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Posts posted by Heelfan

  1. OK folks, as the instigator of these Heel-Meet proposals, I'll go along with 11am. Actually, I'm treating myself to going up to London the day before to look for some exciting sightings, especially at my favourite sighting-haunt - Liverpool Street Station from 4pm to 6pm when all the millions of 'City' secretaries come teetering home via the station. I'll consult Firefox about a good meeting-up spot - probably a coffee-house in some central location so that we can sit and sip and chat whilst we wait for each other. Islebeeseeingyuh! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  2. Hello all budding Heel-Meeters! HEEL-MEET - LONDON 4th OCTOBER 2003 For the latest information, please scroll back up to my first posting at the top of this "Autumn 2003 Heel-Meets " thread. I've just edited it to update everyone on the finalised date, and the expected attenders to date. See you there! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  3. No, no, no, no, no! You're missing a great part of the fun. Listen! Years ago I used to lurk around shoe shops with my heart thumping, and funk any real honesty with the sales staff. I'd end up doing all those tricks of pretending they're for my wife or my daughter, or ordering them over the phone to await my collection in a box etc. All that's happening is you're crucifying yourself needlessly with embarassment and self-doubt. What cured me was an episode when I was lurking around surveying likely shoes in a large ladies' outsize shop in Oxford Street London. In walked a very gay but very cheerful guy, who, bold as brass, began trying-on all the sexiest and highest heels with total gay abandon. As he sat there surrounded by heaps of high size 9UK stilettos, an admiring 'fan club' of shop staff gathered around him. He was obviously a regular and the whole thing was EXTREMELY NICE AND FRIENDLY, mainly because he exuded niceness, friendliness and confidence. He struck up a very friendly and interesting shoeie chat with the salegirls. and all concerned were THOROUGHLY ENJOYING THEMSELVES. As Firefox says, that friendly approach can be really great fun, much more so than nervously stealing around the edges looking all guilty and suspicious. From that time on, I've done it his way, and it's MOST ENJOYABLE, and yes, it's half the fun! Have a laugh and a joke with the salesgirls, ask them what they think of the shoe or the colour or whatever. No-one calls the police or frog-marches you out into the street. Some friendly banter with the staff has become one of my favourite parts of buying my new shoes and I wouldn't miss it for the worlds! Just go for it, otherwise you'll never know what you're missing! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  4. Great News! Firefox and Laurieheels have resurrected most of Jenny's High Stiletto Heels Site on line. There is still some retieval and sorting -out to do, but they've already got much of it back up and running. I hope they will come on this thread to let you know their exciting new plans for adding to Jenny's site. Well done both of you! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  5. Great News! Firefox and Laurie have just resurrected most of Jenny's site! There is still some retrieval and sorting-out to be done, but they are rapidly getting there. Also they have exciting plans for additional pages. I hope Firefox will pick up on this thread and post here with his new plans for the site, and details of URL etc. Well done Firefox and Laurie! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  6. Hi Scotty! I hope you and the other guys on this thread chatting about how to start have read my thread (below here on "For The Guys") entitled "Finding Discreet Street-heels For Guys". As Bubba said, I don't see how anyone (even the wife) would raise an eyebrow at any guys street-heeling in those styles, and yet they range from 2 1/2" to 4". I wear those all the time for "everyday", and no-one EVER even notices, let alone causing any embarrassment. It is only when I wear my thinner and higher heels (4 1/2" to 5 1/2") together with shorther trousers exposing the entire heel that the odd person notices, and even then there is no embarrassment. In fact, getting noticed becomes a major part of the fun. Our Heel-Meets in the UK and Europe are a great way of feeling comfortable and 'At home' wearing heels, because just about everyone else does too. Good luck, Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  7. School bans on sexy shoes are not new! Read "Lucy's Story" (under "For Everybody"). You'll find her early instalments (late 1950's when stilettos first appeared) contain very entertaining memories of how Lucy and her class-mates tried to get around the increasingly draconian shoe rules that the headmistress tried to impose. Happy reading! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  8. Yes, I know Firefox, higher, thinner heels are my ideal favourite taste too. However, let's remember that I started this thread to give a little initial confidence to shy-guys and would-be beginner street-heelers who have hitherto been to scared to go out AT ALL! The shoe illustrated above by Bubba was recommended by me, and Bubba agrees that even the shyest new street-heeler ought to be able to gain confidence in those. Then, of course, given time and a sufficient build-up of his confidence, he can (we hope) graduate gently up to the sort of heels that you wear everwhere and every day with such panache! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  9. Psionic, now that you have posted a little more, I am getting all the wrong vibes from you. A successul marriage (I've been happily married for 31 years) works if each of you loves the other so much that you care MORE about the other person's needs, feelings and desires that about your own. To stand any chance at all, I think you need to cease wingeing to us about YOUR self-centered desires and expectations, and switch the great majority of your attention to HER. Look at it from HER point of view. She has already gone a lot further than many girls would in trying to satisfy your demands and pleasures. Furthermore she pledges her love and trust in you by suggesting marriage, and in the common feminine desire to have children and a happy family. Sadly, as yet I see no evidence whatsover that you are reciprocating her interest in you by your showing any interest in giving anything of yourself to try to please her in any way. You seem only interested in yourself. Until you learn that TO GIVE IS BETTER THAN TO RECEIVE and ALWAYS PUT THE OTHER PERSON FIRST, you will be on a hiding to nothing. Anyway, I say all this to be constructive (not destructive) and I do hope things work out towards everyone's eventual happiness! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  10. Well Highluc, I think I can understand and sympathise with Thighbootguy's quest for comments on his heels. I remember another street-heeling guy recently posting that one half of him ventured out feeling scared and hoping nobody would notice his high heels, whilst the other half of him was getting impatient and thinking "Why doesn't somebody f...ing well notice my heels!". If Thighbootguy is similar, and especially if he is a bit of a loner, then part of him will be desperate for his high heels to be noticed and admired. His asking outright for comments might seem a bit strange to a very seasoned campaigner like you, but it is a way of trying to get instant acknowledgement, acceptance and even admiration. I can identify with that having had similar feelings myself from time to time over the years. It's probably a very much more innocent version of the feelings that motivate a flasher at a football match - a yearning to get a reaction. I hope for Thighbootguy's sake that he will get many people's favourable reaction to his high heeled boots, as long as he doesn't start bothering people to much or making a fool of himself. Good luck Thighbootguy - keep heeling away, that's the main thing! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan.

