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Posts posted by LovesHiHeels

  1. I think this happens alot.Your female friend gets a new boyfriend and that is the end of that friendship. One female friend I had and because we used to spend alot of time in the pub I got to know her friends as well. This one friend off hers didn,t have a boyfriend. I turned up to this pub and I said was hello to this friend of hers but she had a new boyfriend. This boyfriend of hers was so jealous that he tried to punch me. All I going to say he came of worse.

  2. I stayed at premier apartments. While there was nothing wrong in staying here, the room was clean and good parking there, I will not be staying there again. I think I found a better place which is closer to the venue, slighter cheaper and has good reviews on the web. Friday night at the meal. We were the only people in the bar wearing heels! There was a group of girls next to us wearing flats. At the heels meet. I had some photos taken of me, which are now in the gallery. Dr Shoe showed us some of his heels and walked in a pair of 7" heels. I did mean to go shoe shopping at some point during the day but was having so much fun at the heel meet that I didnt borther in the end.

  3. I had a great time at this heel meet in Bristol. Got into Bristol on Friday night and went to the Pre heel meet meal at River City Bar. Which is close to where the heel meet was going to be the following day. I wore my 5" T-Straps. About 10 of us turned up for the meal. It was a very busy bar with a group of men watching the England game but none took any notice of us wearing heels. Had a good long chat with other members of this group and we didnt leave to about 1.30 am The heel meet itself was in a private house over looking the marina. I came to the heel meet wearing heels and skirt. Since it was just a 20 yard walk form the private carpark to the venue. I must of worn about 5 differant pairs of heels during the heel meet. These heel meets are always a good chance to try on other heels, talk and meet other heel wearers. I left about 5pm to go home while the others went on a boat trip. Had I not had plans for later today I would of stayed Saturday night as well. Must of been the best heel meet I,ve been on so far. It is always nice to be able to wear your heels and relax, knowing that you are not going to get caught wearing heels. Sometimes when I,m at home I have to be on my guard all the time when wearing heels incase family members come home early. I know that there are members on here that are a bit shy about coming out wearing heals but do want to come to these heels meets but don,t. I,m a very shy guy, but wearing heels is a very big passion of mine. For me to get the most out of this I make the effort to drive 100 odd miles to these heel meets. Since I,ve been doing these heels meets I am getting more out of this passion and making new friends all the time. What I aim saying come to these heel meets. You have nothing to worry about. I would like to thank Davina for hosting us at his place. and Dr Shoe for sorting all this out.

  4. If you want to you could meet up with me sometime on Friday. I be wanting some one to talk to as well. But I do find these WHM are the best for shy people since you will be meeting in a private venue with like minded poeple.

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