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Posts posted by Heelfan

  1. Hello Bootcrazy! That last pic is great - an excellent heel-lift and arched instep. Do you street-heel in those, or are are you strictly an indoors wearer? I have a fairly similar pair (but black calf, not patent) that I showed to Firefox last week, and have worn around London a lot under trousers that hid the top third of the heel. Only thing was, I got followed (they called it 'stalking' these days) by a guy from Piccadilly Circus up most of Regent Street. It was a bit creepy and I can see how unnerving it would be for young ladies! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  2. Hello Bubba - Thank you very much for posting pics of 'Vivian' two or three times whenever I've mentioned it. My own computer skills are not quite adept at transferring pics (although Firefox is currently showing me how to do it), so I have appreciated your help! Hello Dr. Shoe, I would not be rash enough to recommended any shoe modification were it not for the facts that a) Scotty specifically asked, and B) I have very successfully increased the height of many of my pairs of heels over very many years to great advantage and increased enjoyment. So has Firefox as per his various articles and illustrations. I agree that shoe modifications can be unsuccessful (and even dangerous) if done unwisely or incompetantly, but I cannot understand your statement that NO shoe modification should ever be carried out. The results have certainly brought people like me and Firefox greater pleasure and satisfaction than restricting ourselves to the original unimproved footwear. Anyway, I look forward to meeting you and Ruth on Saturday! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  3. Certainly Scotty - only to happy to oblige! I have bought two pairs of 'Vivian' online from:


    They're great, and, although over 3", believe me you can wear them ANYWHERE without anybody turning a hair! Also, this firm goes right up to size 14 (US)!

    Rob, I don't agree that these look too feminine. I specifically recommended them to Scotty as I know of no other 3" shoe that looks more masculine. The style of the toe and instep is EXACTLY the same as many men's shoes, the only difference being the higher heel, and even then it is just as chunky as a men's heel so that when glimpsed under Scotty's suitable long trousers (pants), no-one will be able to tell that it's not an ordinary man's shoe. Don't forget trhat Scotty wants to go up to this sort of height and I defy anyone to look throughout the Web and find any 3" heel that looks morte manly.

    Scotty, what a shame you don't live in the UK so you could join our London Heel-Meet next Saturday and gain confidence! Good luck and happy streetheeling!

    Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  4. Hello Julietta! Thank you for sharing that message with us, and saying nice things to us all! Two questions for you: In the recent past you were posting some WONDERFUL reports and pics of you graduating up to 5" heels and talking about going higher still. Can you update us on that and continue the series? Secondly, any chance of you accompanying Yamyam to our London Heel-Meet this coming Saturday 4th October (see under "Real Life Meetings and Fun Shopping Etc.")? Dr. Shoe is bringing Ruth, and I hope there may be one or two other gals as well. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  5. Hello and Welcome Pablo! Why not come and join us for our Heel-Meet this Saturday (see these Megaforums under "Real Life Meetings and Fun Shopping etc.") Heel-wearing is not compulsory(!) and all guys and gals are most welcome! It would be a chance to get to know a group of us like-minded high heel enthusiasts first-hand, including several of the UKs most eminent leading lights! Why not bring your good lady too - Dr. Shoe is bringing his wife Ruth, and other gals may turn up too! It promises to be a great fun day, embracing shoe-shopping and high heel exhibitions! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  6. Hello Grant! Grear pictures! It must be a very exciting time for you if your girlfriend is developing her own interest in heel-wearing. Gently does it! Maybe the next careful step might be (when the time is right) to offer take take her out to choose an 'in-between' height that she feels comfortable wearing in public, having got thoroughly used to the red-brown pair? Keep us posted! Luck and best wishes, Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  7. Hello Scotty,

    It look to be as if maybe you've been wearing and enjoying those new Penny shoes for only a few days and you're already thirsting for a bigger slice of the action! It always happens!

    I have successfully increased the height of MANY of my pairs of high heels over the years, but there are things to be careful about:

    Firstly, the balance of the shoe can be ruined if the increase is too great. Put your shoe on the table and look at it from the side. Shoes are made with a 'toe-spring' whereby the sole under the ball of the foot is resting on the table, but the toe-part of the sole is maybe 1/2" off the table. Experiment by putting something (like playing cards or a thin book) under the heel to raise its height. This will tilt the shoe forward, but you must stop increasing the heel height when the toe-box's sole is flat on the table.

