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Posts posted by HappyinHeels

  1. NH Heels, Hell no you are not alone but indeed among a crowd of people, genetic guys and girls alike, that know pretty much who they are and that high heels are a natural part of their identity. Like Bubba136 says, my mood would probably be extremely negative if I quit wearing heels for a period of time. I have become very accustomed to wearing 5" heels in the car and have worn 4-5" heels in a few malls and IT IS LIBERATING to say the least. Your wife's support is invaluable and will only help you stay on your path. Your life, as well as all of ours, is a one-shot deal; better we enjoy it even more with high heels or whatever else you might want to wear with them! I'll click my shoes together and wish you only the best! HappyinHeels

  2. HiStiletto makes great and elegant points as usual and it has made for a great thread indeed! He makes the point that males wearing high heels whether in public or private is far more common than people realize. I have written several times before about my experiences in different shoe stores as I haven't made any internet purchases in the last 18 months--just in-person and have talked to a fair number of sales associates. The sales associates will confirm what we suspect or already know; that many males are looking and buying high heels for themselves but the degree of presentation is quite varied. Some are straight-forward and tell the SA's this, try on shoes without looking around and go about their business just like women do. Others see something they like and do a walk and grab then head straight for the register and yet others try to mix the purchase in with other stuff and may say they are buying for their wife or girlfriend. I have said before that SA's know you are buying for yourself by how you are in the store. I have written to Bakers HQ in St.Louis a number of times and have become a verified reviewer of the shoes I've bought there. Then they know who their customers are. We should ALL be doing this-after all we love the product they sell. I have a discount card with Bakers and DSW reward points, I recommend everyone does the same-no better feeling than to create a good relationship in the business community no matter if they're selling heels,dresses,purses, or tractor parts! HappyinHeels

  3. Hi Jen J!! Saw your question about wind energy and I'd suggest you check out the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair held every year in Custer, WI just off US 10 about 7 miles east of Stevens Point. Next year's dates are 18-20 June and the contact number is 715-592-6595. I go through Custer every time I drive to our land in Ashland Co. and would like to attend next year as I drive Up North. A friend of mine, Gary at Skyscraperheels in Chicago, has been to this fair and could probably tell you more. I would like to put in a wind turbine to fo along with geothermal and solar when we build our home on our land in just over 7 years so I'm quite interested in it. Tell me what you find out! HappyinHeels

  4. Hey Wiz! Your foot is close to my size but I find that I need anywhere from a sz. 12 in a woman's boot to sz. 11 in most every other style of women's shoes but found out this year that I can actually fit into a sz. 10 in some wedges and high-heel sandals. It really depends on the material the shoe is made out of, the width of the opening on open-toed sandals, even where the shoe was manufactured. I stopped by DSW today and scored a pair of Guess platform sandals (5.5" heel on a 1.5" platform) for just $38 including the tax. They had them in sz.10 but ot 11. Tried them on right there and another woman sat on the stool next to me. We saw that we both had painted our toenails with turquiose nail polish! If I hadn't tried on these sandals in sz 10 they may not have fit. You'll have good experiences. Sure you're nervous, you have to start somewhere, maybe take someone with you!!

  5. I did a quick check of both thefreedictionary.com and wikipedia.org and streetheeling doesn't appear in either which leads to my point. I believe the pursuit of defining something like this is wasted energy. If a woman wears heels in public she is just living another day in her life but if a genetic man wears heels in public it needs the moniker "streetheeling". We are a group who seeks the same seamless acceptance to shop for, try on, buy, and WEAR high heel shoes without stigma,labels, or undue attention. To me the merit is not in assigning names to a something from which our group really doesn't want undue attention rather it lies in equality and freedom. If one chooses to wear 2" cowboy boots, 1.5" kitten heels, 5" wedges, or 7" thigh boots they should be able to do so (man or woman) without hyperbole or a lot of analysis. Fashion (and most people) are open-ended and ever-changing. You are accepted here---that's the only certification needed. :cry1: HappyinHeels

  6. Flare jeans are cool but maybe not sooooooo flared out. I have wondered what could happen if a heel got caught in these pant which often touch the ground. I think you're just about as well off with some boot-cut jeans. They will expose an inch or less of your heels and the stretchy material is wonderful on the skin. Chances are if you are wearing stiletto-heeled shoes in public that nobody will say anything bad and you probably will get some good comments! If you have already are stepping out in stillettoes then wearing such a flared pant becomes unnecessary. Shoe your heels, paint your toes, and have fun!! HappyinHeels

  7. My reply would be that men's shoes are boring and I want to sample the kind of energy that seems to radiate from women's shoes. Men seem doomed to a utilitarian life devoid of bright colors and exciting styles. Women express themselves the world over through their clothes and men are starting to demand the same freedoms. While generally content as a genetic man I'd say wearing high heels helps me be a better woman as well and gives me a certain inner peace. Unconditional friendship and love will not only withstand your honest answer but will be strengthened by it. HappyinHeels

  8. I was returning from a work trip to Peru last June on the Lima-Miami leg when I used the bathroom and saw a bag about the size of a large shoe box in which clothes and a pair of shoes were partially visible. Once I left the bathroom a flight attendant was only six feet away since AA's bathrooms were right by the galley and told her what I'd found and within seconds the item was in the airline's custody. In this case the integrity and privacy of the someone else's things were preserved and there was a near 100% chance of the items being returned to its owner since we were still up in the air (I say near 100% since there are people who can actually sleep through anything and on any conveyance) and might miss an announcement. Like Jen J. said, it belongs to someone else and to peruse or rifle through it is not unlike breaking a car window to go through the car's contents. Respecting other people's property no knows borders even you are literally in between borders!! HappyinHeels