  11. Thank you Emma and Jo for pointing out my errors! I am afraid I am a teeny bit dyslexic where things like telephone numbers, domain names and email addresses are concerned - sorry! However, with your help, I have edited my original posting accordingly so that readers will now have all of the URLs correctly given on the one list. I hope this might help a whole swathe of new, shy would-be street-heelers to break the ice and get heeling. After that, it's usually enjoyable plain sailing all the way to high and bolder things! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  12. Sorry Psionic, I'd be more than happy to enter into fun questions about high heels or whatever, but I think you're asking the impossible about a serious and personal relationship that none of us know anything about. There are just a few things in life that can only be answered by the person or persons involved, and this is one of them! The only general advice I'd dare to try and give ( for what it's worth) is: a) Don't be swept into marriage/family by surface infatuation of looks, heels etc. unless the companion has the genuine love and compatible personality for a lifelong happy marriage. B) Don't to the opposite either, by shying away just because the responsibility of marrying and having a family gives you an initial fright, only to spend the rest of your life wishing you had taken the opportunity of marrying the right and wonderful person who will never again be found. Close, loving companionship is THE most precious and important thing in life, but in my opinion only YOU and YOUR GIRLFRIEND can make the ultimate decision on whether you think you are right for each other! Good luck! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  13. Thanks Emma - that will help everyone. In fact though, I DID type-in the correct URL including the little underline in the mid-way gap between the letters, but the Megaforums system automatically put a continuous red underline beneath all of my quoted URLs, thereby obscuring the intended short one. I cannot undestand why the systyem did that to my URLs and yet it has left yours alone! Very odd! Incidentally Emma, did you find any of my streetheels-worn-under-guy's trousers to be of any practical interest to you, or are you in glamorous skirts and stilettos 365-day-a-year? What is your profession of "Penguin wrangling"? Any chance of meeting-up with me and the rest of the little gang at any of the forthcoming HeelMeets (see 'Real Life Shopping and Fun Meetings') -maybe the Birmingham one? Cheerfully Yours, Heelfan

  14. Well Azraelle, NO heels are too high for my taste! Anything from 4" to the sky gets my vote (as long as platforms are absent - they are cheating!). And Tahira, thanks for pointing-out that those shoes of yours are 'convertibles' with a straps or no-straps option. In that case, GREAT, and please forget my hasty remark about the razor-blade! an unreservedly unadulterated 107% shoe!!! However, just as an afterthought, my own razorblade has been one of my best tools as far as improving my own collection of shoes is concerned. Simply, sexy elegance is what turns me on most, and the more bows, straps, platforms, patterns, frills appear, then the more it takes away from the stunning concept of the classic high-heeled shoe. I've removed many a slingback or quarter-strap to reveal a much better-looking mule, and many a bow or frippery bo reveal a classic, sleek, high-heeled court. but then, that's only my taste as a street-heeling guy, and I'm aware that "buttons and bows" etc. often appeal to others as making the shoe look more 'girly'. It's good that we all have different tastes, otherwise life would be so dull, wouldn't it! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  15. Yes, as I've told Emma before now, she has got impeccable taste! Why not listen to Emma, keep the shoes (a 107% knockout!) and get rid of all the clutter attached to the top of the heel-upper. A sharp razor blade would do the trick very nicely. Would love to see pictures of these stunners being modelled once all the strappy stuff has been thrown away. They will the be a mega-knockout! A MEGA knockout! Nay, a MEGA, MEGA knockout! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

  16. Time after time on these forums I read shy-guys and beginners and would-be heelers saying that they would love to venture outside in heels, but they are scared sh**less! I can only think that it is because their only heels are embarrassingly inappropriate, such as bright crimson glittery 8" stilettos with huge platforms, or something equally outrageous.