    Any further increase in heel-height would lift the ball of the foot into the air! Measure the distance between the base of the heel and the table, and that is the maximum extent to which you can increase the heel (usually something between 1/4" and 3/4").

    Secondly it seems unnecessary to by a whole new pair of shoes just to aquire a bit of heel. Instead, carefully lever-off the rubber heel-soles of your existing shoes with a screwdriver of chisel. Then, with a strong contact adhesive like Evostik, glue-and-pin on to the the base of the sole-less heel a plate of hard wood of the thickness of your chosen heel increase, and slightly larger than the heel-base. Then rasp (file) down the protruding wooden edge to follow the exact shape and profile of the high heel. Then cover the visible sides of both heels (old leather, wood and all) with very thin new leather, again using Evostick, the joint in the leather coming under the hidden front-face of the heel. If the leather is thin enough, turn 1/2" in under the base of the heel before re-gluing and pinning the heel-soles back on to the new increased-height heels. If the leather is not thin enough to do this, simply trim it off where it will meet the heel-sole.

    Thirdly, it occurs to me that if you have the money for another pair of shoes, you might as well be some shoes that already have a slightly higher heel to save yourself all that work. I suggest "Vivian" from Womenshoes:


    I've had more than one pair of these and they're great for guys' discreet street-heeling. The heel is advertised as 2 1/2", but as the whole shoe getsd proportionally bigger in the larger sizes, mine came through as just over 3".

    Happy Heeling Scotty!

    Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  8. Daz, don't WORRY! Very, very occasionally full cross-dressers can run into a nasty situation, maybe if they our out and about as an over-the-top 'Queen'. But you'll find that the vast hoards in Oxford Street (or anywhere else) are not going to give a toss about a straight-dressed guy's shoes, even if they are the one-in-hundreds that even notices them. In any case, daytime city shopping is not the place where beered-up yobbos tend to hang out. If it's any consolation, I started street-heeling at the age of twelve and I'm now fifty-nine, but being a happily married heterosexual guy, only ever in normal men's clothing and trousers. In the whole of those forty-seven years, I've only ever had ONE remotely unpleasant experience (beered-up yobbos on a very late Friday night), but even that did not result in any violence. I simply told them that my choice in boots (4.5" blade heels) was none of their business. By avoiding rough nightspot areas, even that one solitary episode would have been avoided, so in nearly half a century that's very reassuring, isn't it! The rest of the time has been so enjoyable and such constant fun that it has vastly outweighed that brief moment, and I hate to look back on my life if my street-heeling had been absent. Although being a veteran heel-wearing guy, I am very much a newcomer (only four months) on this site, these forums have enormously boosted and re-kindled my already-ongoing enthusiasm for high heels. A crowning moment for me was my first (and only, to date) Heel-Meet at Oxford. Although I had spent a good part of those forty-seven years streetheeling in the company of people like my wife, I had never ever known the company or support of any other heel-wearing guys. Therefore it was a great experience to wander around Oxford in like-minded company and to give the good citizens of Oxford a glimpse of the growing trend of men's free-style footwear fashions. It is true to say that the discovery of these forums, plus the great revelation that there are many other guys (straight, decent people) with one's own interest has been a great thing for me, resulting in my be keener that ever on street-heeling and enjoying it more than ever before, and with more confidence and assurance than ever before. I have people like Firefox and Xaphod and Calv to thank for this, and I sincerely hope that they can be similarly inspiring to you Daz. I am sure that not only will you thoroughly enjoy your day, but it will give you a massive boost in your confidence towards the same future enjoyment that I have been experiencing. However, if you do come over 'shy' on the day, don't forget that heels are not compulsory. I'm probably going to wear some 4.5" or 5" numbers, but carrying a 2-pair bag containing my standby mid-height heels and my cute new secondary standby shiny black flat pumps. Look forward to seeing you and the others, Cheefully yours, Heelfan