  9. Flierfil, Like Bubba136 said there are lots of replies from forum members on this hose/no hose topic so you can see the spectrum of opinion. I'd add this to it: If you want to combine the ease of putting on heels by wearing stockings but also want to show off your pedicure or nail polish then I'd recommend buying some open-toed stockings. You'll get the best of both and the vamp on many styles of shoes covers up the edge where hosiery ends and your bare toes begin. I love pantyhose and wear them nearly every day. Hope this helps you!!! HappyinHeels

  10. I'd like to wear all types of heels in public:from wedge-heel sandals under some jeans to some pumps and a dress to stiletto-heel boots. I don't even have to dress at all-I'd just like the UNMITIGATED CHOICES that women enjoy every day. I think I love women's shoes (and clothes) because it is the medium they use to express themselves personally and professionally while men's shoes are a utilitarian nightmare! HappyinHeels

  11. Some may be very shy of wearing any heel in public but they may want to consider buying as many of their heels as possible in person. By showing different businesses that a man is as interested in buying heels as a woman these businesses, if they are smart, will take notice and start catering to men. Many here have already noticed this and also documented their very positive experiences. Over time things will and have already started to change.

  12. Bubba136 is exactly right about Ellie shoe sizing--they run small...and seem to do so consistently. Their version of a size 11, my ideal size, will fit like a size 10 by most other brands so do like Bubba said and order one size larger in an Ellie shoe. I once ordered a pair of Ellie platform mule sandals from a catalog at a lingerie store and when I saw how tight a size 11 fit me I took them back to the store and let them keep the shoes--didn't even want to bother with the return nonsense. Haven't bought any Ellie shoes since. Just another reason it is always better to find a shops or shops and try on your heels in person for a good fit! Otherwise-you will not truly be HappyinHeels!!

  13. I have two pairs of tennis shoes, one for yardwork or shopwork and one for going out to eat,movies,etc, a pair of cowboy boots, some hip waders, some rubber boots for working around my pond or Up North at our land, and two pairs of dress shoes. On the other hand I have two pairs of stiletto-heel knee boots, 5 pairs of wedges, 5 pairs of high-heel sandals, 3 pairs of pumps, and 6 pairs of platform sandals, all of these shoes/boots have heels 4-8". So, like many here I too have more women's than men's shoes but then again I'm Happy in Heels!

  14. I stopped by Bakers tonight on my way home and bought this new pair of blue suede platform pumps called "Eryn". They are incredibly sexy and feminine with a 5 1/2" stiletto heel. Tried them on right on in the store and and another woman decided she just had to try on the same style. We stood side by side for a moment and two pairs of blue suede platform pumps later left the store--one with me and the other with her, I feel like I made the sale! The cool thing about this was the sales girl was also named Erin! The only thing I need to do is stretch them a bit since they are size 10 so I started by wearing them home in the car, I put some rubbing alcohol on the vamps and stuck them in the freezer they now fit better.

    Here's the link: http://www.bakersshoes.com/product.aspx?c=318&p=124789

    Now I have to search for a blue dress to match these fabulous heels!


  15. I have never bought high heels from a female friend before. I have bought online from a lot of the same retailers that everyone here knows about but actually ALL of my purchases in the last 18 months have been in person at stores like Target,Bakers,DSW,Aldo, and Skyscraperheels in Chicago. Buying online is fne if you are already familiar with a certain brand or retailer but nothing beats buying shoes in-person to ensure a good fit (and maybe get a nice comment). HappyinHeels

  16. I think steel tips might be better if you are going out and could change into them once you got to a club,restaurant,etc. where you'd be on even and hard surfaces the whole time. But, in general, like Jen J. says plastic or rubber tips are better for hardwood floors and, like Jen, I'm not a fair weather heeler either. Since we both live in the Upper Midwest we can vouch there is a lot of UNFAIR weather around here! You have to put snow treads on your heels in the winter here! HappyinHeels

  17. Chrisr, Actually I have mentioned several times how items such as girdles,wigs,corsets, skirts, and even high heels (introduced into French society so that feet would not touch the streets which were covered in animal waste)

  18. Like mtnsofheels in Canada I too am OK with my shoe size and also am at the top end (US11 is my optimal size) so I might miss out on some styles that only go to size 10. I did, however, discover this year that my foot will fit SOME styles in size 10 depending on the vamp opening and materials used.

  19. Welcome to our world Crazyewok!! As you'll discover soon there are many more men than you ever realized who enjoy shopping for, trying on, wearing, and collecting women's shoes for the same reasons that women do---they want what is stylish and reflects their personality and enjoy the seemingly endless style and color combinations available. I think we also love the shoes because we are generally not afforded the same freedom actual women have wearing our shoes wherever we want. Once you know you like high heels or other feminine attire you love it for life-it is NOT a phase in your life. Heels are Happy Only When Worn!

  20. As I relax in the evening reading and posting here at the computer I have on a pair of Karo's black leather platform sandals with an ankle wrap strap and 6" stiletto heels under some boot-cut stretchy jeans--turquoise nail polish--have to liven up our misty crummy weather today.

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