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Posts posted by Heelfan

  1. Thank you JimC for the clarification, and that's a good observation about words for gays and a chain! Thank you to all who have contributed to this survey so far - it is extremely fascinating! Already I think I detect a trend emerging: WORST REACTIONS: Mainly the young - precocious youngsters through to giggling schoolgirls through to young oiks and yobbos. BEST REACTIONS: Older, more mature people and especially women! Maybe this indicates that tolerence, insight and even genuine sympathetic understanding might come with age, and maybe with the feminine gifts of warmth and intuition? Anyway, let's see ................ more responses please guys! Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan.

  2. Thank you Highluc for your kind contributions to this little survey. The interest shown by the 30-year-old ice-cream-selleress was GREAT. After her next visit, don't forget to tell us what she thought of the entire might of your site (including your amazing collection, and 'Poor Boy' and all your other stories etc.!), but DON'T tell your cardiologist that you're dashing out in various heels for all that yummy cholesterol! Regarding the Belgian van driver shouting 'Faggot', I'm not familiar with that term here in the UK (except as a bundle of firewood or a meatball), but one of the American heelers recently posted that he had been called a 'Faggot' in the States. Does it means perhaps a 'Gay' perhaps, or maybe a 'Pratt/Walley/Nerd/Jerk etc.' Only asking because it sounds as if me or some of the other UK street-heelers might start getting called 'Faggot' at some stage, and we'll then know what we are supposed to be (over and above being van-capsizers, of course!). Cheerfully Yours, Heelsfan.

  3. Hello Highluc - thanks for contributing some philosophical thought to the debate in your usual profound and eminently intellectual way. Also though, on a more down to earth level that I am sure we would all also enjoy immensely, why not treat us to a couple of actual anectdotes of the best and worst reactions to your OWN heel-wearing. Judging by all of your awesome and relentless activity, surely you can share a couple of memorable moments with us interested rank-and-file heelers? Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan.

  4. Worryingly, today Jagman has posted on the 'old' Heels For Guys Forum (Firefox's Aesthetic High Heels For Men site) his observation that the guy's street-heeling movement is getting nowhere, and public tolerance for it is plummeting. Does this mean Jagman that you have been getting adverse reaction, and if so, can you can you post it here under 'Worst Reaction'?, and maybe amplify your conclusions with other details? Cheers, Heelsfan.

  5. WORST REACTION: As I reported recently on the 'Aesthetic Heels For Men' site, my worst experience (and in fact, in over 30 years of public heel-wearing, my ONLY really bad moment) happened in my city centre last month when I was taking a late-night stroll in my black 4" blade-heeled Barratt's ankle boots with only a very discreet 1" or so of heel showing below my longish trousers. Unfortunately I found myself walking past past a stationery gang of yobbos. One of them must have had the eyes of a hawk, and I think he must have seen my blade heels from the side which made them look more like stilettos. From behind me I heard an almightly uproar, and I suddenly realised they were all bellowing at me! Some of them quickly circled in front of me, calling me an "F---ing pervert!" and after the gang penned me up against a shopfront, the head bully-boy came forward and asked me what was going on and why was I crippling my feet. He began thundering at all the passers-by "Look, he's got his wife's shoes on!" and the gang were all pointing at my feet. He tried to emulate a plain-clothed policeman (which would have been pretty laughable in normal circumstances) and tried to get me to face the wall and spreadeagle myself. For a few minutes I was convinced that I would get duffed-up, but I managed to face them down and eventually extricate myself by saying several times over in a loud, commanding voice that it was none of their business. They then got bored and melted away, and so did I! I would add that the episode hasn't put me off street-heeling, and I'm looking forward to attending the Oxford Meet on 12th July '03 (yes, in heels!). BEST REACTION: (apart from my super wife's continuous understanding and great support) occurred in my single days over 30 years ago when I was sitting at a table in a London coffee shop waiting for a blind date to arrive. I was beginning to think I had been too rash in wearing my supple light-brown spanish shoes with dark-brown 4.5" cuban heels, which were 100% visible to everyone due to my trouser-legs being pulled-up due to my sitting position. First, a black guy at the next table nodded down at them and said 'Yeah Man .... So Cool ........ they're all RIGHT!, and just then a cheery girl (my date) rushed over, sat down, introduced herself to me and straight-away grinned down at my shoes, saying they were 'Quite nice'. As if that wasn't enough to break the ice, she then APOLOGISED for turning-up in virtually flat shoes and said that in the circumstances she would be too short walking beside me. I immediately took the cue and offered to buy her any high heels of her choice, and after a few polite protests she allowed me to take her to a couple of shoe shops before she chose a knockout pair of yellow 4" stilettos which she proceeded to wear for the rest of the date, and several more dates afterwards. So much for me having worried about putting on my cuban heels! OK guys, it's your turn! Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan

  6. It will be fascinating for us all (and especially for the many shy heel-guys trying to pluck up courage to step outside) to hear about your personal VERY WORST and the VERY BEST reactions from strangers who have spotted your high-heel-wearing. We might get some some bravado from the "It's a doddle" brigade who might be tempted to brush any negative comments under the carpet, and at the other extreme some self-pity from the shy-guys who might well dwell on the bad reactions at the expense of ignoring the good. This is only going to be a true survey if you ALL throw-off any such personal bias and report the worst and best comments in a 100% even-handed manner. If no-one actually SAID anything on these occasions, at least report their expressions and other reactions. I'll start the ball rolling with my own experiences on my next posting, below: Cheerfully Yours, Heelsfan

  7. Nice boots, but a higher heel (even a little bit) would make them more exciting. Also, I've never been too keen on waisted heels that flare out again at the bottom. It seems like 'cheating', whereas heels that taper down to their thinnest part at the bottom add to the challenging effect of wobbly precariousness. Still, all-in-all, nice boots! Cheers Heelfan

  8. I don't think you can beat the sexiness of the 'click-click-click' of steel-tipped stiletto heels. I remember in my mid teens when my very first girlfriend had her stilettos re-shod in rubber, those same shoes seemed so meek and tame afterwards. It seemed to take all the fun and the daring excitement of stiletto heels away! I agree with Firefox that the steel tips are great for attracting (much-deserved!) attention, and obviously Jenny realised this when she added the sound-effects to her heel-teasing page. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan.

  9. Tonight in Bristol City Centre I enjoyed watching a pair of girls negotiating the cobbled surfaces in high heels. The right-hand girl wore black boots with extremely high very shiny gold stiletto heels, and her right heel had a pronounced outward lean which worsened now and again as knobbly cobbles twisted her ankle this way and that. She looked mightily relieved to finally get into a taxi, but no doubt she'll be back to 'Hit the Town' again next week in those same mind-blowing heels. Following that I admired the even-higher heeled black boots worn by another young girl. The heels were thicker, but the shape of the foot-part was evil, forcing the instep vertically up from the square toe of the boot. The heels were obviously far too high for her and as she stood around waiting for a taxi, she kept lifting the toe of one foot and then the other to ease the ultra-steep angle of her ankles. So sexy! Heelfan.

  10. Hello High Surprise! That sounds like a FANTASTIC sighting that most of us only dream about seeing. I suppose it's too much to hope for that you (or one of the other contributors) will ever see her again, and photograph her! Cheers, Heelfan

  11. Hiya Dheel! I can only agree with all the others and say GO FOR IT! You've got everything going for you - a fairly 'unisex' pair of starter shoes and most importantly, a supportive girl! And first time out you can add fairly long trousers/pants for extra discretion. We can all assure you that EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE, and you'll get back home with a helluva satisfying buzz that you've actually done it! From then on, it'll get easier and easier, and more and more fun. We will all look forward to your postings in future months that, like the rest of us, you're boldly wearing slightly higher and slimmer heels, and showing a bit more under the bottoms of your pants. I can assure you, it's a great feeling of unleashment if you really get into it, and I really hope things develop well with the girl next door. A very, very exciting time for you! Good luck and keep us posted! Cheers, Heelfan.

  12. Must report a wonderful sighting in Bristol City Centre last Friday night at abut the time people begin criss-crossing from one nightclub to the other. A couple came striding throughout the length of the long central precinct. The young man was manfully striding away with very attractive slim girlfriend justabout keeping-up in some great high heels. Her top was a short-sleeved white singlet and below that was a cute denim mini-skirt that only just covered her lovely apple-shaped bottom. Her high heels were a great pair of 5" white stiletto plain courts (to match the singlet). She clicked along with a tantalising little inward heel-wobble on each step and the overall effect was awesome! There were a few other good pairs of stiletto courts being worn but without the exciting wobble, and two great pairs of boots with the bottom half of the black 5" heels in gleaming gold metal, both worn with very short denim shorts! Look forward to reading a few more of other people's latest sightings! Cheers, Heelfan.

  13. Just a reminder guys and gals, that there are still three weeks to go if any more of you decide you'd like to join us for our fun day in Oxford. There's five or six of us expected so far, so why not join us to make some new like-minded friends and enjoy some shopping, chatting, swapping info and anecdotes, eating and even venturing into the odd hostely! Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan

  14. I'm UK Men's 9.5 (ish) = UK Women's 10.5 = European 44 = US 11/12 (?) and I'm very, very, very, very, very envious of guys with smaller feet who can swan into any ladies shoe shop and have the pick of the entire store. Occasionally I can find a sexy style in the 'large ladies sizes' from Barratts, Brantano, Evans, Tallgirls etc., but the vast majority of these large sizes are frumpy, and it's SO frustrating that whenever I get momentarily excited in some of the shops upon seeing a FANTASTIC style, it always seem to be made in sizes only up to about a 7 or 8. I often end up spending a fortune getting shoes or boots made to my own design by custom-makers such as The Little Shoe Box, London. Cheers, Heesfan

  15. Hi! I haven't ordered anything from either firm yet, so I can't comment on quailty/service, but I admire your taste which co-incides with mine! Classic Pumps have those superb low-cut pumps showing toe-cleavage (I HATE pumps with high, ugly uppers), and Brazilian orchid excell with their lovely low-cut mules (again the toe-straps of most other mules seem unnecessarily high-cut a stodgy). I really just posted to say why not include Lovely Pumps as well as Classic Pumps? To me, their range looks even more exciting, although it's more expensive that Classic Pumps. Hope you manage to get something and that it satisfies you! Cheers, Heelsfan.

