When I am looking to see women in heels, I tend to frequent the places where they are apt to be. I live and work in an urban area, where there are loads of large business offices, law firms, insurance companies, banks, etc. I find, that women working in these atmospheres, tend to “dress up” and wear heels, more often, than women working for a small, rural, ma and pa establishment, where everything is more relaxed, and less formal. It’s not uncommon for me to see dozens of women at a time, going to lunch, running errands on their lunch hour, etc., when I too am on my lunch break. Anyone who works in large, professional, office buildings, with hundreds, or even thousands of employees, is bound to be treated to a delightful display of female heel wearing. The same is true (in my experience) for the types of restaurants you frequent. If you hang out at the local fast food joint, or family casual dining venue, I would not expect you to run into too many ladies wearing 4”-5” stilettos. You’ll be met, with loads of “soccer mom’s” instead, racing to get their kids a burger and some fries, between picking them up from school, and shuffling them to their next game. Oh, and those soccer mom’s will most likely be wearing flip-flops or sneakers, NOT a gorgeous pair of Chanel stiletto pumps! If you want to see women in heels, ditch the fast food and casual dining establishments, and dine or get drinks at the after-hours cocktail parties in the more upscale dining establishments. Honestly, if I’m going to spend $25.00 on a fast food “value meal”, and have a low probability of running into women in heels, I’d much rather spend the same $25.00 on an appetizer at the bar of an upscale, swank, restaurant, where the majority of women who are there, are coming straight from work, still dressed well, and wearing heels! In other words, you have to put yourself, where the women wearing heels, are most likely to be! I’ve never had much luck finding women wearing heels, when I’m at the park, at the local take-out pizza joint, or at the ball game. On the other hand, I’ve seen loads of women wearing heels, whenever I frequent classy wine tasting events, upscale dinners and banquets, visiting large, professional office buildings, etc. Most women are not going to get dolled-up, when running errands on their day off, with kids in toe. I’m not saying you won’t see a hot mom occasionally, taking her kid to the dentist, while donning a pair of stilettos, but it’s not as likely as seeing that same woman dressed very well, at the deli next door to her office building, while on her lunch break. She may even be sitting with a couple of her female friends, who are also wearing heels, because they all work for a high- end law firm, and basically need to wear 4” heels daily, for their career. When I want to see exquisitely dressed women, I put myself where exquisitely dressed women are likely to be, and more often than not, they will not be found at WalMart or the local burger hut.