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Posts posted by jim

  1. Very haute couture Julie! Altho probably not a shoe I would wear I definitely like them, especially the minimalist heel cup and rounded toe. I think his shoe allows a tantalising and sexy glimpse of the models heel and arch while the T strap adds that touch of innocence. The red shoe in the top centre pic is really appealing and love the little gap between the top of the models foot and the T strap.. :wink: The only thing I don't like is the so called Heroin Sheik, "thousand yard stare" jim

  2. Using camo colours in fashion is hugely popular thats for sure.As you say YamYam,it suits the young a lot more than those of us out of our twentys.

    I used to wear DPM fatigues as a matter of course and got a real bellyfull of it.I still have my jump smock and wear it on occasion but never as a fashion statement and never with heels.

    Camouflage clothing holds no apeal for me now days so I shall leave it to those who can do it justice. :wink:

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