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Posts posted by LovesHiHeels

  1. Two new pairs. First pair bought in Westfield and were wearing them about an hour later in Oxford Street. Second pair been wanting them since I saw them on ebay about 6 months ago. Seller had put them up on the listing as a size 9 but infact were a size 6.



  2. In this case, only one of us was street-heeling.

    He received most of the negative attention - mainly within the 'upmarket' shops (Moda-in-Pelle, Dune, etc.)

    As well as the Top Shop episode, I got sniggered at in Dorothy Perkins when I was alone & trying on some shoeboots.

    We all tried things on 'en masse' in Barratts, Schuh & all the department stores with no real reactions from anyone.

    That would of been me wearing the heels then. Apart from the 1 girl in Selfridges I didn,t notice anyone else sniggering at me.

  3. I very much agree wilth what you say there. Once you start wearing skirts out in public you then need to find the right top to go with the skirt, which in my cause it not always easy. There is always going to be people out there that are going to giggle or say rude things to you, no matter how well a man looks in a skirt.

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