    Usually, the best answer is to start with some discreet black or dark-brown shoes or boots with a wide, square, 'masculine' toe-box and a high but chunky block heel. These will look like a perfect 'normal' man's shoe when worn under suitable long trousers, and enable even the shyest guy to go out for some instant street-heeling (Oh the bliss!). Then, later, when confidence has built up, you can graduate to higher, thinner heels and shorter trouser-bottoms in gradual but exciting stages.

    "Ah yes" you cry, "But where can I get these discreet heels? Huh?" In fact, I've just received a private message from one member, so I'll post my reply here as the information will be of general interest to the guys:

    Well, it's quite easy for guys wearing a size 7UK (9US) or smaller, because you have luxury of simply shopping around in any ladies' shop or store. It's a lot harder for guys wearing size 8UK (10US) and over, because almost all of the ladies' shoes don't go large enough, whilst the on-line fetish shoe suppliers go up to largeish guy's sizes but only in outrageous spangly garish spike-heeled styles that are fun in the bedroom but ridiculous in the street.

    However, much patient searching has revealed just a few sources of discreet streetheels in men's sizes - all from specialist suppliers to large women:

    1. I have just ordered a black leather high-chunky-heeled loafer called 'Vivian', available in many sizes - see photograph on their site:


    Posted Image

    2. A similar shoe but with a higher 3 1/2" heel is called 'Oblige 2' No. 407500 and is pictured on Faith shoes' website under 'Study Time':

    (Update Summer 04: This was only sold in last Autumn's "Back to School" range, but mybe it will be repeated this autumn).

    3. I have just bought a very similar shoe with a slightly slimmer heel from my local branch of Brantano. It is called 'Principal' (No. 261942101115) available in sizes 3 to 9 UK and costs £35. Brantano's website does not advertise individual shoes, but gives to locations of all their UK stores:


    4. A very similar shoe is sold by NinetoElleven (Tallgirls) as their "High loafer" . See under their "School" shoes section:


    Posted Image

    5. See the list of street-heel suppliers that I recently posted in another thread on these Megaforums:



    This is a terrific style for male streetheelers who want lift without going "girlie". Highluc illustrated it in his story "The Poor Boy":

    Posted Image

    Chainstores & shops where you can try-on ladies' size 9s:

    BRANTANO (although summer sale lines currently very depleted) and autumn fashions, boots etc. not yet in. Will improve by early autumn.

    EVANS (ladies outsize chain) mostly frumpy styles, but occasionally something more sexy.

    TXX(?) Maybe worth trying if you're passing, but virtually nothing as large as size 9.

    BARRATTS Ask for their 'Tall & Small' Corner. The 'Tall' range goes up to size 9 or 10. The summer 2003 range only includes about a dozen styles, mostly frumpy, but I've got some good heeled boots up to 4 1/2" from them in the past, so maybe the winter selection will be better again.

    "NINE TO ELEVEN" (also known as TALL GIRLS) Use Google to search either of these names on the Net. Two or three branches in London - means going up there to try them on. Study their shoes on the screen.

    "BIGFOOT DIRECTORY", Croydon. Run by a lady called Kenny with size 12 feet who caters for big-footed women but very amenable to serving heely guys. As with the shop above, study Kenny's website.

    THE LITTLE SHOE BOX, London Makes custom-made high heeled shoes

    in many designs, but also stocks some ready-made 'Off the shelf' pairs for instant trying-on and purchase. Study their Website.

    COVER GIRL, London. Retailer of high-heeled shoes for guys. Usually good selection in stock.

    For custom-made shoes or ordering on-line:

    THE LITTLE SHOE BOX as above.

    DIVINE SHOES, near Northampton, UK. Similar firm to Little Shoe Box. Study their website.

    LEATHERWORKS, London. Same comments.

    LA PIAZZA SHOES, Germany. Same comments but amazingly high styles, quality and prices!

    Some of the specialist high-heels-for-guys websites like Andrew's,or Joak's or Megaforums(here! - see heading at top of site) or Firefox's give whole long lists of high heel suppliers in large sizes, but for UK heel-guys, I think my list will give you a good working start.

    6. All of you would be MOST welcome to attend some or all of our three proposed 2004 Heel-Meets in Guildfard, Bristol and Leicester Heel experts such as Firefox and Xaphod will probably be there, and are happy to chat about where to find the right heels etc. - see on these Megaforums under "Real Life Shopping and Fun Meetings".

    I hope this will be of useful assistance to all shy-guys and budding street-heelers!

    Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

    Note: the above URLs edited by Heelfan on 11th September 03 to include

    correction of errors pointed out by members below.

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