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Posts posted by jim

  1. Amazing close-up of the pink stilettos Bluewind and as Ellen said, the colour is very intense...almost electric.

    If it's possible, I would love to see a close-up of the blond woman’s left shoe (the one in the Opra Pic.) :-? Her pumps look very 60's in that shot and her arch appears very seductive, even at that distance.


    btw, where abouts in Brisi are you? I have been flitting over there quite a bit and love the place. Great shoe shopping to be had just about everywhere. Have just moved my oldest son into a place in Chirnside.He spent the last 9 months in Princess Alexandria hospital recovering from a fall and its good to have him out of there at long last. He’s still not home but it is a step closer.

  2. Having the boss prompt you into wearing heels at work has gotta be good! Meeting fun loving, open minded women is great at the best of times but it sounds as if you, like JeffB, are surrounded by them. Long may it continue! Don't forget to let us know how it goes Jim, I’ll be looking out for your update with eager anticipation. jim

  3. What an unpleasant experience Forborkenvv,good thing Mrs F wasn’t subjected to it.. Ignoring this stalker was the best thing to do and I think you handled the situation well. :-? I’ve been street heeling for years and have never had anything like this happen. If it ever does, I hope I manage to be as smart as you and treat the idiot with the contempt he deserves by ignoring him in a similar manner. (I would much prefer to poke him in the eye with my index finger and give him something to really fuss about..) jim

  4. Very interesting stats Gene.I wonder if that is a world wide phenomena ??

    They've never given me any guff about my heel wear.

    Your neighbors have probably "seen it all" Mate and your heel wearing doesn’t even raise a blip on their screen ...but then why should it. They are only shoes after all. (I’m sure they were classy ones at that.)

    The same goes for the officer who stopped me I suppose. When she commented on my boots she may have been speaking facetiously, but if she was, I was unable to detect it.

    Mind you Gene,if we were also running around stark bollicking naked, covered in blueberry juice shouting "death to the Roman invaders" they may have had something else to say.. :-?


  5. heelsRus, have you tried Jacob's Creek ??They are located in the Hunters Valley region ( I think)and their wines are fantastic.... :-? Jimnj3,I found the woman’s company very enjoyable. I have not experienced anything quite like that before, still, we were in a shoe store and that’s where people who love shoes go.. :D Went to dinner after going to see Eddie Izzard last year and had a woman in the restaurants house bar want to try on my 5" black suede stiletto boots, she wore them for 20 minutes or so...now that was a bit of fun! Bubba,as far as the traffic stop went....I was not arrested nor charged as I was not DUI. Had I failed the 2nd test I would have had to blow in the bag.If I had failed that test then I would have had blood sample taken back at the station house and charged according to my blood/alcohol level. What could I expect as a result..? Well that depends on the level of booze in the system. Loss of licence, demerit points, hefty fine and possible prison time. The alcohol limit here for drivers is 80 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood. The LTA wants to reduce that down to 50 mills per 100 and that equates to drinking about half a glass of wine. jim

  6. Things have been way too hectic over the last week or so, but yesterday while in Auckland, I had some time to spend on my self and had two interesting encounters.

    I had decided to check out the new spring fashions in the stores and Gallerias along Queen St in the CBD.I was wearing a dusky pink open collared shirt over a comfy pair of faded blue boot cut jeans and my 4" VS boots (points) for the outing.Because of the slight chill I also had on a dark navy Pierre Cardin sports coat.

    While contemplating the design of a pair of high wedge slides in Scarpa,it took me several moments to realize that the young woman in kitten heels who was now standing next to me, was waiting for a reply to the statement she had just made. I apologised to her for not being attentive and she repeated herself.

    "Those are lovely aren’t they....but I think you would look really good in these." and handed me the 3" closed toe mules she was holding.

    Altho a little overwelmed,I'm never one to let a chance go by so I tossed the ball back by saying she had great taste and that I really liked her choice. As a result we engaged in 10 minutes of very pleasant shoe talk as I tried the mules in my size. She also mentioned it was the ist time she had ever seen a guy in heels but they did not look out of place on me and found my passion for shoes "a little different but very refreshing" (Unlike her boy friend who could not be persuaded to go shoe shopping for love nor money)

    I didn’t buy the shoes in the end and we parted company soon after.

    As I drove North later in the day I couldn't help but smile to myself as I dwelt on this delightfully open minded woman and her up lifting comments.

    On my way home I stopped at Brian and Jean's new house just in time for a barbie and a little too much red wine. While there, Jean proudly showed me a pair of under slung 4" stiletto pumps (by Bronx) she had just bought at Wild Pair for $NZ59. Nice!!

    At mid nite I said good bye and continued my trip home feeling contented but rather knackered.

    At 2 am I was quietly driving thro a deserted Cable Bay when an unmarked patrol car appeared and pulled me over.

    The lone female officer walked up to me stating this stop was for a random breath test and I had to speak my name and address into her analyzer.

    "Failed result Sir, please step out of the vehicle"


    I got out of my Honda and showed her my licence with thoughts of spending the next 12 hours locked in a dirty police cell with half a dozen members of the local Mongrel Mob chapter...


    I didn't think I had consumed anywhere near enough wine to be over the limit but was very relieved to see the words PASSED on the screen after my second attempt.


    As I was getting back into my car she thanked me for my cooperation and hoped I enjoyed the rest of my evening. Pausing for a second or two, I saw her demeanour change as she looked me in the eye. She then flashed me a smile and said..

    "and I love your boots!"

    jim :-?

  7. FFKK...Altho we both have mustaches, I have to say "nope" to your question. I definitely can't take credit for that 'pointer.The guy in the pic is Vic Hislop. My best shark to date was a stick of blue dynamite (mako) waying in at 126 kg.It was a one on one fight and caught out of a 18.5ft tinnie. jim

  8. While I don't have a fetish for them, I do think well kept feet with shaped and polished nails look more than just nice.I do agree with Heelfan in respect to the overall look of the person and what they are wearing, but nice looking feet and nails add the finishing touch. Several years ago I decided to do something about my own and started getting them into shape with professional pedicures, colour on the nails and a bit of extra TLC. What a difference it makes and not only to how I feel!! It's all about balance and harmony I suppose, so instead of detracting from the shoes that I wear, my feet and toes now compliment them nicely. jim

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