  9. Hi Bubba! Our old British weights and measures and monetary system was full of anomalies and and crazy units. Believe it or not ....... 16 Ounces = 1 Pound 14 Pounds = 1 Stone 8 Stones = 1 Hundredweight 20 Hundredweights = 1 Ton Ten Ton Tessy = too heavy to wear 5 1/2" stilettos! Returning to the debate about women struggling in heels, plainly some find it genuinely difficult and alien to them. However, others are just more faint-hearted and less motivated than we male heel-wearing fanatics. I and many of the rest of you guys are not put off by a bit of pinching (we'll stretch it) or excessive height (we'll master it, or even if we don't it's all part of the fun) etc., whereas for many women the odd pair of high heels is only a casual fashion accessory to be adopted or abandonned at a whim, or if the slightest problem is present in the shoes. Naturally, when referring to women en bloc, I am excluding the magnificent high-heeled lady torch-bearers on these forums, Laurie, Susan the Original, Phuongheels, Lucy, Erica, Mel, Lisa, Julietta etc. All of these are highly cherished members of our community, and would that their shining example and enthusiasm for high heels spread to the entire female population! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  10. Congratulations of your discreet choice Scotty! I am absolutely certain that wearing these won't give you any problems at work, and will also serve to give you and your wife the confidence/acceptance of your wearing these before gradually going on to greater heights and further excitement! Given your methodical prudence, this bodes well for a very happy high-heeled future for you both, and please accept my very best wishes. Good luck! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  11. Hi Heel-Meeters! Great to see we already have a sufficient 'quorum' to make London a success tomorrow week (4th October), whilst anyone else still very welcome if they want to join us! Hi Daz! Delighted to hear than you can join us. Re. shoe-choice, several of us (including Firefox, Xaphod and me) bring little carry-bags or rucksack for one or more shoe-changes. Some of us can't resist showing off by turning-up in our latest mega-high-heeled aquisitions for the early part of the day, without wanting to cripple ourselves by keeping them on for an entire day going all over London! In my case, I'll be bringing a first-change (mid-height around 3.5") and a precautionary second change (a delightful pair of ladies' sexy flat shoes that I've just purchased from Evans ladies outsize). Believe me everyone I've met is very kind and welcoming, whatever each person's age ansd whatever height (if any) heel they happen to be wearing. It'll be a great day regards both fun and general heely interest! Look forward to seeing everyone, and more are still welcome to join us- both guys and gals whether in heels or not! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  12. Yes, I thoroughly agree with Bubba. As usual, he talks a lot of sense. This 'pretending' subject came up recently when forum member High Surprise participated in Firefox's 'Let's Get to Know Each Other' survey thread as a male, and shortly afterwards began posting as a female. In my opinion it is much more meaningful to us all if each poster is honest, and tells us their born sex. That way we can identify with their experiences, adventures, heel-and-clothes-wearing etc. from a true perspective. That's all very easy for me to say as a straight, heterosexual heel-wearing guy, but I am sure it gets much more complicated, confusing and bewildering for those who feel themselves changing into the opposite sex, or hovering in between, or even tasking the plunge with a sex-change operation. But, I think the point is that NONE OF THAT IS ANYTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF! and in fact, I think it would elicit every understanding from the usual people on these forums, because I am sure that the vast majority of us heel-wearing guys must query and try to analyse our own sexual orientations from time to time. Therefore, why can't everyone just be honest about their born sex, and equally honest if that has now started to drift in the opposite direction. Far from alienating the reader, I am pretty sure that it will foster greater interest, trust and support from everyone if we know each other's true history and status. Highluc recently posted his opinion that each heel-wearer's sex is irrelevant, and that he simply admires heels as works of art etc. Well, Highluc, I suggest that your own stories contradict that notion completely. I found your 'Poor Boy' story to be very sexually stimulating, as when his sister helps him buy a pair of 4" loafers as his regular school shoes. Now, Luc, you must admit that had that been 'Poor girl' intead of 'Poor Boy', the cross-dressing interest would have been totally absent and the average reader would just say 'So what' and switch off. Therefore I repeat my earlier point on another thread - member's postings mean MUCH more to me if the reader can correctly identify with the writer in the knowledge that they were born as a male, or as a female. It gives hugely more meaning to every little experience and anecdote. And, as I have already said above, I cannot see any reason for everyone to be anything other than frank and honest about themselves, including any sexual re-orientation, and this can only bring enhanced respect and appreciation from the readers. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  13. I find that if I walk through a shopping mall with longish trousers half-covering my heels, I get a few stares suggesting "What's he hiding that we can't quite see", especially if I look a bit furtive and embarrassed. But after our Last UK Heel-Meet (where Firefox and Xaphod were strutting their stuff in broad daylight with exposed 4.5" and 5" heels), this gave me the confidence to have all of my trousers shortened to a length 1" ABOVE the tops of my highest heels. Yesterday, I wore my black leather ankle boots with 5" 'vane' heels (Vanes look broad and chunky from the side view, but taper down to a thin stiletto-width from the back view). In broad daylight, with greatly shortened trousers to give a FULL view of my 5" heels, I boldly and confidently strode the full length of each of the floors of the mall, often passing right in front of seated people. Sure enough NO-ONE EVEN NOTICED OR PAID THE SLIGHTEST ATTENTION. This shows that the more you look and act ashamed, and tried to hide your heels away, the more people instictively sense your furtiveness and get suspicious and start looking for something odd. But if you act with complete confidence and pride as if your heels are the latest fashion and are there to be seen in full, then there is not the slightest problem! And it is SUCH FUN to wear your shoes in a proud, open way, and to rotate your collection each time you step out. I recommend this open, matter-of-fact approach to everyone! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan _________________

