sh**less to emerge, when it's so EASY and so much fun! Again, an excellent posting Vanessa! Oh, and can you just tell us what sort of heels you had on those sandals? Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  8. Oh Firefox! How could you? I was going to say all of what you've just said(including that it is made from girders or gurrrdurrrs to be more Scottish) but you stole my thunder by getting there first. I am fairly sure that during my trips to bagpipeland, I was drinking Iron-bru rather than Irn-bru. Maybe it's two different brands(?). Islebeeseeingyuh! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  9. That's a new notion to me - someone wearing stiletto heels being described as 'Prim and proper' . If that's what prim and proper ladies wear, I cannot imagine what 'Right little ravers' are expected to wear! The mind boggles! Mind you, if anyone on the school teaching staff is going to wear the best heels in the school, it always seems to be the French teacher! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  10. Hiya Girls! It's great to see a sudden flock of younger high-heel girls posting in! You're all masters of the very short modern posting, but can each of you stay on keyboard long enough to treat us all to a tad more about yourselves ......... some of the best heels in your wardrobes ...... why you like high heels ........ your sensations wearing them etc. Oh, and A HUGE WELCOME TO ALL OF YOU, and do keep posting! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  11. Emma that's terrific! You look lovely! Great pair of legs to which the shorter skirt and higher heels do great justice. And a great taste in shoes! I can only repeat the compliments that I gave on the other thread - that you seem to do everything with a natural style and elegance (nothing blousy or over-the-top). You look 101% convincing and really great. Keep it up, and WELL DONE! You're a credit to the Forum. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  12. AAAaaargh Emma! You've made me feel rotten now - a cad and a bounder for risking preventing you from treating me and all the other members to your slightly naughtier and more exciting side! In fact, if I promise not to withdraw all my nice compliments made above, can you be a jolly good sport and treat us all to your Halloween picture after all? The Halloween thread is crying out for it! Cheerfully yours Emma, Heelfan

  13. Thank you again Shoeiee for being most interesting and informative! I hope others will answer the original question posed by this thread, including some UK members, because I would like to hear if any UK adults dress-up in the manner that Shoeiee reports from the States. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  14. Hello Emma! So beautifully and subtly put. Say no more! I must congratulate you again on your tasteful name, tasteful appearance and outfit, and such nice postings. Myself, I'm a happily married street-heeling guy who isn't into crossdressing etc., but I must say it's a real treat to come across your photograph and postings and to see someone doing everything so NICELY! Well done! Cheerfully Yours, Heelfan.

  15. Hello Shoeiee! Thank you for those two links - they enabled me to read with interest the history of Halloween up to the present day. However, I am still none the wiser as regards so why so many American guys have posted here and there that their first public heel-wearing occurred at Halloween. Has guys-wearing-heels (or maybe overall cross-dressing) become an accepted or expected part of Halloween? Or, less formally, is it just a case that it is the one fancy dress opportunity of the year where 'anything goes' and shoe-tempted guys take advantage of this? Or does everyone wear masks in addition to their costumes, in which case could it be that shy-guys feel that they can at last wear their heels in public with the assurance of staying anonymous? I would be fascinated to know more! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  16. Can one of you board members from the States explain the Halloween conventions a little more, so that those of us from the UK and Europe can see why and how guys in heels fit in with the tradition. Your Halloween costume has crossed the Atlantic to reach us, but judging by what I have observed of the UK festivities, they just seem to consist of schoolchildren dressing up as witches and knocking on house doors saying "Trick or Treat". I assume then that your original Amercan custom involves adults too, and judging be a number of references on these forums, are the guys expected to wear high heels for some reason? Cheerfully Yours, Heelfan

  17. eirI'm ever so sorry everybody, I had been a silly billy (my dyslexia!) by making errors in two of the postcodes for the three shoe suppliers. Incredibly well spotted folks - you must have eyes like hawks! Anyway, I've editted my posting above and have corrected the errors in both postcodes. Regarding Cover Girl Shoes' address, many,many years ago they used to be in West London. Then maybe around 1970(?) they moved to Upper Street in Islington. Then around the 1980s, the proprietor (Mrs. Cutler?) died, and her two lady assistants carried on the shop and the name around the corner at a smaller shop premises in Cross Street, off Upper Street. As has been mentioned above, their Cross Street address has now closed, and has been turned into residential units. I don't have any address other than the present box number & address which I have given above. That probably suggests that they have contracted down into a private address. However, they do invite you to telephone and make an appointment to visit. Happy heel-hunting folks! Incidentally, I have done the rounds of Bristol's shoe shops today to check the state of play, and ended up buying a nice pair of heeled loafers and a pair of heeled boots. I have posted this account on Firefox's Aesthetic High Heels for Men Forum today. Emma, on a personal note, I've been dying to pluck up the courage to ask whether you are a guy or a gal. You've got a splendid name and you look splendidly feminine on your avatar photo, but some of your postings seem perhaps to be written as if from a guy's perspective. You don't have to answer this of course - I'm not putting you under pressure, I only ask because of your postings having aroused my insatiable curiosity! Best wishes and cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  18. Firstly, if you click on to the "Heels for Men" thread below, I've listed a whole load more sources for street-heeling guys. Secondly, here are the current whereabouts of Cover Girl and a couple of the others: COVER GIRL (visit by appointment) Po Box 29530, London N1 8FE. Tel: 0207 354 2883 THE LITTLE SHOW BOX (makes for Cover Girl etc. but also retails) 89 Holloway Road, London N7 8LT. Tel: 0207 607 1247 LEATHERWORKS 77-79 Southgate Road, Islington, London N1 3JS. Tel: 0207 3599778 Cheerfully Yours, Heelfan

  19. Yes, that's about right in my experience, but I think you should add 1) Youngsters and giggling schoolgirls, and 2) Beered-up yobbos spoiling for some aggression. The answer is to avoid both of these catagories (although I really don't mind being giggled-at; in the end it's educating the younger generation) and maybe hope there might be some interest from the high-heel fraternity, plus a bit of attention from the odd mildly interested member of the general public. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  20. Thanks for the suggestion Bubba! Funnily enough, just this evening Firefox has posted on his own Forum that all of us might be better off surfing on ebay for the nice fashions of the last couple of years rather than looking in the shops for this coming winter's fashions where block heels have disappeared and stiletto heights are coming down depressinly low! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

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