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Posts posted by jim

  1. BS....Go to the FAQ section at the top of this page,it should give you the low-down on posting avitars.

    Hi Dawn....Blacksheep lives about 18 hours drive time from me, there's also a large chunk of sea water separating the two main Islands so popping by for a quick coffee is a tad difficult. :D

    Still.....Business gets me out and about a lot these days so we may just get the chance to meet at some point. :P

    Very cool boots Larry......Italian Heels put together some very nice stuff that’s for sure. Please keep us posted on how they "perform" on the street.

    Went to a Persian restaurant last nite and wore this outfit with my Sachi 4" snip point boots...We had a great time and I never once got stoned for being a non conformist. In fact, no one said a damned thing! :P

    Posted Image


  2. Me...? I'm from the winterless North. :P ( *choke*...had 2" of rain last nite ) btw.....did you get to the "House of Pain" last week for the Lions/Otago match.?If that is all the Poms have to offer,the All-Blacks should well and truly newter them come Saturday's Test. :P jim

  3. There has to be a colloquial definition for it that Jeff was using) :P

    You're right with that assumption Bubba.It's a colloquialism used mostly in SA, Ozy and NZ.

    "Bugger" is used as a low key cuss word much like "damn" and would sit half way between "darn" and "shit" on the on the cuss-o-meter.

    Now "Buggered" on the other hand means it's either broken and in need of repair, or tired and fatigued...depends on the conversation.

    Master this word and you will fit in down here "no worries at all Mate".

    btw Bubba...my names Jim. :P

  4. I feel your posts on both of these forums has been well worth the effort Kneehigh's,with close to 8,000 hits on TFS post alone. :P The guys who have posted there, promoting heels on men, have done so in a tactful and respectful manner and this has done wonders in how we've been perceived by the female members. Because of this I feel most of the gals believe we are indeed intelligent, articulate and for the most part interesting guys, who are in no way "tacky deviates" that need to be avoided at all costs.It's about fashion,street heeling and personal style..... nothing more. I gotta say the woman I have shared PM's with over the last few weeks, have been really open and supportive and I've formed a number of firm friendships as a result. Long may it continue.... :P jim

  5. Poop on them, I can walk in 5" with no issue.

    Do you mean for 8 or 10 hours most days,like alot of women (and some of us guys) do. You know...at work,doing the shopping,running errands,picking up the kids from school..

    or do you just "walk in 5" heels with no issue" from the lounge to the bedroom?? :)


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