  14. I find that if I walk through a shopping mall with longish trousers half-covering my heels, I get a few stares suggesting "What's he hiding that we can't quite see", especially if I look a bit furtive and embarrassed. But after our Last UK Heel-Meet (where Firefox and Xaphod were strutting their stuff in broad daylight with exposed 4.5" and 5" heels), this gave me the confidence to have all of my trousers shortened to a length 1" ABOVE the tops of my highest heels. Yesterday, I wore my black leather ankle boots with 5" 'vane' heels (Vanes look broad and chunky from the side view, but taper down to a thin stiletto-width from the back view). In broad daylight, with greatly shortened trousers to give a FULL view of my 5" heels, I boldly and confidently strode the full length of each of the floors of the mall, often passing right in front of seated people. Sure enough NO-ONE EVEN NOTICED OR PAID THE SLIGHTEST ATTENTION. This shows that the more you look and act ashamed, and tried to hide your heels away, the more people instictively sense your furtiveness and get suspicious and start looking for something odd. But if you act with complete confidence and pride as if your heels are the latest fashion and are there to be seen in full, then there is not the slightest problem! And it is SUCH FUN to wear your shoes in a proud, open way, and to rotate your collection each time you step out. I recommend this open, matter-of-fact approach to everyone! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan _________________

  15. Yes Loveheel, I've found it's exactly the same with ordinary smart trousers (not being a jeanie person myself). If I walk through a shopping mall with longish trousers half-covering my heels, I get a few stares suggesting "What's he hiding that we can't quite see", especially if I look a bit furtive and embarrassed. But after our Last UK Heel-Meet (where Firefox and Xaphod were strutting their stuff in broad daylight with exposed 4.5" and 5" heels), this gave me the confidence to have all of my trousers shortened to a length 1" ABOVE the tops of my highest heels. Yesterday, I wore my black leather ankle boots with 5" 'vane' heels (Vanes look broad and chunky from the side view, but taper down to a thin stiletto-width from the back view). In broad daylight, with greatly shortened trousers to give a FULL view of my 5" heels, I boldly and confidently strode the full length of each of the floors of the mall, often passing right in front of seated people. Sure enough NO-ONE EVEN NOTICED OR PAID THE SLIGHTEST ATTENTION. This shows that the more you look and act ashamed, and tried to hide your heels away, the more people instictively sense your furtiveness and get suspicious and start looking for something odd. But if you act with complete confidence and pride as if your heels are the latest fashion and are there to be seen in full, then there is not the slightest problem! And it is SUCH FUN to wear your shoes in a proud, open way, and to rotate your collection each time you step out. I recommend this open, matter-of-fact approach to everyone! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  16. Hi Everyone! STOP PRESS! . . . . . LONDON HEEL-MEET. SATURDAY 4th OCTOBER 2003: To add to what already promises to be a heel-packed LONDON HEEL-MEET, by incredible coincidence, we find that there are several HEEL EVENTS already on in London (asterisked below*) for us to visit! This is a possible suggested itinerary (flexible!): 10.30am - 11am ASSEMBLE on pavement outside entrance tunnel no. 5 of Tottenham Court Road Underground Station (S.E. corner of station, near Centre Point office tower). If wet, assemble in inner end of tunnel. Anyone delayed, please come anyway and ring Firefox's mobile 07941 172043 for the group's current whereabouts. 11am - 1`pm OXFORD ST. & CARNABY ST. SHOE SHOPS. 1pm - 2pm LUNCH/DRINKS/CHATS/INFO/ANECDOTES 2pm - 3pm *FERRAGAMO'S TEMPORARY VINTAGE SHOE EXHIBITION at Harrods, Knightsbridge (Marilyn /Monroe's stilettos, Audrey Hepburn's, Madonna's etc., archive shoe photos or Joan Crawford etc.). 