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Posts posted by jim

  1. I love a glass of red wine, especially on those cold winter nights when the rain's beating down and it's so dark you can't see you hand in front of your face. To me it’s a real pleasure just to sit back, glass in hand and do nothing more taxing than watch the fire. At the moment it's 23C and rather balmy, but this glass of Jacob's Creek Cab Sav still tastes great. Trouble is I’ve run out of cheese. What a bugger. jim

  2. Yes,Yes,Yes!!... I like the look Gene, infact I like it a lot and it should suit you well. Those items are both simple and stylish in the same breath and look dead set easy to wear. I enjoy dark boots cuts and tops that aren't too busy and those look great! Clothes that don't require a lot of fuss are me 90% of the time and what you have shown is very typical of what I like to wear! :D All I need to do when I want to tart things up abit, is to put on a jacket and I'm good for most things. (Easy peazy!) As far as boots go, I wear square or snipped toed boots (with 4" heels) but have a pair of Via Spiga's with an almond toe and wore these a lot during this years fall/winter. No earrings tho and no makeup either, but I did do points from time to time. :wink: One of my bee hives has swarmed already so we're pushing well into Spring down here and my heavier clothes are being relegated to the back of the closet.These and are being replaced with items that are considerably lighter in colour and wieght, but I still don't have much that’s suitable for the warmer months. This I suppose will have to change or I will be caught short for something nice to wear just when I need it the most. Please do continue to post your vibrant ideas and thoughts on fashion Gene as I enjoy what you and the other members have to say on the matter. Altho I have my own unique style of dress I am always open to new looks and different ways of doing things. (truth be known, I probably need all the help I can get.) :-? rock on jim

  3. Talking about EBay,I found these pumps up for auction a few minutes ago.Altho a bit severe in their styling I do like them alot.

    Couldn't think where I would wear them or for that matter what I would wear them with....but wear them I could. :D

    If I could have my druthers, I would prefer the stiletto heel in black. :-?

    Posted Image

    Trouble is, they want the best part of $US500 for them.. :wink:


  4. My view,stay with what you have.Your current avitar looks good. :-?

    Maybe the problem is that I have become the reality, and what people really want is the fantasy. the illusion. The hint that it could be so it can fire their dreams.

    I think you are right Laurie,I bet some do want a "mystery girl", but that’s just too bad for them..

    I've read most of your posts going back a number of years now and feel you have given me a small glimpse of who you are. Every time you post your thoughts and ideas on this forum, the mists that surround you roll back some, revealing a little more of the real person behind the avatar.

    I believe it takes courage to show our inner selves Laurie, because to do so means we must lay ourselves open to a number of things, some good ( love & acceptance)and some not so good (ridicule & harassment).

    By posting the way you have, you have given to all who care to receive it, a small piece of "who you are" and this is indeed a gift worth much!

    Those who bleat because they want you as a high heeled fantasy or perhaps some exotic mystery women, look but don't see..

    I feel these people have missed out on something rather special, but as for me, I like you just the way you are. :D


  5. I agree,trying the shoes on before buying them is a prerequisite. Shopping for them is a load of fun and trying on different styles and sizes is just part of the whole experience. Besides, there is nothing worse than finding out the shoes you have just bought and paid for don't fit properly. :-? jim

  6. Love the slings Jeff..! Very cool indeed! Lots of style and class at very modest price. I don't own any sling backs but how can I not feel tempted by those beauties. Looking forward to seeing your pics of these when they arrive. jim Btw,what are you going to wear with them ?

  7. Sprint!

    And a wee bit of Bush Poetry to go with your Metamusal Bubba..

    They were funny looking buildings, that were once a way of life,

    If you couldn’t sprint the distance, then you really were in strife.

    They were nailed, they were wired, but were mostly falling down,

    There was one in every yard, in every house, in every town.

    They were given many names, some were even funny,

    But to most of us, we knew them as the outhouse or the dunny.

    I’ve seen some of them all gussied up, with painted doors and all,

    But it really made no difference, they were just a port of call.

    Now my old man would take a bet, he’d lay an even pound,

    That you wouldn’t make the dunny with them turkeys hangin’ round.

    They had so many uses, these buildings out the back,

    You could even hide from mother, so you wouldn’t get the strap.

    That’s why we had good cricketers, or my name isn’t Crump,

    We used the pathway for the wicket and the dunny door for stumps.

    Now my old man would sit for hours, the smell would rot your socks,

    He read the daily back to front in that good old thunderbox.

    And if by chance that nature called sometime through the night,

    You always sent the dog in first, for there was no flamin’ light.

    And the dunny seemed to be the place where crawlies liked to hide,

    But never ever showed themselves until you sat inside.

    There was no such thing as Sorbent, no tissues there at all,

    Just squares of well read newspaper, a hangin’ on the wall.

    If you had some friendly neighbours, as neighbours sometimes are,

    You could sit and chat to them, if you left the door ajar.

    When suddenly you got the urge, and down the track you fled,

    Then of course the magpies were there to pick you on your head.

    Then the time there was a wet, the rain it never stopped,

    If you had an urgent call, you ran between the drops.

    The dunny man came twice a week, to these buildings out the back,

    And he would leave an extra can, if you left for him a zac.

    For those of you who’ve no idea what I mean by a zac,

    Then your too young to have ever had, a dunny out the back.

    For it seems today they call them the bathroom, or the loo,

    If you’ve never had one out the back, then I feel sorry for you.

    For it used to be a way of life, top race along the track,

    To answer natures call, at these buildings out the back.

    By Judy Jenkinson

  8. At this point in time I can think of only 3 words that can adequately do justice to the beautiful and wondrous photos posted in this thread. They were often spoken and made famous by the most influential orator of his time. This man did much to shape my thinking and how I saw the world in my early years....thankfully that stage has long since passed.

    The fellow in question:

    Cheech Marin

    and the words he spoke so well......

    "FAR OUT MAN !" :-?


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