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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. hey,guys. i am finally getting situated on making the next big jump in bootdom...splurging on a pair of jean gaborit boots. anyone out there have anything they would care to share on the subject,ill or good...i wanna hear it. they are pricey but would dearly love a pair.

  2. one word of warning: the same wind that whispered in her ear for you to do all that can easily return and make her totally turn against the whole heel thing. i dont like stereotypes in general,but one i respect is that a woman can always change her mind. and with that i wish you godspeed and all the luck in the world.

  3. bravo,frodo. your viewpoint is noted. and now for something completely different.... and as for you johnieheel...did any ever tell you that you where a smartass? and i bet your reply was that it was better than being a dumbass....rotflmao....

  4. johnnie heel...i hate you!!...lol...just kidding. sometimes i wish i had a womens size 10 or less so i could collect more boot,but then i would be divorced and living an trailer(my apologies to those living in one...i might be in one some day myself...lol). so its best that i dont have smaller feet. i am a womens size 14 or 15...depending on how the sizing goes. and to answer the question if i did have smaller feet...i would pass on the designer models. i still would like to splurge on a pair of jean gaborits tho...man o shevitz...i would love a pair of those..

  5. i have pair of crotch high 4 inch heel cowboy boots. not from bond,but from champion attitude of el paso. i like them...sometimes i go riding my motorcycle in them. ive gotten many interesting comments and looks while wearing them. they are kind of on the cusp...fetishy,but functional.

  6. i am sorry,but polls like this annoy the hell(and heel) out of me. it seems like a thinly disguised attempt to find a scapegoat/reason for wanting to wear heels. why does one need that? even if any of the listed reasons was valid,what is point at this late date? if the bug has bitten you,your done. and i dont care who's fault it is...what are you gonna do with it now....hide your head in ground like an ostrich or embrace it and get as much enjoyment out of it as you can? now thats the kind of pollcat question i would like to be asked...

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