3pm to 5pm CAMDEN'S 'ALTERNATIVE' SHOE SHOPS. 5pm to 7pm *"SKIN TWO EXPO" THE WORLD'S BIGGEST INTERNATIONAL FETISH RETAIL FAIR. Temporarily on at Barbican Exhibition Centre. Plenty of photo opportunities, and amongst many other sights, our board member Platform Baby will be strutting there in outrageous shoes! £6. (Entry optional). 7pm to 8pm DINNER/DRINKS/CHATS/INFO/JOKES 8pm to Late *RAYMOND'S REVIEW BAR to watch great ladies performing in amazing heels (plus eyeballing the adjacent windows of fetish heels, shoe videos and shoe fetish books in Walkers' Court). Admission Fee. (entry optional). and/or *SKIN TWO's HOUSE OF FLESH (fetish show on tonight only) at "Sahara Nights", King's Cross. £20 (gulp!). (entry optional). NOW! Who amongst you could miss this heely day of a lifetime??? Please post at the base of this thread if you are keen to come! So far, we seem to be expecting Firefox, Xaphod, Dr. Shoe and Ruth, Me, Calv, Yam Yam (it would be great to see Julietta too!), Ionic and Daz. BIRMINGHAM MEET - SATURDAY 29th NOVEMBER, 10am TILL LATE (MEETING SPOT TO BE ANNOUNCED). Similar fun programme to the above. So far, we seem to be expecting Firefox, Xaphod, Daz, Me, Calv and maybe Emma J. Nation(?). Any more? All aboard that's comin' aboard! GUYS AND GALS ALL MOST WELCOME (whether in heels or not). Come and join us for a helluva fun day (or days)! If You intend to come to either of these Heel-Meets, please add your posting to the bottom of this thread. The first one is very, very soon! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  17. Hi Daz! Let's hope you CAN make it. It'll be the CHANCE OF A LIFETIME, as we now find that, by coincidence, there are several high heel exhibitions and entertainments in various parts of London on that one weeked of 4th October (see my main postings on this thread). As a relative newboy, I've only been to one Heel-Meet myself (Oxford) although I seen the group's photos of earlier meets. Wearing heels is NOT compulsory, but in practice most people do, ranging from shyguys in 2" wedges under long trousers, to Xaphod, Firefox and me in 4.5" to 5" heels, including stilettos and shorter trousers revealing most or all of the heel. Had I not turned up wearing heels, I'd immediately have wished I had, because Firefox and Xaphod set such a fine, confident example of striding through the world in stunning shoes such with great style and panache, that everyone falls under the same mantle of group-confidence and it becomes a truly euphoric, inspirational and memorable day. As I say, study my main posting (under this one) for new exciting details. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  18. Yes, I agree with you both. It's very common (and very sad) to hear so many women regarding utterly meek 2" to 3" heels as something incredibly daring and nigh on impossible to walk in. Whenever I see a girl in a shoe-shop timidly reach for some pathetically low, broad blade-heels as if it were the epitome of boldness, it is all I can do to stop myself going over and saying "For goodness say stop messing about and go for something serious between four and six inches!". Mind you, if their legs and ankles ARE genuinely inflexible, and they are struggling to walk in 2" to 3" heels, I find that quite sexy - the fact that they press on with them on various occasions despite not being cut out for it. Sometimes their knees are thrust right forwards, sometimes they take tiny little tentative steps, and sometimes their stiletto heels tilt inwards or outwards as their ankles cannot keep them upright. (I do secretly wonder how they'd get on in REALLY high heels!). Anyway, well done Daz! I'm pleased you are doing so well with your own heeling! Are you still on track for one or both of the autumn Heel-Meets (see 'Real Life Meetings and Fun Shopping")? Cheerfully yours, Heelfan.


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