  16. Yes, it was actually me who found out that 'Sadie' was sold-out. When Firefox posted the picture on the 'Heels for Guys' board, It took me ages to deliberate whether I should order a pair for myself - the whole of one second in fact! Like a flash,I reached for my phone, only to be told that 'Sadie' was no longer available. I imagine it was probably the tail-end of last winter's range of boots. Such a shame, because mentally I was already planning to wear My new 'Sadies' to the forthcoming Heel-Meet in Oxford to show them to Firefox and the rest of the bunch. Incidentally, for those of you from the States that have just been talking about the logistics of coming across the pond to the UK to buy stuff like that, you don't have to because Barratt's (and various retailers who include large sizes) offer an on-line mail order service. However, if any of you do fancy the trip for the helluvit, try to coincide with one of our Heel-Meets, because we'd love to see more heel enthusiasts from Stateside! Cheerfully yours, Heelsfan

  17. I agree with those of you that think this story does not ring true. The only conceivable reason for hospitalisation would seem to be to try to cure Casmo of his crossdressing. However, if that were really the case, then the LAST thing that they would do would be to instal Camo in there with all of his female clothes and shoes. Sorry Camo, it just doesn't add up!

  18. If you are already wearing heels around your peers and friends, sometimes accompanied by a friend doing likewise, it sounds as if you're already 90% of the way there! Why not simply extend these wearings into the other areas in which you move, and let the heels tell the story for you? Cheers, Heelsfan

  19. Here are my answers: I enjoy the feel of height and walk. 10 Fashion, an indespensible accessory 1 For the extra height & confidence 7 A way to emphasize my feminine side 1 I am sexually stimulated by wearing them 10 To be more attractive 1 Cheers, Heeslfan

  20. For me it's always a huge turn-on, but it stems from my excitement at seeing georgeous women in super high-heels. I always wondered how they managed to balance on wobbly stilettos, and how they felt perched up on their toes for long periods, etc. It was wanting to know and share the experience that THEY were having that attracted me into wearing high heels. When I put them on and wear them in public, the big turn-on for me is knowing that all high-heeled women must be regularly experiencing the same sensations of empowerment through being raised taller, but combined with the various restrictions and subservience imposed by high heels, becoming outright bondage when heels get extremely high. It's all great and fascinating stuff! Cheers, Heelsfan

  21. Well, unlike the rest of you, I prefer to have a VARIABLE rather than a set leg-length. If I am having a bold/extrovert day, I will hitch my trousers further up my waist to reveal my entire heel-height (highest are 5.5") to the big wide world. However, if I'm in a more meek/private mood, I'll ease my trousers further down on my waist to cover all but a inch or so of my heels. Even if I'm in the former mood, the latter technique has often stood me in good stead if I'm walking towards Trouble (groups of thugs or small children, bless them! or giggling schoolgirls). Another method of excercising this VARIABLE technique can only be applied when wearing jeans. Unlike trousers, it seems fashionably acceptable to turn-up the bottoms to any great or lesser extent. Therefore, instead of having to alter the belt-height at my waist (as above), with jeans I simply adjust the amount of turn-up to suit the heels and the occasion! Simple! Huh? Cheers, Heelsfan

  22. UPDATE, 12th JUNE 2003: Jenny's Forum has been very busy lately, so the piece about the 'Catwalk Flip' has now unfortunately been nudged off the bottom (and lost for all time). Anyway, as stated above, it is utilised to great effect by Dolly Parton in her 5" stilettos all the way through her film "Straight Talk" (hireable on video) and is also mentioned in 'Lucy's Story' which at present, is still on Jenny's Forum Message-board. Cheers, Heelsfan

  23. Well. maybe the rough surfaces will add to the fun! With a month to go before the Oxford Meet, we're doing quite well. So far, we're expecting Firefox, Xaphod, YamYam, Daz and Me (that's already 5). Further guys and gals are most welcome to come on board for our fun/shopping/eating/chatting/pubbing day out, whether or not in heels: OXFORD MEET, 12th JULY 2003, 10am START OUTSIDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY BOOKSHOP, 106 HIGH STREET, OXFORD (IF DELAYED RING FIREFOX ON 07941 172043) TILL EVENING. Let's have a great time folks! Cheers, Heelsfan

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