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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. if you will notice,the hecklers and hooters usually do it from the safety of a pack. they are gutless little peckerwoods on their own but somehow they lose there gutlessness when banded together. ive found the best bet is to confront the leader...he is usually the one who starts the whole thing. once you get him to cower,the rest slick away also. however,depending on the territory and size of the group the best thing might be to beat feet. no use getting killed or maimed for a pair of heels,eh?

  2. i do it because i hate mindless societial rules and protocol. i conform for the most part in the rest of my life,but if i didnt have an outlet my asshole would turn inside out and i would end up looking like DICK cheney. we used to have DICK nixon,but since he passed on,the next best creep had to take his place

  3. I am going out to buy an erector set right now!!!! mwa ha ha ha

    The evil high heel shoe geniuse has his gears turning now... Thanks alot... its all your fault

    those things look like something marquis de sade would have used on yankee air pirates in the hanoi hilton

  4. now before you all target me with gps laser guided munitions...hear me out. i like the way they look...but they are never in my size or more importantly..PRICE RANGE. otherwise i love them to death...and hate the skinny small footed creatures that can wear and afford them.

  5. it can be rush sometimes...the exhibitionist thing. and i am sure the service dude has seen a whole of strange stuff in his day indeed. a bunch of them should get together and write a book,turn it in to movie starring johnny depp. make millions...lol

  6. when you get down to it,they are going to like/love/respect more based on your personal interrelationship with them then on what kind of footwear you prefer. my dad was/and still is an ass and i think he would die first than ever wear any consider nontraditional male attire. so it would have probably been easier for me and brothers if he was a bit "bent" and a little more kind,etc. just a thought....

  7. 9 times out of 10 i will answer in full regalia(total fetish leather). perhaps i can scare a pest away. if its someone i dont want to reveal my "hobby" too,then i dont answer the door. no need to feel uneasy about it later. sort of a risk/analysis exercise,really. as an aside,if i am seen in public wearing my fetish gear by someone i interact with as a "normal" male(i hate the term,but there it is), i make it a point to chat them up like i was running for office,without discussing what i am wearing. ive found that it doesnt usually cause any harm in the long wrong. one friend of my wifes stated to her after such an occasion "that he is such a nice guy,it doesnt matter what he wears".

  8. i like your personal statement. i would add for my own this "and accept the consequences of my actions and preferences." in other words,there is no easy way out. when you make your stand,you are marked..usually for life. if you cant accept this,then you must lurk in the shadows and hide. there is no other way.

  9. most lay people would say female. most of our people in this forum would quiver and waver and split hairs on it. in the end,what does it matter? wear them or dont wear them,that is your real question isnt it?

  10. the general public has no franchise on stupidity in this regard. the press has always been known to be snide when it suits there twisted commercial desires(i.e...drum up sensationalistic garbage...the more untrure the better). so when one of those rags folds up shop i dont cheer,but i cant say that it bothers me all that much

  11. 2000 honda shadow ace tourer 1100 here. all black,just like my fetish leather and boots..lol. ive ridden a few times in my heeled boots,but dont think doing so is all that safe. and between women in minivans talking on cellphones and anyone under 25(too fast and too close) its dangerous enough thank you very much.

  12. some woman asked me that once while was out wearing my fetish boots and leather in public. my answer was this " because i want to". and thats the only reason that i or anyone else needs to offer. if we are getting aquainted over a beer in the bar or something, i might be more forthcoming...but then again,i might not be. depends on my mood i guess. and the realization that just because someone asks a question i do not need to give an answer

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